Historical records matching Diego Laínez, Señor de Vivar
Immediate Family
About Diego Laínez, Señor de Vivar
Note: there are currently (May 2023) two different Wikipedia biographies, representing some variances in genealogical constructs.
Diego Laínez or Diego Flaínez (d. 1058), Spanish nobleman, father of Rodrigo Díaz "el Campeador".
< Wikipedia > Diego Laínez de Vivar (ca. 1023-1058) was an active childhood in Burgos and was traditionally considered the father of Rodrigo Díaz, known as "El Cid". According to the legendary genealogy of the Champion, Diego was a descendant of Laín Calvo,1 one of the hypothetical two Judges of Castile and of the lineage of Diego Porcelos, founder of the city of Burgos.
According to the < Roderici History >:
This [Lain Calvo] seems to have been the origin of his lineage: Laín Calvo fathered several sons; among them were Fernando Laínez and Bermudo Laínez. Fernando Laínez in turn begot Laín Fernández and Bermudo Laínez begot Rodrigo Bermúdez. Laín Fernández in turn begat Nuño Laínez, and Rodrigo Bermúdez begat Fernando Rodríguez, Fernando Rodríguez in turn begat Pedro Fernández and a daughter named Eylo. Nuño Laínez took this Eylo as a woman and begat Laín Núñez in her. Laín in turn begat Diego Laínez, and this Diego Laínez begat Rodrigo Díaz, the Champion, in Rodrigo Álvarez's daughter.2
If it is accepted that it was El Cid's father, he was married to María, Sancha or Teresa Rodríguez (only the surname of El Cid's mother is known with certainty), who was the daughter of the Count of Oviedo, Rodrigo Álvarez who ruled several estates, including Luna, Torremormojón, Moradillo, Cellorigo and Curiel.3
The second son of Flaín Muñoz, (or Lain Núñez) Count of León around the year 1000, Diego Laínez de Vivar descended from a secondary branch of the Leonese aristocratic lineage of the Flaínez.a He appears documented in a diploma from 1047 in the monastery of San Pedro de Cardeña as Didaco Flaginiz. This document is also confirmed by Nuño Álvarez, a Castilian magnate who considers himself one of the brothers of Rodrigo Álvarez, the probable father of the wife of Diego Flaínez whose name is unknown.
These possessions gave him a status equivalent to that of the middle magnaticia nobility, although it was not enough for him to access the royal curia, because perhaps he was harmed by his alleged collaboration with his nephew Flaín Fernández II in a rebellion against Fernando I that took place between 1061-1065 and that cost him the confiscation of his assets.7 That circumstance would veto Diego However, his son Rodrigo Díaz was accepted at that same time as a member of the entourage of the still Infante Sancho II of Castile, which casts doubt on this hypothesis. It is likely that his apartment in León and the schola regis was due to the fact that he was the illegitimate son of Flaín Muñoz.c
Diego Flaínez died, according to Menéndez Pidal (La España de el Cid, I, p. 127) around 1058, a date accepted by most historians.9
- a. Others think that he was a member of the highest nobility given his marriage to a daughter of Count Rodrigo Álvarez.3
- b. Didacus autem Flaginiz, pater Roderici Campi docti, magna et robusta uirtute tulit Nauarris castrum qui dicitur Obierna, et Ulber et illa Petram.1 5
- c. Although he could have been an illegitimate son, he could also be his mother Justa Fernández, his father's first wife, since he could bear the name, according to the onomastic customs of that time, in honor of Justa's maternal grandfather, Diego Muñoz, count in Saldaña.8
< Medlands >
- 1. [LAIN Núñez (-after 1063). The "Corónicas" Navarras name "Layn Nunyz" as the son of "Nuyno Laniz" and his wife[378]. The Historia Roderici names Laín Núñez as son of “Nuño Laínez…[and] Eylo”[379]. The Nobiliario of Pedro Conde de Barcelos names "Lain Nuñez" as the son of "Nuño Lainez" and his wife[380]. He subscribed charters of Fernando I King of Castile between 1049 and 1063[381].] m ---. The name of Lain's wife is not known. Lain & his wife had [two] children:
- a) DIEGO Laínez (-[1058]). … He captured the castles of Ubierna, Urbel and La Piedra from Navarre, probably after 1054[386]. m TERESA Rodríguez, daughter of RODRIGO Álvarez & his wife Teresa Núñez. Diego & his wife had [three] children:
- i) [daughter . If "sobrinis" can be interpreted as nephew in the charter dated below, the mother of Álvaro Yáñez was the sister of Rodrigo Díaz. If that is correct, the chronology suggests that she must have been his older sister.] m JUAN ---, son of ---. One child
- (a) ÁLVARO Yáñez
- ii) [daughter . If "sobrinis" can be interpreted as nephew in the charter dated below, the mother of Álvaro Alvárez was the sister of Rodrigo Díaz. If that is correct, the chronology suggests that she must have been his older sister.] m ÁLVARO ---, son of ---. One child:
- (a) ÁLVARO Alvárez (-after 19 Jul 1074).
- iii) RODRIGO Díaz de Vivar (Vivar near Burgos [1043]-Valencia [10] Jul 1099, bur monastery of San Pedro de Cardeña) [EL CID] . … The Chronicon Burgense records the death in 1099 of “Rodericus Campidoctor”[401]. m ([19 Jul] 1074) JIMENA Díaz, daughter of conde DIEGO Fernández & his second wife Cristina Fernández (-1106). Rodrigo & his wife had three children:
- (a) DIEGO Rodríguez (-killed in battle Consuegra 1097).
- (b) ELVIRA [Cristina] Rodríguez ([1080]-). m ([1100]%29 RAMIRO Sánchez de Navarra Señor de Monzón y Urroz, son of SANCHO García de Navarra Señor de Uncastillo y Sangüesa & his first wife Constanza Sánchez (-[Jan/Feb] 1116).
- (c) MARÍA [Sol] Rodríguez (-[4 Aug 1104/before 1 Nov 1106]). m [secondly] ([1104]) as his first wife, RAMÓN BERENGUER III "el Grande" Conde de Barcelona, son of RAMÓN BERENGUER II "Cap d'Estopes" Conde de Barcelona & his wife Mathilde di Apulia (11 Nov 1082-19 Jul 1131).
- i) [daughter . If "sobrinis" can be interpreted as nephew in the charter dated below, the mother of Álvaro Yáñez was the sister of Rodrigo Díaz. If that is correct, the chronology suggests that she must have been his older sister.] m JUAN ---, son of ---. One child
- b) [FERNANDO Laínez … married "D. Ximena Nuñez"[416]. Fernando & his wife had one child:
- a) DIEGO Laínez (-[1058]). … He captured the castles of Ubierna, Urbel and La Piedra from Navarre, probably after 1054[386]. m TERESA Rodríguez, daughter of RODRIGO Álvarez & his wife Teresa Núñez. Diego & his wife had [three] children:
Research notes
The Historia Roderici names Diego Laínez as son of “Laín Nuñez”. The "Corónicas" Navarras name "Iac Layniç" as the son of "Layn Nuniç". The Nobiliario of Pedro Conde de Barcelos names "D. Diego Lainez, D. Fernando Lainez" as the children of "Lain Nuñez".
“...Didaco Flaginiz” subcribed the charter dated 29 Oct 1047 under which [presumed to be his wife´s uncle] “Nunu Albariz et uxor mea domna Goto” donated the church of Santa María “in riuulo Kabie iuxta terminos de...Burgos” to San Pedro de Cardeña. He captured the castles of Ubierna, Urbel and La Piedra from Navarre, probably after 1054. 1
Diego married doña Teresa Rodríguez DE ASTURIAS, daughter of Rodrigo Álvarez DE ASTURIAS and Teresa LAÍNEZ.
- < Historia Roderici > The Historia Roderici ("History of Rodrigo"), originally Gesta Roderici Campi Docti ("Deeds of Rodrigo el Campeador") and sometimes in Spanish Crónica latina del Cid ("Latin Chronicle of the Cid"), is an anonymous Latin prose history of the Castilian folk hero Rodrigo Díaz, better known as El Cid Campeador.
- Bibliography used
- Martínez Díez, Gonzalo (2007). The historical Cid. Barcelona: Editorial Planeta, S.A. ISBN 978-84-08-07165-5.
- Montaner Frutos, Alberto, (ed. lit., study and notes), Cantar de mio Cid, Barcelona, Gutenberg Galaxy; Royal Spanish Academy, 2011. ISBN 978-84-8109-908-9
- Additional bibliography
- Montaner Frutos, Alberto and Ángel Escobar, "El Carmen Campidoctoris y la materia cidiana", in Carmen Campidoctoris or Poema latino del Campeador, Madrid, Sociedad Estatal España Nuevo Milenio, 2001, pp. 13-188. ISBN 978-84-95486-20-2
- Peña Pérez, F. Javier, Mio Cid el del Cantar. A medieval hero on a human scale, Madrid, Sílex, 2009. ISBN 978-84-7737-217-2.
- 3. Torres Sevilla-Quiñones de León, Margarita Cecilia, "El linaje del Cid", Annals of the University of Alicante. Medieval History. n.º 13 (2000-2002). ISSN 0212-2480, pp. 343-360. < PDF >
Acerca de Diego Laínez, Señor de Vivar (Español)
Diego Laínez
Diego Laínez de Vivar (ca. 1023-1058), infanzón activo en Burgos y padre de Rodrigo Díaz, conocido como «El Cid». Segun la genealogía legendaria del Campeador, Diego era descendiente de Laín Calvo, uno de los hipotéticos dos Jueces de Castilla y de la estirpe de Diego Porcelos, fundador de la ciudad de Burgos.
Casado con María, Sancha o Teresa Rodríguez (solo se conoce con seguridad el apellido de la madre del Cid), que era hija del conde de Oviedo Rodrigo Álvarez de Amaya y nacida de una hija ilegítima del Rey de León.
Fuera del matrimonio, con una campesina tuvo a Fernando Díaz, quien se casaría con una hija de Martín Antolínez, vasallo de El Cid que se enfrentó y venció a Diego González, infante de Carrión.
Bibliografía utilizada
Martínez Diez, Gonzalo, El Cid histórico, Barcelona, Planeta, 1999. ISBN 84-08-03161-9.
Bibliografía adicional
- Montaner Frutos, Alberto y Ángel Escobar, «El Carmen Campidoctoris y la materia cidiana», en Carmen Campidoctoris o Poema latino del Campeador, Madrid, Sociedad Estatal España Nuevo Milenio, 2001, págs. 13-188. ISBN 978-84-95486-20-2
- Peña Pérez, F. Javier, Mio Cid el del Cantar. Un héroe medieval a escala humana, Madrid, Sílex, 2009. ISBN 978-84-7737-217-2.
- Torre Sevilla-Quiñones de León, Margarita Cecilia, «El linaje del Cid», Anales de la Universidad de Alicante. Historia Medieval. n.º 13 (2000-2002). ISSN 0212-2480, págs. 343-360.
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Diego Laynez el hijo mayor de Layn Nuñez cafô con hija de dõ Rodrigo Alvarez Conde y Governador de las Afturias, y dellos nacio el Cid Ruy Diaz de Bivar. Y afsi mifmo vuo de ganancia en vna Labradora a Fernando Diaz, ô Laynez fu hermano. NOBLEZA DEL ANDALVZIA Por Gonçalo Argote de Molina, Sevilla 1588. De Anton Antolinez Alcalde de Baeça, y de fus Armas, y del linage del Cid Ruy Diaz de Bivar, y de los Antolinez y Bermudez. Cap. CXX. Pág. 130
Diego Laínez, Señor de Vivar's Timeline
1023 |
Bivar, Burgos, Castile, Spain
1043 |
Vivar del Cid, Burgos, Castile and León, Spain
1058 |
Age 35
Vivar, Burgos, Castilla-Leon, Spain
???? | |||
???? |