Matching family tree profiles for Charles B. Callahan, I
Immediate Family
About Charles B. Callahan, I
I think the Birth in Ireland is error as grandparents are found in America. But some trees have him born in Ireland famiky may be of Irish or scot Irish origins but it has to be determind still.
Callahan Cousin found this Excerpt from the Central Press (Bellefonte, PA) June 24, 1864, page 3: Shocking and Fatal Accident Mr. Charles B. Callahan, residing in Nittany Hall, this county, and formerly a citizen of this place, lost his life in a most shocking manner in a shaft some twelve feet deep, situated about four miles west of Hublersburg, which was being worked for the Washington Iron Company. The accident happened on last Monday under the following circumstances: Mr. Callahan was the contractor for supplying ore, and visited the mine which he was superintending. While resting in a stooping position in the shade under the embankment, the side of the shaft suddenly gave way and several tons of earth fell upon and buried him in the position already mentioned, breaking his back and neck, and crushing in the ribs, stomach, and head to a perfect mass. The unfortunate man was about fity six years of age, and enjoyed the reputation of a highly esteemed and respected citizen, and well known throughout this section of the country.
- Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy: Sep 5 2017, 17:51:06 UTC
James Armour and Charles B Callahan in book https://books.google.com/books?id=lSEUAwAAQBAJ&pg=PA240&lpg=PA240&d... James Armour and Charles B Callahan in book
James Armour and Charles B Callahan in book https://books.google.com/books?id=lSEUAwAAQBAJ&pg=PA240&lpg=PA240&d... James Armour and Charles B Callahan in book
Charles B. Callahan, born in 1800, was a grandson of Dr. Charles Beyer, of Lewisburg, and the son of a school-teacher there.
He was a tailor by trade, but also an architect of considerable ability, in that capacity erecting the old Reynolds Arcade, also the Conrad House in Bellefonte, and other good dwellings.
He was killed at Howard, June 20, 1864, by the caving in of a mine, and is buried at Hublersburg, where his widow, Margaret, resided after his death.
Two of Mr. Callahan's sons lost their lives in defense of the Union; a daughter, Celia, is married to Lot Bergstresser, of Hublersburg.
Source: History of Centre and Clinton Counties, Pennsylvania; John Blair Linn; Philadelphia; Louis H. Everts; 1883
Charles B. Callahan, I's Timeline
1813 |
December 24, 1813
Lewisburg, Union County, Pennsylvania, United States
1832 |
July 17, 1832
1834 |
November 6, 1834
Bellefonte, Centre County, Pennsylvania, United States
1837 |
February 26, 1837
Bellefonte, Centre County, Pennsylvania, United States
1838 |
October 15, 1838
1842 |
December 12, 1842
Pennsylvania, USA
1851 |
November 2, 1851
Centre County, Pennsylvania, United States
1896 |
October 25, 1896
Age 82
Cresson, Cambria County, Pennsylvania, United States
October 25, 1896
Age 82
Saint Aloysius Church Cemetery, Pottstown, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, United States