Charles John Joughin

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Charles John Joughin (1878 - 1956)

Birthplace: Birkenhead, Cheshire, England (United Kingdom)
Death: December 09, 1956 (78)
Patterson, New Jersey, United States (Pneumonia )
Place of Burial: Cedar Lawn Cemetery Paterson New Jersey United States
Immediate Family:

Son of John Edwin Joughin and Ellen Joughin
Husband of Annie Eleanor Ripley and Louise Joughin
Father of Agnes Lillian Joughin; Roland Ernest Joughin and Richard Joughin
Brother of Mary Agnes Joughin; Sarah Ellen Elizabeth Dunning; Theodore Joughin; Richard Archibald Joughin and William Arthur Joughin

Birth Reg.: JOUGHIN, CHARLES JOHN ; mother CROMBLEHOLME GRO Reference: 1878 S Quarter in BIRKENHEAD Volume 08A Page 515
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Charles John Joughin

Marriages Dec 1906

JOUGHIN Charles John W. Derby 8b 658 WOODWARD Louisa W. Derby 8b 658

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See Encyclopedia Titanica (2019) Charles John Joughin (ref: #1945, last updated: 17th October 2019, accessed 2nd September 2023 11:16:07 AM)

Titanic Crew Summary
Name: Mr Charles John Joughin
Titanic Survivor
Born: Saturday 3rd August 1878 in Birkenhead, Lancashire, England
Age: 33 years 8 months and 12 days (Male)
Nationality: English
Marital Status: Married to Louise Woodward
Last Residence: at Elmhurst, Leighton Road, Shirley Southampton, Hampshire, England
Occupation: Chief Baker
Last Ship: Olympic
Victualling Crew
Embarked: Belfast on Monday 1st April 1912
Rescued (boat B)
Disembarked Carpathia: New York City on Thursday 18th April 1912
Died: Sunday 9th December 1956 aged 78 years
Cause of Death: Pneumonia
Buried: Cedar Lawn Cemetery, Paterson, New Jersey, United States

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Charles John Joughin's Timeline

August 3, 1878
Birkenhead, Cheshire, England (United Kingdom)
October 2, 1878
September 22, 1907
Lancashire, England (United Kingdom)
November 15, 1909
Southampton, Hampshire, England (United Kingdom)
Liverpool RD, Lancashire, England (United Kingdom)
December 9, 1956
Age 78
Patterson, New Jersey, United States
Cedar Lawn Cemetery Paterson New Jersey United States