Historical records matching Cecily Hill
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Immediate Family
About Cecily Hill
Primary Sources
Cecily was a legatee and one of the executors of the 1434 will of her husband John Hill.
Other Sources
History of the noble house of Stourton, of Stourton, in the county of Wilts; (1899) Vol. 1
- From the will of John Stourton, there is very clear evidence of his identity, it is dated 10th November, 1438, and proved 27th January, 1438-9, the translation of the commencement of which reads : — I John Stourton, of Preston, senior, son of John Stourton, sometime Lord of Stourton§, and (half) brother of William Stourton, son and heir of the said John (Stourton). He directed his body to be buried in the Church of Stavordale||, and mentions his third wife, Katherine, his nephew. Sir John Stourton, knight, afterwards created Baron of Stourton, Co. Wilts. ; his sister, Anastasia, a nun at Shaftesbury, and his daughter Cecily. . . . .
- http://www.archive.org/stream/historyofnobleho01mowb#page/84/mode/1up
- . . . . All John Stourton's landed property he had previously settled on his daughters, in his lifetime, and when his Inquisition was taken after his death, at Yeovil, in 17 Henry VI., 1439, he was called John Stourton, Esquire, of Preston, not Brimpton, and it was proved and found by the Jurors that he then held no lands, here-ditaments and premises within the County of Somerset, his three daughters, (i) Cecily, wife of Thomas Kuriel, knight, aged 34 years ; (2) Johanna, wife of John Sydenham, Esquire, aged 21 years ; and (3) Alice Stourton, aged 7 years ; were his coheirs at law. These daughters were respectively children by each of his three wives, and the Inquisition is important as deciding the priority of their births. In Harleian MS., No. 1074, his first wife was erroneously given as his second one, with her name in blank, and his second wife was consequently placed as his first one, and in a pedigree prepared in 1509, there was also some confusion made in his three wives, although more care was used in ascertaining the child by each marriage, excepting as to their priority of birth. John Stourton's first wife was Joan, daughter of William Banastre, Lord of the Manors of Wheathill, Radstock, &c*., widow of Robert Affeton, living in 1395!. He founded an obiit to " Pray for the soul of Joan, sometime the wife of John Stourton;};." By her he had one daughter and heir, eventually a coheir : —
- Cecily Stourton, aged 34 years in 1439, she married (i) John Hill, of Spakton, aged 21 years on his father's death, on Sunday the Feast of St. Mark, 1424§, who himself died on Thursday next after the Feast. of St. Calixtus in 1435||, with whom she claimed a house in Wells, as heir of her maternal grandfather, William Banastre, called Lord of Wellesleigh, who had, by deed in 12 Richard II., given a messuage in Wells to a Canon thereof, which John and Cecily Hill alleged they had been dispossessed of*. She married (2) Sir William Kuriel, knight, of Westhangre, Kent**, whose wife she was at her father's death, and under the latter's will she had one silver cup which had belonged to one Nicholas d'Ortes. On her death, 18th April, 1472, Preston Pluckenet passed to her son and heir by John Hill*.
- http://www.archive.org/stream/historyofnobleho01mowb#page/85/mode/1up
- John Stourton married, secondly, Alice Dennis or Peny, of Co. Kent, called Alice, daughter and heir of . . . Peny, by Hoare, and confirmed as to the name by Harl. MS., 1074; and as daughter of . . . Dennis, of Kent, by Edmondson. By her he had issue a daughter and coheir : —
- Jane Stourton, aged 21 years in 1439, wrongly called Alice in the Visitation for Co. Somerset, but corrected to Jane in the old pedigree of 1509, who married John Sydenham, Esquire, M.P. for Co. Somerset, and which marriage is confirmed subject to Alice for Jane, by the Visitation for Co. Somerset, as well as being confirmed by Hoare and Edmondson, and supported by legal records. John Sydenham pre-deceased his wife, on the 4th April, 1460, . . . . .
- http://www.archive.org/stream/historyofnobleho01mowb#page/87/mode/1up
- John Stourton married, thirdly, Katherine Payne (f), or Pyne, daughter of Thomas Payne, or Pyne, of Paynshay, Devon, who lived temp. 10 Richard II., by Margery, his wife, daughter and heir of Peter de Yeovilton, or Jenelton, of Speckington, Somerset (}:). . . . . .
- http://www.archive.org/stream/historyofnobleho01mowb#page/88/mode/1...
- . . . . By Catherine Payne, or Pyne, (who is mentioned in her husband's will, and whose arms were blended with Stourton and Sydenham in the book plate referred to on page 73,) John Stourton had a daughter and coheir:—
- Alice Stourton, who was aged 7 years in 1439, and from her father she inherited Pendomer Manor, &c., under his settlement and entail as before shewn under his name, which premises were eventually disentailed by her descendant, Henry Daubeney, created Earl of Bridgewater, and sold by him. She married (i) William Daubeney. Lord of Barrington, Co. Somerset, son and heir of Sir Giles Daubeney, knight, and consequently ancestor of Henry Daubeney, created Earl of Bridgewater ; and (2) Robert Hill, of Houndston Manor, Co. Somerset, who died in 1493, seised of that Manor, &c., his arms, impaling those of Stourton, were setup in Dunster Church, (Harl. MS., 1559, fo. 235.) Hoare in his copy of the College of Arms pedigree, says she married, i. — William Daubeney, Esq., and 2.— Robert Hill, although Edmondson only gives the first husband, but the Visitation for Co. Worcester confirmed Hoare, calling her father Jenkin Stourton. Harleian Manuscript 1074, likewise supported these marriages, although wrongly stating her mother to have been Alice Peny, her father's second wife, but this was corrected by the old pedigree of 1509, which added that her first husband was Lord of Baryngton.
The Antiquary, Volume 32 edited by Edward Walford, John Charles Cox, George Latimer Apperson
- Pg. 223 CHART
- CHILDREN of Isabella Fychet & Robert Hill
- John, b. before 1402; d. Oct. 21 (? 14), 1434. = Cicely, dau. of John Stourton, of Preston, near Yeovil, by his second wife (? Joan, dau. of Wm. Banastre, of Radstock); coheir of father and mother. She mar. (2) Sir Thomas Keryell, of Westonhanger, near Dover (exec. 1461); d. April 18, 1472.
- CHILDREN of Cicely Stourton and John Hill
- John, b. 1424; d. Oct. 12, 1455. = Margaret, dau. of Sir Walter Rodney and granddau. of Walter, Lord Hungerford.
- John
- (?Roger).
- Thomas; d. s.p.
- Elizabeth (ultimately sole heir). = John Cheney, of Pinhoe, near Exeter; several time Sheriff of Devon, son of Sir Wm. Cheney (d. 1421).
Collectanea topographica et genealogica (1834)
- Pg.312
- No. XIII. f. 317, 317b, 318, 319. PEDIGREE CHART
- John Stourton.; ch: William (m. Elizabeth Moyne), Pg.313 John or Jenkyn (m._ & _ Payne & _ Peny), Edith (m. Sir John Beauchamp & Robert Shottesbroke) Stourton
- John or Jenkyn Stourton, of Preston = . . . . . ch: dau. (m. _ Hill) Stourton; = . ., dau. and hr. of . . . . Payne.; ch: dau. (m. _ Sidenham) Stourton.; = ., dau and hr. of . . . . Peny.; ch: Alice (m. William Daubeney & Robt. Hill) Stourton.
- A dau. wedd. to . . . Hill of Spakston.; ch: _ (m. _ Cheyney), John (m. _ Rodney) Hill.
- Alice Stourton. = William Daubeney, 1st husb.; ch: [See No. XIV.]; = Robt. Hill, 2nd husband.; ch: Giles, Margaret (m. Sir Hugh Luttrell), Jane (m. Nicholas Wadham) Hill.
- John or Jenkyn Stourton, of Preston = . . . . . ch: dau. (m. _ Hill) Stourton; = . ., dau. and hr. of . . . . Payne.; ch: dau. (m. _ Sidenham) Stourton.; = ., dau and hr. of . . . . Peny.; ch: Alice (m. William Daubeney & Robt. Hill) Stourton.
- https://archive.org/stream/collectaneatopog01londuoft#page/409/mode...
- Pg.409
- P. 313. The following Pedigree of Hill, of Spaxton, co. Somerset. compiled from a paper written about the year 1509, shows the relationship of the two persons of that name who married the two sisters Stourton, and includes descents of Sidenham, Cheyne, &c.
- John Stourton, of Preston Plukenet, co. Som. = 1st w.; ch: Joan (m. John Sidenham) Stourton.; = 2d w.; ch: Cicel (m. John Hill & Sir J. Curyell) Stourton.; = 3d w.; ch: Alys (m. William Daubenye & Robert Hill) Stourton.
- Joan, mar. John Sidenham, of Brimpton, and had issue: Walter, father of John; Sylvester; Richard; George; and a dau.
- Cicel, mar. 2dly, Sir J. Curyell, of Westhangre, Kent. = John Hill of Spaxton son of Robert Hill.; ch: John (m. _ Rodney), John, Thomas, Elizabeth (m. John Cheyne) Hill.
- Alys Stourton. = William Daubenye, lord of Baryngton.; ch: Giles, Elinor, James Daubeney.; = Robert Hill 2d husb. son of Edith Mode & Rauffe Hill.; ch: Giles (m. Agas Brente), Margaret (m. Sir Hugh Luttrell), Jane (m. Nicholas Wadham) Hill.
- 'Stourton01'
- TCP Stourton) refers to a pedigree of this family that commences with Botolph and says that it "was long ago disposed of by Round." The pedigree we show comes from BP1934 (Mowbray) and is assumed to be the one that is deemed by TCP to be insecure down to the Sir William who was alive in 1325.
- Botulph de Stourton (a c1070)
- m. Anne (dau of Godwin, Earl of Wessex and Kent)
- 1. Sir Robert de Stourton
- Collins reports that Robert's father was Sir Ralph (de) Stourton who "when William the Conqueror entered into the West, was among those who broke down the Sea-Walls of the Severn".
- A. Sir William de Stourton
- i. Sir Michael de Stourton
- m. Mary Mauduit (dau of John, Lord Mauduit)
- a. Sir John Stourton (dvp)
- BP1934 suggests that Sir John's wife, Gracia, was daughter of Thomas, Lord Hungerford. However, as was kindly brought to our attention by a site visitor (APH, 19.03.06), the dates for any such Grace Hungerford do not match with Sir John's likely dates. Collins identifies John's wife merely as ...
- m. Grace
- (1) Eudo Stourton (dvp)
- (2) Sir Ralph Stourton of Stourton (a 1291)
- m. Alice Berkeley (dau of Thomas, Lord Berkeley)
- (A) Edward / Eudo Stourton (dvp)
- (B) Sir William Stourton of Stourton (a 1325)
- TCP reports that this William may well have been son of Ralph and that from this William "thereafter the pedigree is clear", although (as noted) there are some queries regarding some of the wives.
- m. Joan Vernon (dau of Sir Richard Vernon of Horningham) named by TCP as just Joan
- (i) Sir John Stourton of Stourton, Sheriff of Dorset and Somerset (a 1381)
- TCP identifies John's wives as Lettice (probably mother of William) and Alice.
- m1. Catherine Beaumont (dau of Henry Beaumont, 3rd Lord)
- (a) .... etc.
- m2. Joan Basset (dau of Ralph, Lord Basset)
- Not sure which wife was mother of ...
- (b) John Stourton
- This John is identified by various web sites as 'of Preston' with the following family, though we are concerned that there may have been confusion with his father.
- m. Jane Basset
- ((1)) John Stourton of Preston Plucknett (d 1439)
- m1. Joan Banastre (dau of William Banaster of Wheathill)
- ((A)) Cecily Stourton
- m1. John Hill of Spaxton (d 1434)
- m2. Sir Thomas Keriell (d 1460)
- m2. Katherine Payne (dau of Thomas Payne of Paynshay, relict of William Daubeney, 9th Lord)
- ((B)) Alice Stourton
- m1. William Daubeney of South Ingleby, '5th/9th Lord' (b .1424, d 02.01.1460/1)
- m2. Robert Hill of Houndston & Talaton (d 08.09.1493)
- (c) .... etc.
- A. Sir William de Stourton
- Main sources: BP1934 (Mowbray, Segrave and Stourton) with some support from Collins (1741, Stourton)
- From: Stirnet.com
- http://www.stirnet.com/genie/data/british/ss4tz/stourton01.php#dau3
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Cecily Hill's Timeline
1405 |
Preston Plucknett, Yeovill, Somerset, England
1421 |
Repton, Derbyshire, England
1422 |
Spaxton, Somerset, England (United Kingdom)
1424 |
September 4, 1424
Spaxton, Somerset, England (United Kingdom)
1428 |
Taunton, Somerset, England (United Kingdom)
1433 |
1472 |
April 19, 1472
Age 67
Spaxton, Somerset, England