public profile
Ealhswith was a Mercian princess who married Alfred, Anglo-Saxon king of Wessex. She was never called queen and she never witnessed any charters during Alfred’s administration. But she was the mother of illustrious children and she is remembered as “the true and beloved lady of the English”. Ealhswith’s mother was a scholar named Eadburgh who was well known at court. King Burhred of Mercia was invaded by the “Great Army” of Scandinavians and they had camped out near Nottingham. Burhred sent a message to Alfred and Aethelred, appealing for help in the fight. Alfred and Aethelred took their troops to Nottingham and began a siege. This is where Alfred met and wooed Ealhswith. To seal the alliance with Mercia, Alfred and Ealhswith were married. The ceremony took place in the royal vill of Sutton Courtenay. There was feasting and gift-giving that lasted long into the night. But the festivities were interrupted when Alfred fell ill. We don’t really know what the illness was but he seemed to suffer from some intestinal disorder. It was the beginning of an affliction that would last for the rest of his life.
At Christmas in January of 878, the Viking leader Guthrum made a surprise attack on Alfred’s royal palace at Chippenham. Alfred fled with Ealhswith and his family to the rough and desolate island of Athelney in Somerset where they lived for about four months.
While there was relative peace in the kingdom, Ealhswith turned her attention to the establishment of the Nunnaminster (St. Mary’s Abbey) at Winchester. She may have dedicated the land of an urban estate that she owned there for the institution. She was responsible for the four stages of the foundation: construction of the monastic buildings, assembling the group of nuns to inhabit the Nunnaminster, the appointment of the first abbess who was named Aethelthryth and for the provision of the community’s endowment. She was prevented from finishing her project by death but her son Edward the Elder completed the foundation and dedicated his daughter Eadburh as a nun. After Alfred's death in 899, Ealhswith became a nun. She died on 5 December 905, and is buried in St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester, Hampshire. Alfred died on October 26, 899. In his will, he designated that Ealhswith be given one hundred pounds in cash along with two great estates in Berkshire. One was Lambourn and the other was Wantage where Alfred was born. He also gave her his estate at Eddington, the site of his great victory over Guthrum. Alfred was initially buried in the Old Minster at Winchester.
Ealhswith survived Alfred by six years and died on December 5, 905. She was buried in the Old Minster next to Alfred.
Sources: Alfred the Great: Asser’s Life of King Alfred and Other Contemporary Sources
Also ref. History of the Anglo-Saxons (1831) by Sir Francis Palgrave for more details on her husband Alfred the Great.
of, Mercia, , England Död: 5 Dec 905 Family: 1 Alfred King of England, [The Great]
• Ethelfled Princess of England, [Lady/Mercians]
• Edward I King of England, [The Elder]
• Ethelgiva (Edgina) (Ethelgifu), [Prs/England]
• Elfridam (Elstrude) (Aethelryth), [Cts/Flanders]
Ealhswith, Queen of the Anglo-Saxons.
Consort 23 April 871 – 26 October 899 Consort to Alfred the Great
Father Æthelred Mucil
Born c. 852 Mercia Died 5 December 905 (aged 53)
Burial St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester
Occupation Nun
Ealhswith (or Ealswitha) of the Gaini was born c. 852 in Mercia. Her name means "Temple strength".
Her father was Æthelred Mucil, Ealdorman of the Gaini. She was married in 868, to Alfred the Great, king of Wessex. The children of Alfred and Ealhswith included Edward the Elder, later king of Wessex, Ælfthryth, who married Baldwin II, Count of Flanders, and Ethelfleda, who ruled as Lady of the Mercians.
After Alfred's death in 899, Ealhswith became a nun. She died on 5 December 905, and is buried in St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester, Hampshire.
Last Edited=2 Jun 2008
Eahlwið, Princess of Mercia was the daughter of Æthelred 'Mucil', Ealdorman of the Gainas and Eadburga, Princess of Mercia.2
She married Ælfræd, King of Wessex, son of Æðelwulf, King of Wessex and Osburga (?), between 868 and 869.2
She died on 5 December 905 at Winchester, Hampshire, England.2
She was buried at St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester, Hampshire, England.2
Eahlwið, Princess of Mercia gained the title of Princess of Mercia.
She was a nun circa 901 at St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester, Hampshire, England.2
Children of Eahlwið, Princess of Mercia and Ælfræd, King of Wessex
* Æthelgifu (?) d. c 8963
* Ælfthryth, Princess of Wessex+ d. 7 Jun 9294
* Elfleda (?) 4
* Æthelflæd, Queen of Mercia+ b. c 869, d. 12 Jun 9184
* Edmund (?) b. c 8705
* Eadweard I, King of Wessex+ b. c 871, d. 17 Jul 924
* Æthelweard (?)+ b. c 880, d. 26 Oct 9224
1. [S215] Unknown article title, Journal of the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy, Chobham, Surrey, U.K., volume 1, issue 6, page 407. Hereinafter cited as Foundation for Medieval Genealogy.
2. [S11] Alison Weir, Britain's Royal Family: A Complete Genealogy (London, U.K.: The Bodley Head, 1999), page 9. Hereinafter cited as Britain's Royal Family.
3. [S58] E. B. Fryde, D. E. Greenway, S. Porter and I. Roy, editors, Handbook of British Chronology, 3rd edition (London, U.K.: Royal Historical Society, 1986), page 24. Hereinafter cited as Handbook of British Chronology.
4. [S52] G. S. P. Freeman-Grencville, The Queen's Lineage: from A.D. 495 to the Silver Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (London , U.K.: Rex Collings, 1977), page 4. Hereinafter cited as The Queen's Lineage.
5. [S11] Alison Weir, Britain's Royal Family, page 10.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ealhswith http://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ealhswith_av_Mercia
Ealhswith (or Ealswitha) of the Gaini was born c. 852 in Mercia. Her name means "Temple strength".
Her father was Æthelred Mucil, Ealdorman of the Gaini. She was married in 868, to Alfred the Great, king of Wessex. The children of Alfred and Ealhswith included Edward the Elder, later king of Wessex, Ælfthryth, who married Baldwin II, Count of Flanders, and Ethelfleda, who ruled as Lady of the Mercians.
After Alfred's death in 899, Ealhswith became a nun. She died on 5 December 905, and is buried in St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester, Hampshire.
Ealhswith, or Ealswitha, (born c. 852 in Mercia) of the Gaini was the daughter of Æthelred Mucil, Ealdorman of the Gaini. She was married in 868, to Alfred the Great, king of Wessex. The children of Alfred and Ealhswith included Edward the Elder, later king of Wessex, Ælfthryth, who married Baldwin II, Count of Flanders, and Æthelflæd, who ruled as Lady of the Mercians.
After Alfred's death in 899, Ealhswith became a nun. She died on 5 December 905, and is buried in St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester, Hampshire.
Also ref. History of the Anglo-Saxons (1831) by Sir Francis Palgrave for more details on her husband Alfred the Great.
After Alfred's death in 899, Ealhswith became a nun. She died on 5 December 905, and is buried in St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester, Hampshire.
Ealhswith, or Ealswitha, (born c. 852 in Mercia) of the Gaini was the daughter of Æthelred Mucil, Ealdorman of the Gaini. She was married in 868, to Alfred the Great, king of Wessex. The children of Alfred and Ealhswith included Edward the Elder, later king of Wessex, Ælfthryth, who married Baldwin II, Count of Flanders, and Æthelflæd, who ruled as Lady of the Mercians. After Alfred's death in 899, Ealhswith became a nun. She died on 5 December 905, and is buried in St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester, Hampshire. Also ref. History of the Anglo-Saxons (1831) by Sir Francis Palgrave for more details on her husband Alfred the Great. l Date of birth:
* 852 C.E.
Date of death:
* 905 C.E. (age 53 years)
* Queen consort
* , Nun
* , Monarch
* Mercia
Religion: Roman Catholic
Ethnicity: Anglo Saxon Gaini
* Edward the Elder
* Aelfthryth
* Ethelfleda
* Æthelwærd
EALHSWITH2 (Aethelred Mucill of GAINAS1), daughter of (1) Aethelred Mucill1, Earl and Easdberg (of MERCIA), was born between 820 and 855, and died after 1 Jan. 904 in England[1]. She married in 869, (ANZ-16) KING ALFRED THE GREAT OF ENGLAND[3], son of (ANZ-15) King Aethelwulf and (UI-2) Osburga, who was born in 849 in Wantage, Berkshire, England[3], and died on 26 Oct. 899 in England[1]. [4] Children: See (ANZ-16) King Alfred the Great of ENGLAND
1. Swanton, Michael (Translator), "Anglo-Saxon Chronicles" (London: Phoenix Press, 2000). 2. W. H. Turton, "Plantagenet Ancestry" (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1928), 21. 3. Frederick Lewis Weis and Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr., "Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700", 8th ed. (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 2004), (1-14). 4. Ibid., (1-14+).
Anglo-Saxons Anglo-Saxons (or Anglo-Saxon) is the term usually used to describe the invading Germanic tribes in the south and east of Great Britain from the early 5th century AD, and their creation of the English nation, to the Norman conquest of 1066. The...
x Included in group(s):
x Includes group(s):
Gaini The Gaini (or the Gainas) were a tribe or former kingdom of early Anglo-Saxon people, thought to have settled in the area around modern Gainsborough in northern Lincolnshire during the 6th century. Although originally located within the Kingdom of...
Smyth says died 902. Became a nun at widowhood. R eputed as a saint after death.
GIVN Ethelswida (Alswitha), Queen of SURN En gland AFN 8HS0-4G DATE 10 SEP 2000 TIME 07:04:29
TITL pennington.FTW REP O CALN MEDI Other PAGE Tree #1222 DATA TEXT Date of Import: Aug 19, 1997 TITL pennington.FTW REPO CALN MEDI Other PAGE Tree #1222 DATA TEXT Date o f Import: Aug 19, 1997 TITL pennington.FTW REPO CALN MEDI Other PAGE Tree #1222 DATA TEXT Date of Import: Aug 19, 1997 _FA7 PLAC Became a nun at wido whood TITL pennington.FTW REPO CALN MEDI Other PAGE Tree #1222 DATA TEXT Date of Import: Aug 19, 1997 TITL pennington.FTW REPO CALN MEDI Other PAG E Tree #1222 DATA TEXT Date of Import: Aug 19, 1997
TITL pennington.FTW R EPO CALN MEDI Other PAGE Tree #1222 DATA TEXT Date of Import: Aug 19, 1997 TITL pennington.FTW REPO CALN MEDI Other PAGE Tree #1222 DATA TEXT Date of Import: Aug 19, 1997 TITL pennington.FTW REPO CALN MEDI Other PAGE Tre e #1222 DATA TEXT Date of Import: Aug 19, 1997 _FA7 PLAC Became a nun at wi dowhood TITL pennington.FTW REPO CALN MEDI Other PAGE Tree #1222 DATA TE XT Date of Import: Aug 19, 1997 TITL pennington.FTW REPO CALN MEDI Other P AGE Tree #1222 DATA TEXT Date of Import: Aug 19, 1997
TITL tree1.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 20, 1999 TITL tree1.ged RE PO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 20, 1999 TITL tree1.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 20, 1999
OCCU of Merc ia ... SOUR Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 171, 174; HAWKINS.G ED says ABT 852; members.aol.com/sargen3 says ABT 852; SOUR HAWKINS.GED says 5 Dec 905; GWALTNEY.ANC (Compuserve) 2032179329 says 902; Royalty for Commone rs, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 171, 174 says 904 SOUR COMYNI.GED (Compuserve); SO UR Anglo-Saxon England, Frank Stenton; COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve Roots), p. 4; R oyalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 171; of Mercia; Founded the Nuns' minster at Winchester - Anglo-Saxon England, Sir Frank Stenton, p. 445; Somet imes spelled Ealswith - COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve Room), p. 4; Sometimes called E thelbith -Americans of Royal Descent, Charles H Browning, p. 172; Sometimes sp elled AElswith - COMYNR.TAF (Compuserve Roots), 2; of the Gaini, of Gainsborou g - COMYNI.GED (Compuserve); Ethelswida - www.rootsweb.com/gumby
OCCU of Me rcia ... SOUR Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 171, 174; HAWKINS .GED says ABT 852; members.aol.com/sargen3 says ABT 852; SOUR HAWKINS.GED say s 5 Dec 905; GWALTNEY.ANC (Compuserve) 2032179329 says 902; Royalty for Commo ners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 171, 174 says 904 SOUR COMYNI.GED (Compuserve); SOUR Anglo-Saxon England, Frank Stenton; COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve Roots), p. 4; Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 171; of Mercia; Founded the Nun s' minster at Winchester - Anglo-Saxon England, Sir Frank Stenton, p. 445; Som etimes spelled Ealswith - COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve Room), p. 4; Sometimes called Ethelbith -Americans of Royal Descent, Charles H Browning, p. 172; Sometimes spelled AElswith - COMYNR.TAF (Compuserve Roots), 2; of the Gaini, of Gainsbor oug - COMYNI.GED (Compuserve); Ethelswida - www.rootsweb.com/gumby
OCCU of Mercia ... SOUR Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 171, 174; HAWKI NS.GED says ABT 852; members.aol.com/sargen3 says ABT 852; SOUR HAWKINS.GED s ays 5 Dec 905; GWALTNEY.ANC (Compuserve) 2032179329 says 902; Royalty for Com moners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 171, 174 says 904 SOUR COMYNI.GED (Compuserve); SOUR Anglo-Saxon England, Frank Stenton; COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve Roots), p. 4 ; Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 171; of Mercia; Founded the N uns' minster at Winchester - Anglo-Saxon England, Sir Frank Stenton, p. 445; S ometimes spelled Ealswith - COMYN4.TAF (CompuservSmyth says died 902. Became a nun at widowhood. Reputed as a saint after death.
GIVN Ethelswida (Alswitha), Queen of SURN England AFN 8HS0-4G DATE 10 SE P 2000 TIME 07:04:29
TITL pennington.FTW REPO CALN MEDI Other PAGE Tree #1222 DATA TEXT Date of Import: Aug 19, 1997 TITL pennington.FTW REPO CAL N MEDI Other PAGE Tree #1222 DATA TEXT Date of Import: Aug 19, 1997 TITL p ennington.FTW REPO CALN MEDI Other PAGE Tree #1222 DATA TEXT Date of Impo rt: Aug 19, 1997 _FA7 PLAC Became a nun at widowhood TITL pennington.FTW RE PO CALN MEDI Other PAGE Tree #1222 DATA TEXT Date of Import: Aug 19, 1997 TITL pennington.FTW REPO CALN MEDI Other PAGE Tree #1222 DATA TEXT Date of Import: Aug 19, 1997
TITL pennington.FTW REPO CALN MEDI Other PAGE Tr ee #1222 DATA TEXT Date of Import: Aug 19, 1997 TITL pennington.FTW REPO C ALN MEDI Other PAGE Tree #1222 DATA TEXT Date of Import: Aug 19, 1997 TITL pennington.FTW REPO CALN MEDI Other PAGE Tree #1222 DATA TEXT Date of Im port: Aug 19, 1997 _FA7 PLAC Became a nun at widowhood TITL pennington.FTW REPO CALN MEDI Other PAGE Tree #1222 DATA TEXT Date of Import: Aug 19, 199 7 TITL pennington.FTW REPO CALN MEDI Other PAGE Tree #1222 DATA TEXT Dat e of Import: Aug 19, 1997
TITL tree1.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 20, 1999 TITL tree1.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TE XT Date of Import: Oct 20, 1999 TITL tree1.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 20, 1999
OCCU of Mercia ... SOUR Royalty for Commo ners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 171, 174; HAWKINS.GED says ABT 852; members.aol. com/sargen3 says ABT 852; SOUR HAWKINS.GED says 5 Dec 905; GWALTNEY.ANC (Comp userve) 2032179329 says 902; Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 171 , 174 says 904 SOUR COMYNI.GED (Compuserve); SOUR Anglo-Saxon England, Frank Stenton; COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve Roots), p. 4; Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 171; of Mercia; Founded the Nuns' minster at Winchester - Anglo -Saxon England, Sir Frank Stenton, p. 445; Sometimes spelled Ealswith - COMYN4 .TAF (Compuserve Room), p. 4; Sometimes called Ethelbith -Americans of Royal D escent, Charles H Browning, p. 172; Sometimes spelled AElswith - COMYNR.TAF (C ompuserve Roots), 2; of the Gaini, of Gainsboroug - COMYNI.GED (Compuserve); E thelswida - www.rootsweb.com/gumby
OCCU of Mercia ... SOUR Royalty for Com moners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 171, 174; HAWKINS.GED says ABT 852; members.ao l.com/sargen3 says ABT 852; SOUR HAWKINS.GED says 5 Dec 905; GWALTNEY.ANC (Co mpuserve) 2032179329 says 902; Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 1 71, 174 says 904 SOUR COMYNI.GED (Compuserve); SOUR Anglo-Saxon England, Fran k Stenton; COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve Roots), p. 4; Royalty for Commoners, Roderi ck W. Stuart, p. 171; of Mercia; Founded the Nuns' minster at Winchester - Ang lo-Saxon England, Sir Frank Stenton, p. 445; Sometimes spelled Ealswith - COMY N4.TAF (Compuserve Room), p. 4; Sometimes called Ethelbith -Americans of Royal Descent, Charles H Browning, p. 172; Sometimes spelled AElswith - COMYNR.TAF (Compuserve Roots), 2; of the Gaini, of Gainsboroug - COMYNI.GED (Compuserve); Ethelswida - www.rootsweb.com/gumby
OCCU of Mercia ... SOUR Royalty for C ommoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 171, 174; HAWKINS.GED says ABT 852; members. aol.com/sargen3 says ABT 852; SOUR HAWKINS.GED says 5 Dec 905; GWALTNEY.ANC ( Compuserve) 2032179329 says 902; Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 171, 174 says 904 SOUR COMYNI.GED (Compuserve); SOUR Anglo-Saxon England, Fr ank Stenton; COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve Roots), p. 4; Royalty for Commoners, Rode rick W. Stuart, p. 171; of Mercia; Founded the Nuns' minster at Winchester - A nglo-Saxon England, Sir Frank Stenton, p. 445; Sometimes spelled Ealswith - CO MYN4.TAF (Compuserve Room), p. 4; Sometimes called Ethelbith -Americans of Roy al Descent, Charles H Browning, p. 172; Sometime Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen Of Wessex The title of queen again lapsed until the r eign of Edgar. EvenAlfred the Greats wife Ealswith, was never apparentlyconsec rated queen. Their details however are provided here forcompleteness.
The information in this GEDCOM has been compiled by David Lovegrove. Contact him at dlovegrove@cheerful.com. Parents: . Parents: . Parents: . Parents: . Parents: . Parents: Ethelred Mucil Eald GAINAI and Edburga FADBURN. Parents: Earl Of Mercia Aethelred II MUCIL and Eadburga OF MERCIA. Parents: ATHELRED and Lady Of Mercia EADBURH. Parents: . Spouse: West Saxon King Of Alfred ENGLAND. West Saxon King Of Alfred ENGLAND and Queen Of Ethelswida ENGLAND were married in 868 in Winchester, Dorset, England.104,493,494 CSTA @C7@
Ealhswith, or Ealswitha, (born c. 852 in Mercia) of the Gaini was the daughter of Æthelred Mucil, Ealdorman of the Gaini. She was married in 868, to Alfred the Great, king of Wessex. The children of Alfred and Ealhswith included Edward the Elder, later king of Wessex, Ælfthryth, who married Baldwin II, Count of Flanders, and Æthelflæd, who ruled as Lady of the Mercians. After Alfred's death in 899, Ealhswith became a nun. She died on 5 December 905, and is buried in St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester, Hampshire. Also ref. History of the Anglo-Saxons (1831) by Sir Francis Palgrave for more details on her husband Alfred the Great.
Eahlwið, Princess of Mercia was the daughter of Æthelred 'Mucil', Ealdorman of the Gainas and Eadburga, Princess of Mercia. (2) She married Ælfræd, King of Wessex, son of Æðelwulf, King of Wessex and Osburga (?), between 868 and 869. (2) She died on 5 December 905 at Winchester, Hampshire, England. (2) She was buried at St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester, Hampshire, England. (2)
Eahlwið, Princess of Mercia gained the title of Princess of Mercia. She was a nun circa 901 at St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester, Hampshire, England. (2) Children of Eahlwið, Princess of Mercia and Ælfræd, King of Wessex -1. Æthelgifu (?) d. c 896 (3) -2. Ælfthryth, Princess of Wessex+ d. 7 Jun 929 (4) -3. Elfleda (?) (4) -4. Æthelflæd, Queen of Mercia+ b. c 869, d. 12 Jun 918 (4) -5. Edmund (?) b. c 870 (5) -6. Eadweard I, King of Wessex+ b. c 871, d. 17 Jul 924 -7. Æthelweard (?)+ b. c 880, d. 26 Oct 922 (4)
Forrás / Source: http://www.thepeerage.com/p10261.htm#i102607
From www.wikipedia.org at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ealhswith
Barn: Elfrieda av Frankrike (~ 868 till 929) Edvard "den äldre" av England (~ 869 till 924)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ealhswith Ealhswith, or Ealswitha, (born c. 852 in Mercia, died 905) of the Gaini was the daughter of Æthelred Mucil, Ealdorman of the Gaini. She was married in 868, to Alfred the Great, king of Wessex. The children of Alfred and Ealhswith included :
* Edward the Elder, later king of Wessex,
* Ælfthryth, who married Baldwin II, Count of Flanders,
* Æthelflæd, who ruled as Lady of the Mercians.
After Alfred's death in 899, Ealhswith became a nun. She died on 5 December 905, and is buried in St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester, Hampshire.
Also ref. History of the Anglo-Saxons (1831) by Sir Francis Palgrave for more details on her husband Alfred the Great.
Ealhswith Queen of the Anglo-Saxons Tenure 23 April 871 – 26 October 899 Spouse Alfred the Great Issue Ælfthryth Æthelflæd Æthelgifu Edward the Elder Æthelweard Father Æthelred Mucil Mother Eadburh Born c. 852 Mercia Died 5 December 905 (aged 53) Burial St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester Occupation Nun
Ealhswith, or Ealswitha, (born c. 852 in Mercia) of the Gaini was the daughter of Æthelred Mucil, Ealdorman of the Gaini. She was married in 868, to Alfred the Great, king of Wessex. The children of Alfred and Ealhswith included Edward the Elder, later king of Wessex, Ælfthryth, who married Baldwin II, Count of Flanders, and Ethelfleda, who ruled as Lady of the Mercians.
After Alfred's death in 899, Ealhswith became a nun. She died on 5 December 905, and is buried in St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester, Hampshire.
Also ref. History of the Anglo-Saxons (1831) by Sir Francis Palgrave for more details on her husband Alfred the Great.
Ealhswith From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Ealhswith Queen of the Anglo-Saxons[dubious – discuss] (more...) Consort 23 April 871 – 26 October 899 Consort to Alfred the Great Issue Ælfthryth Ethelfleda Ethelgiva Edward the Elder Æthelwærd Royal house House of Wessex Father Æthelred Mucil Born c. 852 Mercia Died 5 December 905 (aged 53) Burial St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester Occupation Nun
Ealhswith (or Ealswitha) of the Gaini was born c. 852 in Mercia. Her name means "Temple strength".
Her father was Æthelred Mucil, Ealdorman of the Gaini. She was married in 868, to Alfred the Great, king of Wessex. The children of Alfred and Ealhswith included Edward the Elder, later king of Wessex, Ælfthryth, who married Baldwin II, Count of Flanders, and Ethelfleda, who ruled as Lady of the Mercians.
After Alfred's death in 899, Ealhswith became a nun. She died on 5 December 905, and is buried in St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester, Hampshire.
Also ref. History of the Anglo-Saxons (1831) by Sir Francis Palgrave for more details on her husband Alfred the Great.
[edit] See also
* House of Wessex family tree
Ealhswith was born in 0852 in Mercia, Britian. Ealhswith's father was Æthelred Mucil. She was an only child. She died at the age of 53 on December 5th, 0905. Her burial was in St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester, England.
Her father was Æthelred Mucil, Ealdorman of the Gaini. She was married in 868, to Alfred the Great, king of Wessex. The children of Alfred and Ealhswith included Edward the Elder, later king of Wessex, Ælfthryth, who married Baldwin II, Count of Flanders, and Ethelfleda, who ruled as Lady of the Mercians.
After Alfred's death in 899, Ealhswith became a nun. She died on 5 December 905, and is buried in St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester, Hampshire.
Also ref. History of the Anglo-Saxons (1831) by Sir Francis Palgrave for more details on her husband Alfred the Great.
After Alfred's death in 899, Ealhswith became a nun. She died on 5 December 905, and is buried in St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester, Hampshire.
Also ref. History of the Anglo-Saxons (1831) by Sir Francis Palgrave for more details on her husband Alfred the Great.
Her father was Æthelred Mucil, Ealdorman of the Gaini. She was married in 868, to Alfred the Great, king of Wessex. The children of Alfred and Ealhswith included Edward the Elder, later king of Wessex, Ælfthryth, who married Baldwin II, Count of Flanders, and Ethelfleda, who ruled as Lady of the Mercians. After Alfred's death in 899, Ealhswith became a nun. She died on 5 December 905, and is buried in St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester, Hampshire.
Hun tilhørte gainerne, en folkegruppe fra Mercia. Hennes mor var Eadburga Saxe-Mercia, og faren var Ethelred Mucil, ealdorman for gainerne.
Ealhswith og Alfred fikk fem eller seks barn, deriblant sønnen Edvard og datteren Ethelfleda av Mercia. Datteren ble dronning av Mercia.
Etter Alfreds død i 899 gikk Ealhswith i kloster. Hun døde 5. desember 905, og ble gravlagt i St. Mary's Abbey i Winchester, Hampshire.
Ealhswith (or Ealswitha) of the Gaini was born c. 852 in Mercia. Her name means "Temple strength".
Her father was Æthelred Mucil, Ealdorman of the Gaini. She was married in 868, to Alfred the Great, king of Wessex. The children of Alfred and Ealhswith included Edward the Elder, later king of Wessex, Ælfthryth, who married Baldwin II, Count of Flanders, and Ethelfleda, who ruled as Lady of the Mercians.
After Alfred's death in 899, Ealhswith became a nun. She died on 5 December 905, and is buried in St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester, Hampshire.
Alfred the Great, King West Saxons, b. 849, married to Ealhswith of the Gaini. (Källa: Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, Hull, England)
Barn: Edvard I av ENGLAND (869 - 924) Elfrieda av FRANKRIKE (868 - 929)
Källor 1) Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, Hull, England 2) Tore Nygaard, Linköping
Senast uppdaterad 010604
Her father was Æthelred Mucil, Ealdorman of the Gaini. She was married in 868, to Alfred the Great, king of Wessex. The children of Alfred and Ealhswith included Edward the Elder, later king of Wessex, Ælfthryth, who married Baldwin II, Count of Flanders, and Ethelfleda, who ruled as Lady of the Mercians.
After Alfred's death in 899, Ealhswith became a nun. She died on 5 December 905, and is buried in St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester, Hampshire.
Also ref. History of the Anglo-Saxons (1831) by Sir Francis Palgrave for more details on her husband Alfred the Great.
BOOKS Barber Grandparents: 125 Kings, 143 Generations, Ted Butler Bernard and Gertrude Barber Bernard, 1978, McKinney TX, p75:"287S Alfred The Great', King of England, (S of 279, F of 297); fought against Danish invaders, finally defeating them at the Battle of Ethandun; secured peace at the Treaty of Wedmore; author of many desirable reforms; considered the most deserving of the appelation of
The Great' of all kings bearing that title; married Ealswith in 868; died in 901."
Kings and Queens of Great Britain, Genealogical Chart, Anne Taute and Romilly Squire, Taute, 1990: "Ealhswyth Daughter of Aethelred Mucil, Ealdorman of the Gainai, married Alfred The Great King of England, Died 905."
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1981, Macropaedia, Vol I, p486, Alfred the Great of Wessex: "...in 867 Alfred married Ealhswith, descended through her mother from Mercian kings..."
The Oxford Book of Royal Anecdotes, Elizabeth Longford, 1991, Oxford Univ Press, pxviii: "Saxons and Danes Genealogy: Alfred mar Ealhswith (d. 904)".
ANCESTRAL FILE Ancestral File 8HS0-4G Born Abt 851, Ver 4.10 Born Abt 852 Mercia England Died 5 Dec 905.
BOOKS Barber Grandparents: 125 Kings, 143 Generations, Ted Butler Bernard and Gertrude Barber Bernard, 1978, McKinney TX, p75:"287S Alfred The Great', King of England, (S of 279, F of 297); fought against Danish invaders, finally defeating them at the Battle of Ethandun; secured peace at the Treaty of Wedmore; author of many desirable reforms; considered the most deserving of the appelation of
The Great' of all kings bearing that title; married Ealswith in 868; died in 901."
Kings and Queens of Great Britain, Genealogical Chart, Anne Taute and Romilly Squire, Taute, 1990: "Ealhswyth Daughter of Aethelred Mucil, Ealdorman of the Gainai, married Alfred The Great King of England, Died 905."
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1981, Macropaedia, Vol I, p486, Alfred the Great of Wessex: "...in 867 Alfred married Ealhswith, descended through her mother from Mercian kings..."
The Oxford Book of Royal Anecdotes, Elizabeth Longford, 1991, Oxford Univ Press, pxviii: "Saxons and Danes Genealogy: Alfred mar Ealhswith (d. 904)".
ANCESTRAL FILE Ancestral File 8HS0-4G Born Abt 851, Ver 4.10 Born Abt 852 Mercia England Died 5 Dec 905.
Ealhswith or Ealswitha, (born c. 852 in Mercia, died 905) of the Gaini was the daughter of Æthelred Mucil, Ealdorman of the Gaini. She was married in 868, to Alfred the Great, king of Wessex.
lineally descended from Crioda, 1st Earl of Mercia, who died in 594. Wurts reports that Ealhswith, daughter of Ethelan, Earl of Mercia, descended through Crioda, 1st Earl of Mercia
Imagination suggests that the legendary daughter of the Gainis chieftains to be a very attractive lady with blonde hair and blue eyes. However, history has not been kind to recording factual details of this fascinating point in time and therefore for many years verification of this detail has not been possible.
According to Phillipa Stevens at Winchester Libraries, Elswitha could not have been unattractive, as females born to the ruling classes were often primarily groomed to marry the males of neighbouring tribes to create allies. If a tribesman's daughter developed as physically unattractive they were often hidden away in those dark ages. Elswitha, however, did not simply attract another eligible local chieftain though; she was to marry the King of England.
In 868 Alfred of Wessex married Elswitha Mucil, daughter of the elderman of the Gainis in the old town, and she became his Queen Consort. Alfred who is reputed to be one of the greatest of all English Kings, was given this the highest of all accolades by his people and will be forever remembered in history as Alfred "The Great". According to royal genealogy, Alfred and Elswitha had three surviving children, Ethelfled Lady of the Mercians, Elthrith who married Baldwin II, Count of Flanders, (five generations later Matilda of Flanders married William the Conqueror), and Edward the Elder who succeeded Alfred the Great who died in 899. Elswitha died in 902. Today there exists Elswitha Hall, which was the birthplace of another famous character - Sir Halford Mackinder, the building was named to honour the Queen from Gainsborough. Our present sovereign, Queen Elizabeth II, is a 35th generation descendant of this royal dynasty.
According to Phillipa Stevens at Winchester Libraries, Elswitha could not have been unattractive, as females born to the ruling classes were often primarily groomed to marry the males of neighbouring tribes to create allies. If a tribesman's daughter developed as physically unattractive they were often hidden away in those dark ages. Elswitha, however, did not simply attract another eligible local chieftain though; she was to marry the King of England.
In 868 Alfred of Wessex married Elswitha Mucil, daughter of the elderman of the Gainis in the old town, and she became his Queen Consort. Alfred who is reputed to be one of the greatest of all English Kings, was given this the highest of all accolades by his people and will be forever remembered in history as Alfred "The Great". According to royal genealogy, Alfred and Elswitha had three surviving children, Ethelfled Lady of the Mercians, Elthrith who married Baldwin II, Count of Flanders, (five generations later Matilda of Flanders married William the Conqueror), and Edward the Elder who succeeded Alfred the Great who died in 899. Elswitha died in 902. Today there exists Elswitha Hall, which was the birthplace of another famous character - Sir Halford Mackinder, the building was named to honour the Queen from Gainsborough. Our present sovereign, Queen Elizabeth II, is a 35th generation descendant of this royal dynasty.
She married Ælfræd, King of Wessex, son of Æðelwulf, King of Wessex and Osburga (?), between 868 and 869.
She gained the title of Princess of Mercia. She was a nun circa 901 at St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester, Hampshire, England. Children of Eahlwið, Princess of Mercia and Ælfræd, King of Wessex:
* Æthelgifu (?) d. c 896
Ealhswith, or Ealswitha, (born c. 852 in Mercia) of the Gaini was the daughter of Æthelred Mucil, Ealdorman of the Gaini. She was married in 868, to Alfred the Great, king of Wessex. The children of Alfred and Ealhswith included Edward the Elder, later king of Wessex, Ælfthryth, who married Baldwin II, Count of Flanders, and Æthelflæd, who ruled as Lady of the Mercians.
After Alfred's death in 899, Ealhswith became a nun. She died on 5 December 905, and is buried in St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester, Hampshire.
Also ref. History of the Anglo-Saxons (1831) by Sir Francis Palgrave for more details on her husband Alfred the Great. -------------------- Född: Abt 852
of, Mercia, , England Död: 5 Dec 905 Family: 1 Alfred King of England, [The Great]
Children: • Ethelfled Princess of England, [Lady/Mercians] • Edward I King of England, [The Elder] • Ethelgiva (Edgina) (Ethelgifu), [Prs/England] • Elfridam (Elstrude) (Aethelryth), [Cts/Flanders]
Consort 23 April 871 – 26 October 899 Consort to Alfred the Great
Father Æthelred Mucil
Born c. 852 Mercia Died 5 December 905 (aged 53)
Burial St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester
Occupation Nun
Ealhswith (or Ealswitha) of the Gaini was born c. 852 in Mercia. Her name means "Temple strength".
Her father was Æthelred Mucil, Ealdorman of the Gaini. She was married in 868, to Alfred the Great, king of Wessex. The children of Alfred and Ealhswith included Edward the Elder, later king of Wessex, Ælfthryth, who married Baldwin II, Count of Flanders, and Ethelfleda, who ruled as Lady of the Mercians.
After Alfred's death in 899, Ealhswith became a nun. She died on 5 December 905, and is buried in St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester, Hampshire.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ealhswith -------------------- Eahlwið, Princess of Mercia1 d. 5 December 905 thePeerage.com
Last Edited=2 Jun 2008
Eahlwið, Princess of Mercia was the daughter of Æthelred 'Mucil', Ealdorman of the Gainas and Eadburga, Princess of Mercia.2 She married Ælfræd, King of Wessex, son of Æðelwulf, King of Wessex and Osburga (?), between 868 and 869.2
She died on 5 December 905 at Winchester, Hampshire, England.2
She was buried at St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester, Hampshire, England.2
Eahlwið, Princess of Mercia gained the title of Princess of Mercia.
She was a nun circa 901 at St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester, Hampshire, England.2
Children of Eahlwið, Princess of Mercia and Ælfræd, King of Wessex
1. [S215] Unknown article title, Journal of the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy, Chobham, Surrey, U.K., volume 1, issue 6, page 407. Hereinafter cited as Foundation for Medieval Genealogy. 2. [S11] Alison Weir, Britain's Royal Family: A Complete Genealogy (London, U.K.: The Bodley Head, 1999), page 9. Hereinafter cited as Britain's Royal Family. 3. [S58] E. B. Fryde, D. E. Greenway, S. Porter and I. Roy, editors, Handbook of British Chronology, 3rd edition (London, U.K.: Royal Historical Society, 1986), page 24. Hereinafter cited as Handbook of British Chronology. 4. [S52] G. S. P. Freeman-Grencville, The Queen's Lineage: from A.D. 495 to the Silver Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (London , U.K.: Rex Collings, 1977), page 4. Hereinafter cited as The Queen's Lineage. 5. [S11] Alison Weir, Britain's Royal Family, page 10.
Ealhswith (or Ealswitha) of the Gaini was born c. 852 in Mercia. Her name means "Temple strength".
Her father was Æthelred Mucil, Ealdorman of the Gaini. She was married in 868, to Alfred the Great, king of Wessex. The children of Alfred and Ealhswith included Edward the Elder, later king of Wessex, Ælfthryth, who married Baldwin II, Count of Flanders, and Ethelfleda, who ruled as Lady of the Mercians.
After Alfred's death in 899, Ealhswith became a nun. She died on 5 December 905, and is buried in St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester, Hampshire.
Ealhswith, or Ealswitha, (born c. 852 in Mercia) of the Gaini was the daughter of Æthelred Mucil, Ealdorman of the Gaini. She was married in 868, to Alfred the Great, king of Wessex. The children of Alfred and Ealhswith included Edward the Elder, later king of Wessex, Ælfthryth, who married Baldwin II, Count of Flanders, and Æthelflæd, who ruled as Lady of the Mercians.
After Alfred's death in 899, Ealhswith became a nun. She died on 5 December 905, and is buried in St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester, Hampshire.
Also ref. History of the Anglo-Saxons (1831) by Sir Francis Palgrave for more details on her husband Alfred the Great. -------------------- Ealhswith, or Ealswitha, (born c. 852 in Mercia) of the Gaini was the daughter of Æthelred Mucil, Ealdorman of the Gaini. She was married in 868, to Alfred the Great, king of Wessex. The children of Alfred and Ealhswith included Edward the Elder, later king of Wessex, Ælfthryth, who married Baldwin II, Count of Flanders, and Æthelflæd, who ruled as Lady of the Mercians.
After Alfred's death in 899, Ealhswith became a nun. She died on 5 December 905, and is buried in St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester, Hampshire.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ealhswith --------------------
Ealhswith, or Ealswitha, (born c. 852 in Mercia) of the Gaini was the daughter of Æthelred Mucil, Ealdorman of the Gaini. She was married in 868, to Alfred the Great, king of Wessex. The children of Alfred and Ealhswith included Edward the Elder, later king of Wessex, Ælfthryth, who married Baldwin II, Count of Flanders, and Æthelflæd, who ruled as Lady of the Mercians. After Alfred's death in 899, Ealhswith became a nun. She died on 5 December 905, and is buried in St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester, Hampshire. Also ref. History of the Anglo-Saxons (1831) by Sir Francis Palgrave for more details on her husband Alfred the Great. l Date of birth:
Ethnicity: Anglo Saxon Gaini
1. Swanton, Michael (Translator), "Anglo-Saxon Chronicles" (London: Phoenix Press, 2000). 2. W. H. Turton, "Plantagenet Ancestry" (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1928), 21. 3. Frederick Lewis Weis and Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr., "Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700", 8th ed. (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 2004), (1-14). 4. Ibid., (1-14+).
Anglo-Saxons Anglo-Saxons (or Anglo-Saxon) is the term usually used to describe the invading Germanic tribes in the south and east of Great Britain from the early 5th century AD, and their creation of the English nation, to the Norman conquest of 1066. The...
x Included in group(s):
English x Includes group(s):
Saxons, Angles Gaini The Gaini (or the Gainas) were a tribe or former kingdom of early Anglo-Saxon people, thought to have settled in the area around modern Gainsborough in northern Lincolnshire during the 6th century. Although originally located within the Kingdom of... -------------------- Queen Of Ethelswida ENGLAND7,10,14,27,33,64,102,103,104,113,115,117,163,342,493,494,495,530 was born about 852 in Mercia, Saxony, England.493,494 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] She died on 5 Dec 905 in St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester, Dorset, England.104,493,494 She was buried about 1112 in Winchester Cathedral, London, England. She was also known as Alswitha. She was christened in Mercia - Dtr Of Athelred. Name Suffix:<NSFX> Queen Of Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 8HS0-4G !Name: also E alhswith !Death: also 904
Smyth says died 902. Became a nun at widowhood. R eputed as a saint after death.
GIVN Ethelswida (Alswitha), Queen of SURN En gland AFN 8HS0-4G DATE 10 SEP 2000 TIME 07:04:29
TITL pennington.FTW REP O CALN MEDI Other PAGE Tree #1222 DATA TEXT Date of Import: Aug 19, 1997 TITL pennington.FTW REPO CALN MEDI Other PAGE Tree #1222 DATA TEXT Date o f Import: Aug 19, 1997 TITL pennington.FTW REPO CALN MEDI Other PAGE Tree #1222 DATA TEXT Date of Import: Aug 19, 1997 _FA7 PLAC Became a nun at wido whood TITL pennington.FTW REPO CALN MEDI Other PAGE Tree #1222 DATA TEXT Date of Import: Aug 19, 1997 TITL pennington.FTW REPO CALN MEDI Other PAG E Tree #1222 DATA TEXT Date of Import: Aug 19, 1997
TITL pennington.FTW R EPO CALN MEDI Other PAGE Tree #1222 DATA TEXT Date of Import: Aug 19, 1997 TITL pennington.FTW REPO CALN MEDI Other PAGE Tree #1222 DATA TEXT Date of Import: Aug 19, 1997 TITL pennington.FTW REPO CALN MEDI Other PAGE Tre e #1222 DATA TEXT Date of Import: Aug 19, 1997 _FA7 PLAC Became a nun at wi dowhood TITL pennington.FTW REPO CALN MEDI Other PAGE Tree #1222 DATA TE XT Date of Import: Aug 19, 1997 TITL pennington.FTW REPO CALN MEDI Other P AGE Tree #1222 DATA TEXT Date of Import: Aug 19, 1997
TITL tree1.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 20, 1999 TITL tree1.ged RE PO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 20, 1999 TITL tree1.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 20, 1999
OCCU of Merc ia ... SOUR Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 171, 174; HAWKINS.G ED says ABT 852; members.aol.com/sargen3 says ABT 852; SOUR HAWKINS.GED says 5 Dec 905; GWALTNEY.ANC (Compuserve) 2032179329 says 902; Royalty for Commone rs, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 171, 174 says 904 SOUR COMYNI.GED (Compuserve); SO UR Anglo-Saxon England, Frank Stenton; COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve Roots), p. 4; R oyalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 171; of Mercia; Founded the Nuns' minster at Winchester - Anglo-Saxon England, Sir Frank Stenton, p. 445; Somet imes spelled Ealswith - COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve Room), p. 4; Sometimes called E thelbith -Americans of Royal Descent, Charles H Browning, p. 172; Sometimes sp elled AElswith - COMYNR.TAF (Compuserve Roots), 2; of the Gaini, of Gainsborou g - COMYNI.GED (Compuserve); Ethelswida - www.rootsweb.com/gumby
OCCU of Me rcia ... SOUR Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 171, 174; HAWKINS .GED says ABT 852; members.aol.com/sargen3 says ABT 852; SOUR HAWKINS.GED say s 5 Dec 905; GWALTNEY.ANC (Compuserve) 2032179329 says 902; Royalty for Commo ners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 171, 174 says 904 SOUR COMYNI.GED (Compuserve); SOUR Anglo-Saxon England, Frank Stenton; COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve Roots), p. 4; Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 171; of Mercia; Founded the Nun s' minster at Winchester - Anglo-Saxon England, Sir Frank Stenton, p. 445; Som etimes spelled Ealswith - COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve Room), p. 4; Sometimes called Ethelbith -Americans of Royal Descent, Charles H Browning, p. 172; Sometimes spelled AElswith - COMYNR.TAF (Compuserve Roots), 2; of the Gaini, of Gainsbor oug - COMYNI.GED (Compuserve); Ethelswida - www.rootsweb.com/gumby
OCCU of Mercia ... SOUR Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 171, 174; HAWKI NS.GED says ABT 852; members.aol.com/sargen3 says ABT 852; SOUR HAWKINS.GED s ays 5 Dec 905; GWALTNEY.ANC (Compuserve) 2032179329 says 902; Royalty for Com moners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 171, 174 says 904 SOUR COMYNI.GED (Compuserve); SOUR Anglo-Saxon England, Frank Stenton; COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve Roots), p. 4 ; Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 171; of Mercia; Founded the N uns' minster at Winchester - Anglo-Saxon England, Sir Frank Stenton, p. 445; S ometimes spelled Ealswith - COMYN4.TAF (CompuservSmyth says died 902. Became a nun at widowhood. Reputed as a saint after death.
GIVN Ethelswida (Alswitha), Queen of SURN England AFN 8HS0-4G DATE 10 SE P 2000 TIME 07:04:29
TITL pennington.FTW REPO CALN MEDI Other PAGE Tree #1222 DATA TEXT Date of Import: Aug 19, 1997 TITL pennington.FTW REPO CAL N MEDI Other PAGE Tree #1222 DATA TEXT Date of Import: Aug 19, 1997 TITL p ennington.FTW REPO CALN MEDI Other PAGE Tree #1222 DATA TEXT Date of Impo rt: Aug 19, 1997 _FA7 PLAC Became a nun at widowhood TITL pennington.FTW RE PO CALN MEDI Other PAGE Tree #1222 DATA TEXT Date of Import: Aug 19, 1997 TITL pennington.FTW REPO CALN MEDI Other PAGE Tree #1222 DATA TEXT Date of Import: Aug 19, 1997
TITL pennington.FTW REPO CALN MEDI Other PAGE Tr ee #1222 DATA TEXT Date of Import: Aug 19, 1997 TITL pennington.FTW REPO C ALN MEDI Other PAGE Tree #1222 DATA TEXT Date of Import: Aug 19, 1997 TITL pennington.FTW REPO CALN MEDI Other PAGE Tree #1222 DATA TEXT Date of Im port: Aug 19, 1997 _FA7 PLAC Became a nun at widowhood TITL pennington.FTW REPO CALN MEDI Other PAGE Tree #1222 DATA TEXT Date of Import: Aug 19, 199 7 TITL pennington.FTW REPO CALN MEDI Other PAGE Tree #1222 DATA TEXT Dat e of Import: Aug 19, 1997
TITL tree1.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 20, 1999 TITL tree1.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TE XT Date of Import: Oct 20, 1999 TITL tree1.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 20, 1999
OCCU of Mercia ... SOUR Royalty for Commo ners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 171, 174; HAWKINS.GED says ABT 852; members.aol. com/sargen3 says ABT 852; SOUR HAWKINS.GED says 5 Dec 905; GWALTNEY.ANC (Comp userve) 2032179329 says 902; Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 171 , 174 says 904 SOUR COMYNI.GED (Compuserve); SOUR Anglo-Saxon England, Frank Stenton; COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve Roots), p. 4; Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 171; of Mercia; Founded the Nuns' minster at Winchester - Anglo -Saxon England, Sir Frank Stenton, p. 445; Sometimes spelled Ealswith - COMYN4 .TAF (Compuserve Room), p. 4; Sometimes called Ethelbith -Americans of Royal D escent, Charles H Browning, p. 172; Sometimes spelled AElswith - COMYNR.TAF (C ompuserve Roots), 2; of the Gaini, of Gainsboroug - COMYNI.GED (Compuserve); E thelswida - www.rootsweb.com/gumby
OCCU of Mercia ... SOUR Royalty for Com moners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 171, 174; HAWKINS.GED says ABT 852; members.ao l.com/sargen3 says ABT 852; SOUR HAWKINS.GED says 5 Dec 905; GWALTNEY.ANC (Co mpuserve) 2032179329 says 902; Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 1 71, 174 says 904 SOUR COMYNI.GED (Compuserve); SOUR Anglo-Saxon England, Fran k Stenton; COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve Roots), p. 4; Royalty for Commoners, Roderi ck W. Stuart, p. 171; of Mercia; Founded the Nuns' minster at Winchester - Ang lo-Saxon England, Sir Frank Stenton, p. 445; Sometimes spelled Ealswith - COMY N4.TAF (Compuserve Room), p. 4; Sometimes called Ethelbith -Americans of Royal Descent, Charles H Browning, p. 172; Sometimes spelled AElswith - COMYNR.TAF (Compuserve Roots), 2; of the Gaini, of Gainsboroug - COMYNI.GED (Compuserve); Ethelswida - www.rootsweb.com/gumby
OCCU of Mercia ... SOUR Royalty for C ommoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 171, 174; HAWKINS.GED says ABT 852; members. aol.com/sargen3 says ABT 852; SOUR HAWKINS.GED says 5 Dec 905; GWALTNEY.ANC ( Compuserve) 2032179329 says 902; Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 171, 174 says 904 SOUR COMYNI.GED (Compuserve); SOUR Anglo-Saxon England, Fr ank Stenton; COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve Roots), p. 4; Royalty for Commoners, Rode rick W. Stuart, p. 171; of Mercia; Founded the Nuns' minster at Winchester - A nglo-Saxon England, Sir Frank Stenton, p. 445; Sometimes spelled Ealswith - CO MYN4.TAF (Compuserve Room), p. 4; Sometimes called Ethelbith -Americans of Roy al Descent, Charles H Browning, p. 172; Sometime Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen Of Wessex The title of queen again lapsed until the r eign of Edgar. EvenAlfred the Greats wife Ealswith, was never apparentlyconsec rated queen. Their details however are provided here forcompleteness.
The information in this GEDCOM has been compiled by David Lovegrove. Contact him at dlovegrove@cheerful.com. Parents: . Parents: . Parents: . Parents: . Parents: . Parents: Ethelred Mucil Eald GAINAI and Edburga FADBURN. Parents: Earl Of Mercia Aethelred II MUCIL and Eadburga OF MERCIA. Parents: ATHELRED and Lady Of Mercia EADBURH. Parents: . Spouse: West Saxon King Of Alfred ENGLAND. West Saxon King Of Alfred ENGLAND and Queen Of Ethelswida ENGLAND were married in 868 in Winchester, Dorset, England.104,493,494 CSTA @C7@
Ealhswith, or Ealswitha, (born c. 852 in Mercia) of the Gaini was the daughter of Æthelred Mucil, Ealdorman of the Gaini. She was married in 868, to Alfred the Great, king of Wessex. The children of Alfred and Ealhswith included Edward the Elder, later king of Wessex, Ælfthryth, who married Baldwin II, Count of Flanders, and Æthelflæd, who ruled as Lady of the Mercians. After Alfred's death in 899, Ealhswith became a nun. She died on 5 December 905, and is buried in St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester, Hampshire. Also ref. History of the Anglo-Saxons (1831) by Sir Francis Palgrave for more details on her husband Alfred the Great. -------------------- Ealhswith of the Gaini B: Abt 0852, Mercia, , England D: 5 Dec 0905, St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester, England S: Interred at Winchester Cathedral, London, England. -------------------- Eahlwið, Princess of Mercia (1) F, #102607, d. 5 December 905 Last Edited=2 Jun 2008
Eahlwið, Princess of Mercia was the daughter of Æthelred 'Mucil', Ealdorman of the Gainas and Eadburga, Princess of Mercia. (2) She married Ælfræd, King of Wessex, son of Æðelwulf, King of Wessex and Osburga (?), between 868 and 869. (2) She died on 5 December 905 at Winchester, Hampshire, England. (2) She was buried at St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester, Hampshire, England. (2)
Eahlwið, Princess of Mercia gained the title of Princess of Mercia. She was a nun circa 901 at St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester, Hampshire, England. (2) Children of Eahlwið, Princess of Mercia and Ælfræd, King of Wessex -1. Æthelgifu (?) d. c 896 (3) -2. Ælfthryth, Princess of Wessex+ d. 7 Jun 929 (4) -3. Elfleda (?) (4) -4. Æthelflæd, Queen of Mercia+ b. c 869, d. 12 Jun 918 (4) -5. Edmund (?) b. c 870 (5) -6. Eadweard I, King of Wessex+ b. c 871, d. 17 Jul 924 -7. Æthelweard (?)+ b. c 880, d. 26 Oct 922 (4)
Forrás / Source: http://www.thepeerage.com/p10261.htm#i102607 -------------------- Ealhswith (or Ealswitha) of the Gaini was born c. 852 in Mercia. Her name means "Temple strength". Her father was Æthelred Mucil, Ealdorman of the Gaini. She was married in 868, to Alfred the Great, king of Wessex. The children of Alfred and Ealhswith included Edward the Elder, later king of Wessex, Ælfthryth, who married Baldwin II, Count of Flanders, and Ethelfleda, who ruled as Lady of the Mercians. After Alfred's death in 899, Ealhswith became a nun. She died on 5 December 905, and is buried in St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester, Hampshire. Also ref. History of the Anglo-Saxons (1831) by Sir Francis Palgrave for more details on her husband Alfred the Great. -------------------- Ealhswith (or Ealswitha) of the Gaini was born c. 852 in Mercia. Her name means "Temple strength". Her father was Æthelred Mucil, Ealdorman of the Gaini. She was married in 868, to Alfred the Great, king of Wessex. The children of Alfred and Ealhswith included Edward the Elder, later king of Wessex, Ælfthryth, who married Baldwin II, Count of Flanders, and Ethelfleda, who ruled as Lady of the Mercians. After Alfred's death in 899, Ealhswith became a nun. She died on 5 December 905, and is buried in St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester, Hampshire. Also ref. History of the Anglo-Saxons (1831) by Sir Francis Palgrave for more details on her husband Alfred the Great.
From www.wikipedia.org at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ealhswith -------------------- Död: före 905
Barn: Elfrieda av Frankrike (~ 868 till 929) Edvard "den äldre" av England (~ 869 till 924)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ealhswith Ealhswith, or Ealswitha, (born c. 852 in Mercia, died 905) of the Gaini was the daughter of Æthelred Mucil, Ealdorman of the Gaini. She was married in 868, to Alfred the Great, king of Wessex. The children of Alfred and Ealhswith included :
Also ref. History of the Anglo-Saxons (1831) by Sir Francis Palgrave for more details on her husband Alfred the Great.
Ealhswith Queen of the Anglo-Saxons Tenure 23 April 871 – 26 October 899 Spouse Alfred the Great Issue Ælfthryth Æthelflæd Æthelgifu Edward the Elder Æthelweard Father Æthelred Mucil Mother Eadburh Born c. 852 Mercia Died 5 December 905 (aged 53) Burial St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester Occupation Nun -------------------- -------------------- Ealhswith, or Ealswitha, (born c. 852 in Mercia) of the Gaini was the daughter of Æthelred Mucil, Ealdorman of the Gaini. She was married in 868, to Alfred the Great, king of Wessex. The children of Alfred and Ealhswith included Edward the Elder, later king of Wessex, Ælfthryth, who married Baldwin II, Count of Flanders, and Ethelfleda, who ruled as Lady of the Mercians.
After Alfred's death in 899, Ealhswith became a nun. She died on 5 December 905, and is buried in St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester, Hampshire.
Also ref. History of the Anglo-Saxons (1831) by Sir Francis Palgrave for more details on her husband Alfred the Great.
Ealhswith From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Ealhswith Queen of the Anglo-Saxons[dubious – discuss] (more...) Consort 23 April 871 – 26 October 899 Consort to Alfred the Great Issue Ælfthryth Ethelfleda Ethelgiva Edward the Elder Æthelwærd Royal house House of Wessex Father Æthelred Mucil Born c. 852 Mercia Died 5 December 905 (aged 53) Burial St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester Occupation Nun
Ealhswith (or Ealswitha) of the Gaini was born c. 852 in Mercia. Her name means "Temple strength".
Her father was Æthelred Mucil, Ealdorman of the Gaini. She was married in 868, to Alfred the Great, king of Wessex. The children of Alfred and Ealhswith included Edward the Elder, later king of Wessex, Ælfthryth, who married Baldwin II, Count of Flanders, and Ethelfleda, who ruled as Lady of the Mercians.
After Alfred's death in 899, Ealhswith became a nun. She died on 5 December 905, and is buried in St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester, Hampshire.
Also ref. History of the Anglo-Saxons (1831) by Sir Francis Palgrave for more details on her husband Alfred the Great.
[edit] See also
Her father was Æthelred Mucil, Ealdorman of the Gaini. She was married in 868, to Alfred the Great, king of Wessex. The children of Alfred and Ealhswith included Edward the Elder, later king of Wessex, Ælfthryth, who married Baldwin II, Count of Flanders, and Ethelfleda, who ruled as Lady of the Mercians.
After Alfred's death in 899, Ealhswith became a nun. She died on 5 December 905, and is buried in St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester, Hampshire.
Also ref. History of the Anglo-Saxons (1831) by Sir Francis Palgrave for more details on her husband Alfred the Great. -------------------- Queen consort of Alfred the Great, Alswitha/Ealswitha was the daughter of Aethelred of Mercia, King of the Gaini. She married Alfred in 868. When Alfred died in 899, Ealhswith became a nun and died at St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester, Hampshire, England. -------------------- Ealhswith, or Ealswitha, (born c. 852 in Mercia) of the Gaini was the daughter of Æthelred Mucil, Ealdorman of the Gaini. She was married in 868, to Alfred the Great, king of Wessex. The children of Alfred and Ealhswith included Edward the Elder, later king of Wessex, Ælfthryth, who married Baldwin II, Count of Flanders, and Æthelflæd, who ruled as Lady of the Mercians.
After Alfred's death in 899, Ealhswith became a nun. She died on 5 December 905, and is buried in St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester, Hampshire.
Also ref. History of the Anglo-Saxons (1831) by Sir Francis Palgrave for more details on her husband Alfred the Great. -------------------- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ealhswith -------------------- Ealhswith From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Her father was Æthelred Mucil, Ealdorman of the Gaini. She was married in 868, to Alfred the Great, king of Wessex. The children of Alfred and Ealhswith included Edward the Elder, later king of Wessex, Ælfthryth, who married Baldwin II, Count of Flanders, and Ethelfleda, who ruled as Lady of the Mercians. After Alfred's death in 899, Ealhswith became a nun. She died on 5 December 905, and is buried in St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester, Hampshire.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ealhswith -------------------- Ealhswith (født ca. 852, død 5. desember 905) var gift med kong Alfred den store av England.
Hun tilhørte gainerne, en folkegruppe fra Mercia. Hennes mor var Eadburga Saxe-Mercia, og faren var Ethelred Mucil, ealdorman for gainerne.
Ealhswith og Alfred fikk fem eller seks barn, deriblant sønnen Edvard og datteren Ethelfleda av Mercia. Datteren ble dronning av Mercia.
Etter Alfreds død i 899 gikk Ealhswith i kloster. Hun døde 5. desember 905, og ble gravlagt i St. Mary's Abbey i Winchester, Hampshire.
Ealhswith (or Ealswitha) of the Gaini was born c. 852 in Mercia. Her name means "Temple strength".
Her father was Æthelred Mucil, Ealdorman of the Gaini. She was married in 868, to Alfred the Great, king of Wessex. The children of Alfred and Ealhswith included Edward the Elder, later king of Wessex, Ælfthryth, who married Baldwin II, Count of Flanders, and Ethelfleda, who ruled as Lady of the Mercians.
After Alfred's death in 899, Ealhswith became a nun. She died on 5 December 905, and is buried in St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester, Hampshire. -------------------- After Alfred's death, she became a nun at St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester around 901. She died on either 12/5 or 12/8 in 905. After her death, she was considered a saint by many people. -------------------- Became a nun after her husband's death -------------------- Fadern är kanske Ethelred 'Mickle', som var en av kong Alfreds 'ealdormen of the gains' och modern Eadburh av Mercia. (Källa: Tore Nygaard, Linköping)
Alfred the Great, King West Saxons, b. 849, married to Ealhswith of the Gaini. (Källa: Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, Hull, England)
Barn: Edvard I av ENGLAND (869 - 924) Elfrieda av FRANKRIKE (868 - 929)
Källor 1) Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, Hull, England 2) Tore Nygaard, Linköping
Senast uppdaterad 010604 -------------------- Ealhswith (or Ealswitha) of the Gaini was born c. 852 in Mercia. Her name means "Temple strength".
Her father was Æthelred Mucil, Ealdorman of the Gaini. She was married in 868, to Alfred the Great, king of Wessex. The children of Alfred and Ealhswith included Edward the Elder, later king of Wessex, Ælfthryth, who married Baldwin II, Count of Flanders, and Ethelfleda, who ruled as Lady of the Mercians.
After Alfred's death in 899, Ealhswith became a nun. She died on 5 December 905, and is buried in St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester, Hampshire.
Also ref. History of the Anglo-Saxons (1831) by Sir Francis Palgrave for more details on her husband Alfred the Great. -------------------- BIOGRAPHY: General Notes: Queen of WESSEX, Queen of ENGLAND.
BOOKS Barber Grandparents: 125 Kings, 143 Generations, Ted Butler Bernard and Gertrude Barber Bernard, 1978, McKinney TX, p75:"287S Alfred The Great', King of England, (S of 279, F of 297); fought against Danish invaders, finally defeating them at the Battle of Ethandun; secured peace at the Treaty of Wedmore; author of many desirable reforms; considered the most deserving of the appelation of The Great' of all kings bearing that title; married Ealswith in 868; died in 901."
Kings and Queens of Great Britain, Genealogical Chart, Anne Taute and Romilly Squire, Taute, 1990: "Ealhswyth Daughter of Aethelred Mucil, Ealdorman of the Gainai, married Alfred The Great King of England, Died 905."
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1981, Macropaedia, Vol I, p486, Alfred the Great of Wessex: "...in 867 Alfred married Ealhswith, descended through her mother from Mercian kings..."
The Oxford Book of Royal Anecdotes, Elizabeth Longford, 1991, Oxford Univ Press, pxviii: "Saxons and Danes Genealogy: Alfred mar Ealhswith (d. 904)".
ANCESTRAL FILE Ancestral File 8HS0-4G Born Abt 851, Ver 4.10 Born Abt 852 Mercia England Died 5 Dec 905. -------------------- BIOGRAPHY: General Notes: Queen of WESSEX, Queen of ENGLAND.
BOOKS Barber Grandparents: 125 Kings, 143 Generations, Ted Butler Bernard and Gertrude Barber Bernard, 1978, McKinney TX, p75:"287S Alfred The Great', King of England, (S of 279, F of 297); fought against Danish invaders, finally defeating them at the Battle of Ethandun; secured peace at the Treaty of Wedmore; author of many desirable reforms; considered the most deserving of the appelation of The Great' of all kings bearing that title; married Ealswith in 868; died in 901."
Kings and Queens of Great Britain, Genealogical Chart, Anne Taute and Romilly Squire, Taute, 1990: "Ealhswyth Daughter of Aethelred Mucil, Ealdorman of the Gainai, married Alfred The Great King of England, Died 905."
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1981, Macropaedia, Vol I, p486, Alfred the Great of Wessex: "...in 867 Alfred married Ealhswith, descended through her mother from Mercian kings..."
The Oxford Book of Royal Anecdotes, Elizabeth Longford, 1991, Oxford Univ Press, pxviii: "Saxons and Danes Genealogy: Alfred mar Ealhswith (d. 904)".
ANCESTRAL FILE Ancestral File 8HS0-4G Born Abt 851, Ver 4.10 Born Abt 852 Mercia England Died 5 Dec 905. -------------------- Ealhswith of the Gaini. Smyth says died 902. Became a nun at widowhood. Reputed as a saint after death.
Ealhswith or Ealswitha, (born c. 852 in Mercia, died 905) of the Gaini was the daughter of Æthelred Mucil, Ealdorman of the Gaini. She was married in 868, to Alfred the Great, king of Wessex.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ealhswith -------------------- alhswith or Ealswitha (born c. 852 in Mercia – died 905) was the daughter of a Mercian nobleman, Æthelred Mucil, Ealdorman of the Gaini. She was married in 868 to Alfred the Great, before he became king of Wessex. In accordance with ninth century West Saxon custom, she was not given the title of queen. Ealswith was the daughter of Æthelred and his wife Eadburh. She was related to the royal house of Mercia through her mother. After Alfred's death in 899, Ealhswith became a nun. She died on 5 December 905, and is buried in St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester, Hampshire -------------------- Merk: usikker kilde -------------------- Buried at Winchester Cathedral
------------------------------------ lineally descended from Crioda, 1st Earl of Mercia, who died in 594. Wurts reports that Ealhswith, daughter of Ethelan, Earl of Mercia, descended through Crioda, 1st Earl of Mercia ------------------------------ Imagination suggests that the legendary daughter of the Gainis chieftains to be a very attractive lady with blonde hair and blue eyes. However, history has not been kind to recording factual details of this fascinating point in time and therefore for many years verification of this detail has not been possible. According to Phillipa Stevens at Winchester Libraries, Elswitha could not have been unattractive, as females born to the ruling classes were often primarily groomed to marry the males of neighbouring tribes to create allies. If a tribesman's daughter developed as physically unattractive they were often hidden away in those dark ages. Elswitha, however, did not simply attract another eligible local chieftain though; she was to marry the King of England. In 868 Alfred of Wessex married Elswitha Mucil, daughter of the elderman of the Gainis in the old town, and she became his Queen Consort. Alfred who is reputed to be one of the greatest of all English Kings, was given this the highest of all accolades by his people and will be forever remembered in history as Alfred "The Great". According to royal genealogy, Alfred and Elswitha had three surviving children, Ethelfled Lady of the Mercians, Elthrith who married Baldwin II, Count of Flanders, (five generations later Matilda of Flanders married William the Conqueror), and Edward the Elder who succeeded Alfred the Great who died in 899. Elswitha died in 902. Today there exists Elswitha Hall, which was the birthplace of another famous character - Sir Halford Mackinder, the building was named to honour the Queen from Gainsborough. Our present sovereign, Queen Elizabeth II, is a 35th generation descendant of this royal dynasty.
According to Phillipa Stevens at Winchester Libraries, Elswitha could not have been unattractive, as females born to the ruling classes were often primarily groomed to marry the males of neighbouring tribes to create allies. If a tribesman's daughter developed as physically unattractive they were often hidden away in those dark ages. Elswitha, however, did not simply attract another eligible local chieftain though; she was to marry the King of England.
In 868 Alfred of Wessex married Elswitha Mucil, daughter of the elderman of the Gainis in the old town, and she became his Queen Consort. Alfred who is reputed to be one of the greatest of all English Kings, was given this the highest of all accolades by his people and will be forever remembered in history as Alfred "The Great". According to royal genealogy, Alfred and Elswitha had three surviving children, Ethelfled Lady of the Mercians, Elthrith who married Baldwin II, Count of Flanders, (five generations later Matilda of Flanders married William the Conqueror), and Edward the Elder who succeeded Alfred the Great who died in 899. Elswitha died in 902. Today there exists Elswitha Hall, which was the birthplace of another famous character - Sir Halford Mackinder, the building was named to honour the Queen from Gainsborough. Our present sovereign, Queen Elizabeth II, is a 35th generation descendant of this royal dynasty.
Courtesy of fantastically full family tree cf.:
Hughes of Gwerclas 1/2/3/4:
Born about 852 in Mercia, Consort of Alfred the Great and mother of Edward the Elder.
Died Dec 5 905, she was widowed and became a nun.
She was a nun in the abbey that she had founded in 903, Nunnaminster (St. Mary's Abbey) in Winchester. However, she was not buried there.
She was buried first in Winchester New Minster, then, when the new abbey church of Hyde was consecrated in 1110, the bodies of Alfred, his wife Ealhswith, and his son Edward the Elder were carried in state through Winchester to be interred once more before the high altar. Their royal presence made Hyde Abbey a popular pilgrimage destination.
852 |
Gaini Tribal Lands, Mercian Kingdom, England (United Kingdom)
869 |
Wessex, England
871 |
Wessex, England
873 |
Wessex, United Kingdom
874 |
Wantage, Berkshire, Anglo-Saxon Kingdom
875 |
Wessex, Eng.
880 |
905 |
December 5, 905
Age 53
St Mary's Abbey, Winchester, Dorset, England, UK