Matching family tree profiles for Dr. Zerubbabel Endecott
Immediate Family
About Dr. Zerubbabel Endecott
Zerubbabel Endicott, under the terms of his father's will, came into possession of an extensive estate. He lived at Salem, Mass., where he practiced medicine and reared a family of 10 children. No information has been found yet pertaining to his education. [probably served a period under some other doctor)
He may have received some education in England, but research has not been conducted on this. This interesting old Biblical name -- favored by the Puritans -- was the name of the son of Shealtiel and the grandson of King Jehoiachin (see Ezra 3:2; Haggai 1:1 and Matthew 1:12) He was h eir to the throne of Judah (I Chronicles 3:17-19) and is listed in the genealogy of our Lord (Matthew 1:13; Luke 3:27). When Cyrus allowed the Jews to return to their own land, he appointed Zerubbabel governor of the colony. It would be interesting to know exactly why John Endicott picked this name for his second son. Perhaps he saw a parallel.
Zerubbabel married about 1654 to Mary Smith, the daughter of Samuel Smith and Sarah [-?-], of Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England. Mary was born in Wenham, Mass., and died 20 June 1677. They had 13 children, the ninth being a son named Joseph, from whom your line descends.
Zerubbabel died in 1684 and left a will, which gave his fifth son, Joseph one-third of the Ipswich farm, one-fifth of the Chirkering farm. Joseph was the residual legatee of his brothers John and Samuel. Joseph's brother, Benjamin, died in 1735 and left no children. According to Zerubbabel's will, Joseph also received a share of Benjamin's farm at Topsfield.
From Pages 133 - 141 of GENEALOGICAL and PERSONAL MEMOIRS Relating to the Families of Boston and Eastern Massachusetts. Prepared under the editorial supervision of William Richard CUTTER, A. M. Historian of the New England Historic Genealogical Society; Librarian of Woburn Public Library; Author of "The Cutter Family," "History of Arlington," "Bibliography of Woburn," etc., etc. Volume I.; Illustrated New York; Lewis Historical Publishing Company; 1908
(II) Dr. Zerubbabel Endecott, younger son of governor John and Elizabeth (Gibson) Endecott, born in Salem, 1635, died there March 27, 1684. He was admitted freeman in 1665, and was by profession a physician. His elder brother John having died without children, all of the Endicotts who claim descent from Governor John Endecott are also descendants of Dr. Zerubbabel Endecott. By his will, dated November 23, 1683, (in which his christian name is written Zerobabel and also Zerubabel) Dr. Endecott devised to his two eldest surviving sons, John and Samuel, the old homestead of his father in that part of Salem which is now Danvers, and which was called the "Orchard." To his sons Zerubbabel, Benjamin and Joseph he left a tract of five hundred fifty-five acres of land which had been granted by the general court to his father, on the Ipswich river, in Topsfield (now Boxford) to be divided equally between them, with the provision that if either died without issue his part should revert to the survivors. The governor (Endecott) had a summer place there at Middleton, between Topsfield and Danvers. This historic house is located on what was known as the "new road," which runs from Howe's Station in Middleton to the town of Topsfield. His five daughters inherited an island of about two acres near Marblehead (called Cotta island) with other bequests.
He married, in 1654, Mary Smith, daughter of Samuel Smith, and sister of Sarah Smith, who married William Browne, of the well known Salem family of that name. She died in 1677, having borne her husband ten children.
He married second, Mrs. Elizabeth Newman, widow of Rev. Antipas Newman, of Wenham, and daughter of Governor John Winthrop of Connecticut.
1 — Gov. John Endecott. b. 1588 in England, m. Ann Goiier who accompanied him to New England in 1628. She died 1629 leaving no children. He married 17 Aug. 1630, Elizabeth Gibson of Cambridge, England, dau. Philobet and Ann Marshall Cogan and a widow. He died 16 Mch. 1665.
I - John Endecott. b. 1632. m. but left no children.
2 — Zerubbabel-2 Endecott (Gov. John-1) Physician at Salem, Mass. b. 1635, d. in the spring 1684. m. 1654 Mary Smith, dau. Samuel and Sarah Smith of Great Yarmouth, Eng. Will dated Nov. 1683.
- I John Endecott. b. 1657.
- II Samuel Endecott. b. 1659.
- III Zerubbabel Endecott. b. 1664.
- IV Benjamin Endecott. b. 1665.
- V Mary Endecott. b. 1667. m. Isaac White.
- VI Joseph-3 Endecott. b. 1672.
- VII Sarah Endecott. b. 1673. m. Brown.
- VIII Elizabeth Endecott. b. 1675. m. Nathaniel Gilbert.
- IX Hannah Endecott. b. 1676. m. Edward Gaskill
- X Mehetabel Endecott. b. 1677. d. 1698.
Zorababble Endicott b. 14 Feb 1635, Salem, Essex, mass Bay Colony, occupation Physician, m 1654 in Wentham, Mass Bay Colony, Mary Smith, b. 1636, Wentham, Mass Bay Colony, d. 20 Jun 1677, Salem, Essex, Mass Bay Colony.Zorababble died 27 March 1684, Salem Mass Bay Colony.Dr Zerubabble Endecott or Endicott was the only son of Governor John Endecott to have children.Therefore, all of us Endecott's are descended from this famous relative.He was a doctor in Salem, Massachusetts, and it is probable that his medical education consisted of reading medicine in the home of a practicing physician and following him on his patient visits.In 1677 he wrote a set of remedies that he called "Synopsis Medicinae or a Compendium of Galenical and Chemical Physic showing the Art of Healing according to the Precepts of Galen & Paracelsus Fitted Universally to the Whole art of Healing".H have six of these which I will share from time to time on this site.Here is the first with the original spelling of the good doctor:
"For ye Colik or Flux in ye Belly 1. The powder of Wolves guts 2. The powder of Bores Stones 3. Oyle of Wormwood a drop or 2 into the Nauell 4. 3 drops of oyle of Fenil & 2 drops of oyle of mints in Conserve of Roses or Conserve of single mallows, if ye Paine be extream Use it a gaine. & if need require aply something hott to the belly.For Vometing & Loosnes in Men Women & Children Take an Egg break a Little Houe in one end of it & put owt ye white then put in about 1j/2 spoonfull of baye sal then fill up the egg with stron Rom or spirits of wine & sett it in hott ashes & lett it boyle til ye egg be dry then take it & eat it fasting & fast an hour after it or dring a Little distilled waters of ming & fenill wich waters mixed together & drank will help most ordinary Casses. For a Person that is Distracted if it be a Woman Tak milk of a Nurse that gives such to a male Child & also take a hee Catt & cut of one of his Ears or a peece of it & Lett it blede into the milk & then Lett the sick woman drink it doe this three times. For the Shingles Take Howse leeke Catts Blod and Creame mixed together & oynt the place warme or take the moss that groweth in a well & Catts blod mixed & so apply it warme to the plase whar shingles be."
- The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 1 pg 336. “Genealogies: The Endicott Family.” < GoogleBooks >
- Some Descendants of John Endecott Governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony, Mabel McFatridge McClosky, b. 1881 (n.p. 1943). “The Mass-New Jersey Endecotts.” Page 28. < Archive.Org >
- “John Endecott Family Association.” < link >
Dr. Zerubbabel Endecott's Timeline
1635 |
February 14, 1635
Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts
1657 |
Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts
1658 |
June 8, 1658
Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, United States
1659 |
June 19, 1659
Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts
1664 |
February 14, 1664
Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, United States
1665 |
Age 29
Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America
1667 |
August 21, 1667
Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, United States
1668 |
June 23, 1668
Salem, Essex, Massachusetts
1672 |
July 17, 1672
Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts