Czeczilia Preiszmann - Turcsan

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Czeczilia Preiszmann - Turcsan (Kraus)

Also Known As: "Cecilia Preuszmann", "Cecilia Turcsan"
Birthplace: Budapest, Hungary
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Lipót Krausz and Julianna Krausz
Wife of Miksa Turcsan and Abraham Preuszmann
Sister of Natan Krausz; Ede Krausz; Ede Krausz; Jacob Kraus; Johanna Kraus and 7 others

Managed by: Private User
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Immediate Family

About Czeczilia Preiszmann - Turcsan

Marriage to Miksa: TURCSAN, Miksa KRAUS, Cecilia / () Lipot / () 32 20 21-Feb-1871 Pest Budapest Local Gov't Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kiskun Groom b. Trencsen, bride b and both lived BP. Witness HARTMANN LDS 642974, Vol. 30. 96-03

Marriage to Abraham: PREUSZMANN, Abraham KRAUSZ, Cecilia Vilmos / Hani (PROPPER) Lipot / Julia (-) 46 42 20-Jul-1891 Pest Budapest Local Gov't Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kiskun Groom b. Homonna, widower, parents dead / Bride widow married name TURCSAN Miksane LDS 642976, Vol.38 53-06

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Czeczilia Preiszmann - Turcsan's Timeline