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Catherine Oxenbridge

Дата рождения:
Место рождения: River Brede
Ближайшие родственники:

Жена Nicholas Aucher
Мать Henry Aucher, Lord of Losenham

Менеджер: Carole (Erickson) Pomeroy,Vol. C...
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Ближайшие родственники

About Catherine Oxenbridge

  • (Miss) Oxenbridge1
  • F, #85186, b. circa 1348
  • (Miss) Oxenbridge was born circa 1348 at of Bread, Sussex, England.1 She married Nicholas Aucher, son of Thomas Aucher, circa 1370.1
  • Family Nicholas Aucher b. c 1347
  • Child
    • Henry Aucher+ b. c 1375
  • Citations
  • 1.[S11576] A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Extinct and Dormant Baronetcies of England, Ireland, and Scotland, by John Burke, Esq. and John Bernard Burke, Esq., p. 27.
  • From: http://our-royal-titled-noble-and-commoner-ancestors.com/p2835.htm#...
  • _________________
  • A genealogical and heraldic history of the extinct and dormant baronetcies of England, by J. and ... (1838)
  • http://archive.org/details/agenealogicalan02burkgoog
  • http://archive.org/stream/agenealogicalan02burkgoog#page/n43/mode/1up
  • Pg. 27
    • Aucher, of Bishopsbourne
  • Nicholas Aucher, son of Thomas, Lord of Losenham, in Kent, temp. EDWARD II. married the daughter of Oxenbidge of Bread, in Sussex, and had two sons. The younger, William, left an only daughter, Christina, the wife of Arnald de Alkham. The elder was father of
  • Henry Aucher, of Losenham, m. Elizabeth, daughter of John Diggs, of Barham, in Kent, and had a son and successor.
  • Henry Aucher, of Losenham, who wedded, first, Isabella At Towne, of Throwleigh, and had by her,
    • I. Thomas, of Losenham, whose son, Henry of Losenham, m. Elizabeth, daughter of Sir John Guldeford, knt. of Halden, and left an only daughter and heir,
      • Anne, who espoused, temp. Henry VIII. Walter Colpeper, second son of Sir John Colepeper, knt. by Agnes, daughter and
      • http://archive.org/stream/agenealogicalan02burkgoog#page/n44/mode/1up
      • Pg. 28
      • heir of John Hedgebery, esq. The grandson of this marriage, Sir John Colepeper, knt. of Wigsell, sold the manor of Losenham to Adrian Moore, esq. of Egham, in Surrey, in whose family it continued until alienated in 1702 to Nicholas Bishop.
    • II. Robert, ancestor of the Auchers of Westwell.
  • Henry Aucher married, secondly, Joan, daughter and heir of Thomas St. Leger, of Otterden, second son of Sir Ralph St. Leger, of Ulcomb, knight of the shire for Kent 51 Edward, and had an only son,
  • Henry Aucher, who succeeded to the manor of Otterden, his mother's inheritance, and seated himself there, where he was residing 19 Henry VI. He m. Alicia Boleyn, and left a son and successor,
  • John Aucher, of Otterden who died 23rd April 1503, and was buried in the north chapel of the parish church, leaving by Alice Church, his wife, three sons and two daughters, viz.
    • I. James, his heir.
    • II. William, d. s. p.
    • III. Marmaduke, m. a daughter of Gilbole.
    • I. Elizabeth, m. to Thomas Berham, of Sisinghurst.
    • II. Jane, m. to Thomas Corbet.
  • The eldest son,
  • James Aucher, esq. of Otterden, wedded Alice, daughter of Thomas Hills, esq. of Eggarton, near Godmersham, and by her (who m. secondly, James Hardres, esq. of Hardres) had a son and daughter, Anthony, his heir, and Susan, m. to James Aucher. He died 6th January, 1508, was interred near his father, and succeeded by his son,
  • Sir Anthony Aucher, knt. of Otterden, who acquired from Thomas Colepeper, temp. Henry VIII. the manors of Bishopsborne and Hautsborne, in Kent. He wedded Affra, daughter of William Cornwallis, of Norfolk, and had issue,
    • I. John, of Otterden, m. Ann, daughter of Sir William Kellaway, knt. and left an only daughter and heiress.
      • Joan, m. temp. Queen Elizabeth, to Sir Humphrey Gilbert, knt. by whom the manor of Otterden was sold to William Lewin, LL.D.
    • II. Edward, of whom presently.
    • III. Thomas, d. s. p.
    • IV. William, of Nonington.
    • I. Susannah.
  • The second son,
  • Edward Aucher, esq. inherited, under his father's will, the manors of Bishopsbourne and Hautsborne. He m. Mabel, daughter of Sir Thomas Wrothe, knt. and had
    • Anthony, his heir.
    • Elizabeth, m. to Sir William Lovelace, knt. of Bethersden, in Kent, and had by him, who died in 1629, with other issue, .... etc.
  • The son and successor,
  • Anthony Aucher, esq. of Bishopsbourne, or Bourne, married two wives, but had issue only by the second, Margaret, daughter of Edwin Sandys, Archbishop of York, viz. two sons and as many daughters,
    • Anthony, his heir.
    • Edwin, of Willesborough, who m. Mary, daughter of John Gibbon, and by her, who d. in 1679, had a numerous issue. His son, the Rev. John Aucher, D.D. prebendary of Canterbury, died in 1701.
    • Elizabeth, m. first, to Sir William Hammond, knt. of Sts. Albans Court, in Kents, ancestor of the poet Hammond, and of the present William Osmund Hammand, esq. of St. Albans Court (see BURKE'S History of the Commoners). She wedded secondly, in 1624, the Venerable Walter Balcanqual, Dean of Rochester.
    • Margaret, m. to Sir Robert James, knt.
  • He died 13th January 1609-10, and was succeeded by his son,
  • Sir Anthony Aucher, knt. of Bourne, who served as sheriff of Kent in 12 James I. He m. Hester, daughter and co-heir of Peter Collet, of London, and dying in July 1637, was succeeded by his son,
  • I. Sir Anthony Aucher, of Bourne, who was created a baronet 4th July, 1666. He wedded, first, Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Hatton, esq. by whom (who died in 1648) he had no issue to survive him, and. secondly, Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Thomas Hewitt, knt. by whom he had,
    • I. Anthony, his heir.
    • II. Hewitt, successor to his brother.
    • I. Elizabeth, m. to John Corbett, LL.D. Of this lady presently as co-heiress to her brother, the last baronet.
    • II. Hester, m. to Ralph Blomer, D.D. prebendary of Canterbury, and had, with other issue, a daughter, .... etc.
  • Sir Anthony died in May, 1692, and was s. by his son,
  • II. Sir Anthony Aucher, of Bourne, at whose decease in minority in 1691, the title passed to his brother,
  • III. Sir Hewitt Aucher, of Bourne, who died un-married in 1726, when the Baronetcy expired. His elder sister and co-heir,
  • Elizabeth, the wife of John Corbett, LL.D. left five daughters and co-heirs, viz. .... etc.
  • ____________________________
  • 'Aucher1'
  • Families covered: Aucher of Bishopsbourne (Bourne), Aucher of Losenham, Aucher of Otterden
  • BEB1841 reports that "The family of Aucher, eminent in ancient times in the counties of Essex, Kent, Sussex, and Nottingham, "derived" (we quote Hasted) from Ealcher or Aucher, the first Earl of Kent".
  • Thomas Aucher of Losenham, Kent
    • 1. Nicholas Aucher of Losenham (a temp Edward II who r. 1307-1327)
    • m. _ Oxenbridge of Bread
    • Visitation (Kent, 1619) starts with this Nicholas and shows him as father of the Henry who m. Elizabeth Diggs. However, BEB1841 says it was Nicholas's elder son (unnamed) who was Henry's father.
      • A. ?? Aucher
        • i. Henry Aucher of Losenham
        • m. Elizabeth Diggs (dau of John Diggs of Barham)
          • a. Henry Aucher of Losenham
          • m1. Isabella At Towne of Throwleigh
            • (1) Thomas Aucher of Losenham
              • (A) Henry Aucher of Losenham
              • m. Elizabeth Guldeford (dau of Sir John Guldeford of Halden)
                • (i) Anne Aucher (a temp Henry VII who r. 1485-1509)
                • m. Walter Colepeper (son of Sir John by Agnes Bedgebery)
            • (2) Robert Aucher ancestor of Auchers of Westwell
              • (A)+ issue - Henry, James
          • m2. Joan or Juliana (probably not Mary) St. Leger (dau/heir of Thomas St. Leger of Otterden, son of Sir Ralph of Ulcomb)
            • (3) Henry Aucher of Otterden, Kent (a 1431)
            • m. Alicia Boleyn
              • (A) John Aucher of Otterden (d 23.04.1503)
              • m. Alice Church
                • (i) Jacob (James) Aucher of Otterden (d 06.01.1508) - continued below
                • m. Alice Hills (dau of Thomas Hills of Eggarton)
                • (ii) William Aucher (dsp)
                • (iii) Marmaduke Aucher
                • m. Alice Gilbole (dau of John Gilbole)
                • (iv) Elizabeth Aucher
                • m. Thomas Berham or Barham of Sisinghurst
                • (v) Jane Aucher
                • m. Thomas Corbet
                  • (a)+ issue - John, Richard, Mathew, Thomas, Isabell
              • (B) Henry Aucher
      • B. William Aucher
        • i. Christina Aucher
        • m. Arnald de Alkham
  • Jacob (James) Aucher of Otterden (d 06.01.1508) - continued above
  • m. Alice Hills (dau of Thomas Hills of Eggarton, m2. James Hardres of Hardres)
    • 1. Sir Anthony Aucher of Otterden, Bishopsbourne & Hautsborne (d 1557)
    • m. Affra Cornwallis (d 1557, dau of William Cornwallis of Norfolk)
      • A. John Aucher of Otterden
      • m. Ann Kellaway (dau of Sir William Kellaway)
        • i. Joan Aucher
        • m. Sir Humphrey Gilbert
          • a.+ issue - John, Otho
      • B. Edward Aucher of Bishopsbourne
      • m. Mabel Wrothe (dau of Sir Thomas (sb Robert?) Wrothe)
        • i. Anthony Aucher of Bishopsbourne or Bourne
        • m1. (sp) _ Berham (Dau of Robert Berham)
        • m2. Margaret Sandys (dau of Edwin Sandys, Archbishop of York)
          • a. Sir Anthony Aucher of Bourne, Sheriff of Kent (d 07.1637)
          • m. Hester Collet (dau/coheir of Peter Collet of London)
            • (1) Sir Anthony Aucher, 1st Bart of Bourne (b c1614, d 05.1692)
            • m1. Elizabeth Hatton (d 1648, dau of Robert Hatton)
              • (A)+ issue (dvp)
            • m2. Elzabeth Hewitt (dau of Sir Thomas Hewitt)
              • (B) Sir Anthony Aucher, 2nd Bart of of Bourne (d 1694)
              • (C) Sir Hewitt Aucher, 3rd Bart of of Bourne (d um 1726)
              • (D) Elizabeth Aucher
              • m. John Corbett 'of Bourn Place'
                • (i) Catharine Corbett
                • m. Stephen Beckingham
                  • (a) Rev. John Charles Beckingham of Bishopsbourne
                    • ((1)) Louisa Beckingham
                    • m. (1802) Edward Taylor of Bifrons
                • (ii) Elizabeth Corbett (dsp)
                • m. Thomas Dinward
                • (iii) Frances Corbett
                • m. Sir William Hardres, Bart of Hardres (dsp 31.08.1764)
                • (iv) Antonina Corbett
                • m. Ignatius Geoghegan
                • (v) Margaret Hannah Corbett
                • m. William Hougham of Barton Court
                  • (a) William Hougham of Barton Court (dsp 1828)
                  • (b Catharine Hougham
                  • m. Rev. Richard Sandys
              • (E) Hester Aucher
              • m. Ralph Blomer (prebendary of Canterbury)
                • (i) Anne Blomer
                • m. James Teale
                  • (a) Isaac M. Teale
                  • (b) Mary Teale
                  • m. Sir Charles Shipley (Major General)
                • (ii)+ other issue
            • (2) Hester Aucher
            • m. Edmond Bowyer (son of Benjamin of Camberwell)
          • b. Edwin Aucher of Willesborough
          • m. Mary Gibbon (d 1679, dau of John Gibbon of Bourne)
            • (1)+ issue (a 1619) - Anthony, Margaret, Hester, Elizabeth
            • (5)+ other issue including John (d 1701, prebendary of Canterbury)
          • c. Elizabeth Aucher
          • m1. Sir William Hammond of St. Albans Court (d 1615)
          • m2. (1624) Walter Balcanqual (Dean of ROchester)
          • d. Margaret Aucher
          • m. Sir Roger James
          • e. Hester Aucher probably of this generation
          • m. Richard Sandys of Downe Hall (Colonel)
        • ii. Elizabeth Aucher
        • m. Sir William Lovelace of Bethersden (d 1629)
      • C. William Aucher of Nonnington (dsp, 4th son)
      • m. Alice Monins (dau of Edward Monins or Monninges)
      • D.+ other issue - Thomas (dsp), Susannah
    • 2. Susan Aucher
    • m. James Aucher
  • Main source(s): BEB1841 (Aucher of Bishopsbourne) with some support from Visitation (Kent, 1574 & 1619, Aucher)
  • From: Stirnet.com
  • http://www.stirnet.com/genie/data/british/aa/aucher1.php
  • ______________________________
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Хронология Catherine Oxenbridge

River Brede
Losenham, Kent, England