Charles Crawford Lewis

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Charles Crawford Lewis

Birthplace: Albemarle County, Virginia
Death: December 13, 1833 (72)
Rutherfordton, Rutherford County, North Carolina, United States
Place of Burial: Rutherfordton, Rutherford County, North Carolina, United States
Immediate Family:

Son of John Terrell Lewis and Sarah Lewis
Husband of Elizabeth Lewis
Father of George Russell Lewis; Pittman Lewis; Mary Simmons; Sarah L. Simmons; John Lewis and 8 others
Brother of Robert Lewis; Taliaferro Lewis; Col. John I. Lewis; Mildred McCoy Rowland; Jesse Pittman Lewis and 4 others
Half brother of Susan Lewis; Julius Clarkson Lewis and Maj David Jackson Lewis

Managed by: Jeff Quinton
Last Updated:

About Charles Crawford Lewis

A Patriot of the American Revolution for NORTH CAROLINA with the rank of SERGEANT. DAR Ancestor # A069816

Charles was the son of John and Sarah Taliaferro Lewis. He married Elizabeth Russell.
Burial per bbttbb:Cemetery is located in now a wooded area off Hwy 64/74A. It is across from the Hyder Family House at Green Hill near Rutherfordton North Carolina.

From Vonnie: Southern Campaign American Revolution
Pension Statements & Rosters
Pension application of Charles Lewis
W4012 Elizabeth fn55NC

Transcribed by Will Graves

State of North Carolina
Rutherford County

On this 11th day of November 1845 personally appeared before the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions in and for the County aforesaid (now sitting in Rutherford) Elizabeth Lewis a resident of said County aged seventy-five years who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on her oath make the following Declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the provisions of the Act of Congress passed July 7th 1838. -- Entitled an act granting half pay and Pensions to certain Widows.

That she is the widow of Charles Lewis who was a soldier in the Army of the Revolution and who served as herein stated. He entered the service of the United States sometime in the year 1778 under one Captain Hogg she thinks for a tour of nine months which time he served out he was a resident of what is now Rutherford County at the time he entered the service, whether it was then Rutherford County or Tryon, she cannot state as Rutherford County was erected not far from that time,

soon after his said tour of nine months was out, he again either volunteered or was drafted into the service for how long and under what officers she does not recollect though she has no doubt she has often heard him say she has often heard him speak of his services in the Revolution, and of the different Officers under whom he served, the different tours and the officers under whose command he served each different Tour she cannot state though she has heard him say That he was in the service very nearly all the time after his first entering the service as before stated until Hostilities began to abate & the war began to draw to a Close, and that he was first Sergeant in the Company to which he belonged a good portion of the time.

She recollects to have heard him say that he was under command of Captain Robert Gilkey some part of the time he was also under command of Captain John McLane [John McClain?] another portion of the time. His field of Officers was Colonel Andrew Hampton Colonel Frederick Hamwrite [sic, Frederick Hamright] and General Benjamin Lincoln she has heard him Charles Lewis her husband speak of all those names as his commanders. Further particulars of his service she cannot give as her husband has been dead many years, and she never expected until very recently to have occasion to recollect those facts on hearing them spoken of never charged her memory with them and of course can have but a very indistinct recollection of them.

She further declares that she was married to the said Charles Lewis in Rutherford County North Carolina on the 26th day of November 1785 and that her Husband the aforesaid Charles Lewis died in the said County of Rutherford on the 13th day of December 1833. That she was not married to him prior to his leaving the service, but the marriage took place prior to the first day of January 1794. That he has at the time above stated.

She further declares that she hopes to obtain upon this Declaration the arrearage of Pension which are proved to her said husband and the aforesaid Charles Lewis under the act of Congress passed 7th of June 1832 from the 4th of March 1831, up to the 13th day of December 1833, the time of his death as above stated. She further declares that the reason she has not applied for a pension before this time is, that she did not know until some 5 or 6 months ago that she was entitled to a pension, she had heard something said about Widows drawing pensions but did not suppose that she was one of that class of widows who were entitled to draw.

She further states that she has a record of the ages of herself & husband together with their marriage and the ages of their children a copy of which is herewith sent and which is a true copy of the original Record, which was in the hand writing of her husband the said Charles Lewis. The record of his death being added in which his deceased the reason she has this copy is that the Original Record was torn from her Bible & torn to mash by an Insane son of hers that she gathered up the pieces & placed them together carefully and had it copied after which the old pieces were thrown away.

Sworn to and subscribed in Open Court
S/ G W Logan, Clerk
S/ Elizabeth Lewis

[fn p. 5: family record]

Charles Lewis was born the 26 of May 1761
Elizabeth Lewis was born the 21 of May 1770
Charles & Elizabeth Lewis was married the 26 of October 1785
Charles Lewis died the 13th of December 1833
George R. Lewis was born the 17 of April 1788
Pitman Lewis was born the 15 of August 1789
Polly Lewis was born 7 of October 1791
Sarah Lewis was born 22 October 1793
John Lewis was born 20 of April 1795
Mildred Lewis was born the 1st of June 1798
Elizabeth Lewis was born the 1st of December 1799
Charles Lewis was born the 1st of June 1802
Nancy Lewis was born the 2 of November 1804
Preston Lewis was born the 29 of March 1806
Jesse T. Lewis was born the 25 of February 1808
William T. Lewis was born the 15 of April 1811

State of North Carolina
McDowell County

On this 29 day of November 1845 Personally appeared before me one of the Acting Justices of the Peace for said County of McDowell a resident of the County and State aforesaid James Ownbey1 who first being duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration.

In the latter part of the month of November 1779, I first became acquainted with Charles Lewis formerly of the County of Rutherford and State of North Carolina and who departed this life in the month of December 1833 leaving surviving him Elizabeth Lewis his widow who is a resident of the County of Rutherford and State of North Carolina and who is now an applicant for a pension.

Charles Lewis and myself were drafted in the month of August 1779 in Rutherford County State of North Carolina under the command of Captain Robert Gilkey and officer Colonel Andrew Hampton Colonel Frederic Hambrit [sic, Frederick Hamright] Brigadier General Lillington, Major General Benjamin Lincoln we first marched to Charlotte Mecklenburg County North Carolina the place of general rendezvous and after remaining there for 5 or 6 days took up our line of march under the same officers direct to Charleston South Carolina at Camden South Carolina between the 15th or 20th of December 1779 we met with our Commissary General whose name I have forgotten. We arrived at Charleston South Carolina in the latter part of the month of December 1779 were [sic, where] we remained fortifying the City and doing all the duties of soldiers until the 24th day of March 1780 from the 15th or 20th day of December 1779 to the 24th day of March 1780 (for 3 months) when received our discharge from the service signed by Colonel Frederick Hamright.

Sworn and subscribed the day and year last above written.
Attest S/ Thomas Ledbetter, JP
S/ James Ownby

State of North Carolina
Rutherford County

On this 12th day of November 1845 Personally appeared before me one of the acting Justices of the Peace for said County of Rutherford and State aforesaid William Dalton2 a resident of the County and State aforesaid who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration.

I knew Charles Lewis formerly of this County and who departed this life in the month of December 1833 leaving surviving him Elizabeth Lewis his widow who is a resident of this County and who is now an applicant for a pension intimately. We were boys together and but few years between us at the age of about 20 or 22 years

in the early part of the month of July 1781 I think, Charles Lewis and myself volunteered our service in defense of our Country in this County under the command of Captain John McLeain [sic, John McClain or McLane?] who raised a company of horse then called the Scouting party to protect the frontiers of North Carolina from the invasions of the Cherokee Indians. Charles Lewis was appointed by Captain John McLeain first Sergeant in our company. I service was on the line from Princes Station on the South Carolina line to Nevill's Station Walden's Station Russell's Station Potts'es station in the extreme northern part of this County arduous and perilous were our service constantly on duty from station to station and notwithstanding our vigilance the Indians killed some of our friends while we were at one point frequently they would break over and do their deeds of death on the inhabitants the highest officer in command known to us was Colonel Andrew Hampton.

Sometime in the month of April 1782 day of the month I do not recollect it being so long ago we received our discharge from the service. I am confident we served nine months and probably longer.

Sworn and subscribed the day and year last above mentioned.
S/ M. Simmons, JP
S/ William Dalton, X his mark

1 James Ownby (Owenby) W3712
2 William Dalton S8295

State of North Carolina,
Office of Secretary of State

I, William Hill, Secretary of State, in and for the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify, that it appears from the muster-rolls of the Continental line of this State, in the Revolutionary War, that Charles Lewis a private Soldier in Captain Hogg's company of the 10th Regiment, entered the service on the 20th day of July 1778, for the term of 9 months.

Given under my hand this 22nd day of November 1845
S/ Wm Hill, Secretary of State

[fn p. 47-54 is a handwritten copy of the NC Militia Act of 1781 certified as correct by Wm Hill, Secretary of State under certificate dated September 5, 1849.]

[fn p. 4: marriage bond dated October 26, 1785 issued in Rutherford County to Charles Lewis & Richard Lewis, bondsmen, to secure the marriage of Charles Lewis to Elizabeth Russell of said County.]

[The Widow was pension at the rate of $83.05 commencing March 4, 1843.]

Thank you for your consideration!
Vonnie Cantrell (#47192880)

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Charles Crawford Lewis's Timeline

May 26, 1761
Albemarle County, Virginia
December 31, 1783
Rutherford County, NC, United States
Rutherford County, North Carolina, United States
October 7, 1791
Rutherford County, North Carolina, United States
May 7, 1799
Rutherford County, North Carolina, United States
December 1, 1799
Rutherford County, North Carolina, United States