public profile
Stellenbosch Baptism Record (3rd entry on right-hand side)
Lubbe - Van Wyk Marriage Record (Stellenbosch)
Death Registration 1785
b1 Adrian (Arie) ≈ Amsterdam 18.1.1668 † Stellenbosch 15.9.1714 x Drakenstein c. 1689 Marie LE LONG d.v. Jean le Long en Maria Coche xx Okt. 1693 Cornelia HELM (wed. v. Johannes (Jan) van den Bosch) ≈ Kaapstad 17.9.1673 d.v. Hans Helm en Geertruy Willemse
c8 Catharina * c. 1710 ≈ Stellenbosch 20.7.1710 x Stellenbosch 20.6.1726 Hendrik LUBBE ≈ Stellenbosch 5.9.1700 s.v. Barend Lubbe en Jacoba Brandenburg
Catharina van Wyk
F, #5102, b. before 20 July 1710
Father* Arie van Wijk1 b. b 18 Jan 1668, d. bt Apr 1713 - 2 Dec 1713
Mother* Cornelia Helm1 b. b 17 Sep 1673, d. c 1721
Birth* Catharina van Wyk was born before 20 July 1710 at de Caep de Goede Hoop.
Baptism Catharina van Wyk was baptized on 20 July 1710 at Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Stellenbosch, de Caep de Goede Hoop. The baptism was witnessed by Hester ter Winkel and Pieter van der Bijl. On the baptismal record her name is Katrina
Marriage* She married Hendrikz Lùbbe, son of Berend Löbe and Jacoba Brandenbùrg, on 20 June 1726 at Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Stellenbosch, de Caep de Goede Hoop.
Notes: Cape Town baptisms, 10 March 1726
Cornelis onegt, Ouders: de zoo gezegde vader is Matthijs Gunter van Gerrolis en moeder Katharina van Wijk, Getuige: de moeder zelve
Married Hendrik Lubbe died before 1771
Catharina died before 1771 - Ref. Estate Accounts - Van Wijk, Willem d'oude - 21 October 1772
Catharina van Wijk, weduwe Hendrik Lubbe
Judi Marais-Meyer register
Eie inventaris: MOOC8/5.126a, b & c
Ged. 2 /12/1737; 2/12/137; 7/12/1737
Hierin word sy Jacomina van Deventer genoem.
Sy laat haar man, Cornelis en 10 kinders agter.
"n Plaas in Wamakersvallei, - Rd;s 1600
Hhoofwoning Tradoux:- Rd;s 300
Nog 'n woning Bracke Fonteijn. - Rd:s 240
3 Slavine - f360
3 Slawe kinders - f240
8 mans slawe - f1920
6 perde - f288
299 beeste - f3588
1698 Skape - f2547
Asook etlike los goedere agter.
She my 6th grt grandmother
Her sister -- Maria Joubert (van Wyk), SM is your 7th great grandmother. Phillipp Weyers
1710 |
July 20, 1710
Stellenbosch, Cape, South Africa
July 20, 1710
Stellenbosch, Cape, South Africa
July 20, 1710
DRC, Stellenbosch, Western Cape, South Africa
July 20, 1710
Stellenbosch, Cape, Rsa
1727 |
September 28, 1727
1728 |
December 19, 1728
Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
1731 |
June 24, 1731
Swartland, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
1733 |
July 5, 1733
Kaapstad, Caap de Goede Hoop, Suid Afrika