Ds Andreas Johannes Olivier, 2

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Ds Andreas Johannes Olivier, 2

Also Known As: "Ds. Olivier"
Birthplace: Rooikrans, Rosendal, Free State, South Africa
Death: July 15, 1949 (64)
Kweekskoolhuis, Stellenbosch, Western Cape, South Africa
Place of Burial: Brandfort, Free State, South Africa
Immediate Family:

Son of Coenraad Frederik Olivier and Jacoba Elizabeth Olivier
Husband of Anna Hilletjie Olivier, f7g16h1
Father of Johanna Catharina Potgieter, 1; Jacoba Elizabeth Olivier, 2; Paula Andrea Coetzer, 3; Aletta Cornelia Cornelia Botha, 5 and Maria Rhodesia Olivier, 4
Brother of Maria Cornelia Olivier, 3; Pieter Lafras Olivier, 4; Coenraad Frederik Olivier, 5; Andrias Olivier, 6; Johanna Isabella Hermina Olivier and 2 others

Occupation: Rustende Predikant
Managed by: Lindie Fourie
Last Updated:

About Ds Andreas Johannes Olivier, 2

KAB MOOC 6/9/16267 - 3859/49


As 15-jarige deelname aan die ABO, saam met sy vader en broer krygsgevangene op Ceylon. Einde van 1913 gelegitimeer. Eerste gemeente te Salisbury, in 1914 na gemeente Klein Boetsap. In 1921-1922 weer na Salisbury, daarna weer na Boetsap. Die nuwe gemeentesentrum word Reivilo genoem (Olivier omgekeer). In 1926 Vryburg, 1931-1944 na Brandfort. Verswakte gesondheid. Oorlede op Stellenbosch, maar as geliefde leraar begrawe voor die NGK Brandfort.

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Ds Andreas Johannes Olivier, 2's Timeline

September 19, 1884
Rooikrans, Rosendal, Free State, South Africa
January 22, 1916
Barkly West, Diamandveld, Northern Cape, South Africa
December 27, 1922
Brandfort, Lejweleputswa, Free State, South Africa
July 15, 1949
Age 64
Kweekskoolhuis, Stellenbosch, Western Cape, South Africa
Age 64
NG Kerk, Kerkhof, Brandfort, Free State, South Africa