Matching family tree profiles for Capt. John George Overmire, II
Immediate Family
About Capt. John George Overmire, II
Capt. John George Overmire (Overmyer), II
DAR Ancestor #: A085024
Rank(s): CAPTAIN
Birth: 10-27-1727 IN BADEN EUROPE
Service Source: PA ARCH, 2ND SER, VOL 14, PP 325, 329
Service Description:1) 4TH BATT, COLONEL PHILIP COLE
- Capt John George Overmire Find A Grave Memorial# 11804015
- Dry Run Cemetery, New Berlin, Union County, Pennsylvania, USA
- Much history about John George Obermayer and his descendants can be found in the book Overmyer history and genealogy, from 1680 to 1905 by Barnhart B. Overmyer, John C. Overmyer - Chas. S. Beelman, printer, 1905 - Indiana - 338 pages
- Overmyer History and Genealogy, from 1680 to 1905 Google Books, From the book page 12:
- Astronaut & Pilot Colonel Robert Franklyn Overmyer was his 4th great-grandson.
John George Obermayer, an emigrant, was married to Eva Rosenbaum in 1753. Their first child, John George, was born June 3rd, 1755, Catherine was born Sept. 12th, 1756, Margaratha was born Nov. 6th, 1758, Susannah, born Nov. 6th, 1758, twins. His first wife died and he was again married to a Barbara Vogt, or Foucht, and the children from the union were:
- John Peter, born Feb. 5th, 1761.
- Elizabeth, born Feb. 27th, 1763.
- Anna Eve and Esther, dates not deciphered, probably twins.
- Jonas, born March 5th, 1766; died unmarried.
- Mary Magdalene, born Aug. 25th, 1767, married Peter Whitmer; died 1839 in Perry Co., Ohio
- Philip, born Sept. 23, 1769; died March 24th, 1843.
- John Michael, born Jan. 12th, 1773; died Oct . 19th, 1847.
- David, born Nov. 12th, 1774; died Sept. 28th, 1866.
- Barbara, born Sept. 17th, 1776.
- Jacob, born March 27th, 1778; died May 14th, 1835.
I have a copy of a book published in 2009, about John Overmyer and his descendants. I'm included! The book is called:
ONE IMMIGRANTS LEGACY, The Overmyer Family in America, 1751-2009
For more information about the book, click: http://indeliblemarkpublishing.com/One-Immigrant's-Legacy.php
Revolutionary War Commander: Part of General George Washington's "Corps of Rangers" Expert Pennsylvania Riflemen. The Overmyer Fort in Pennsylvania was named in his honor. Captain John George Obermayer (Family spellings variant as Overmoyer, Overmier, Overmire, etc) Overmyer came to America in 1751 on the ship "Brothers." Overmeier served in the French and Indian War and later was a Colonial Militia Captain in the Revolutionary War. Assigned to Colonel Philip Cole's 4th Battalion of Northumberland County, Pennsylvania formed in 1776 Captain John George Overmeier, Sixth Company (His son J.G.O. Jr. was listed in Capt. John Clarke's 1st Co.) attached to Colonel James Potter's 2nd Battalion under Lt. Col. James Murray. They left Reading on January 3, 1777, and on the 8th joined Washington at Morristown, Elizabethtown, and indeed, of all the enemy's posts in New Jersey, except New Brunswick and Amboy, and then retired to secure winter quarters at Morristown. Captain Obermayer discharged varied and arduous duties at times at the head of a company of men as Captain, leading them to battle and pursuit of the enemy, at other times marching in the ranks and doing battle under other officers. Commissioned for local frontier defense, sometimes for special campaigns, and still others for periods in support of the Continental Army and General John Sullivan.
"For God & Country"
On Dec. 11th, 1777 occurred the action at Guelph's Mills, near Philadelphia, in which the enemy endeavored to surprise General Potter. The 2nd Battalion, under Colonel Murray, was engaged. The following spring May 30th, Jacob Morgan wrote, "I have just returned from camp at Valley Forge, saw fifteen regiments under arms well disciplined. They performed several maneuvers with the greatest exactness and dispatch under the direction of Baron Steuben. General Washington afterwards reviewed them." May 31st, Col. Samuel Hunter wrote that "The back settlers of Buffalo township have come down to Capt. Overmeier's at the mouth of Sweitzer run." By May, 1778, just prior to the "Great Runaway," the militia was re-organized. We find Captain George Overmeier leading the 3rd Ranger Co. in the 1st Battalion under Col. John Kelly. The Rangers were known for the stealth, night-time attacks.
In 1779, two days after the Battle of Fort Freeland, Colonel Kelly marched with his men to the fort to bury the dead. Colonel Kelly used a dog that would track Indian trails and immediately drop when near, to alert the men.
In 1780 Colonel Samuel Hunter wrote, "Four people were buried on the old Obermayer homestead from an attack on (French) Jacob Grozong's Mill, May 16. ( said to be on the bluff opposite Tuscarora Creek ). The Frontier Rangers killed were: George Etzweiler (Dry Run Cemetery), James Chambers , John Forster Jr. (were carried to Lewis Cemetery), and Samuel McLaughlin (McLoughlin). (Col. Mattew Smith also wrote of this). During 1780 John Henry Pontius(Ponges) served as 1st Lieutenant under Captain Overmire against the Indians who were led by British Officers and Tories on the frontier. Wm Moore also served as Lieutenant under Captain Obermier.
During 1781 the 1st Battalion (Colonel Kelley) Northumberland County included Captain John George Overmeier's 3rd Company.(Included his two eldest sons, George & Peter).
On May 6, 1782 a battle engagement took place at an area by the Frederick Wise homestead, Limestone Township. Among Overmyer's men wounded were Private Edward Tate and killed were said to be Sergeants John Lee (perhaps buried at his family homestead?) & James Reyner. The bodies were prepared for burial by Mrs. Barbara Overmyer and others and buried (Rizner) on the bank of Penn's Creek near the Overmyer residence, their graves being marked by stones brought up from the edge of the creek. (Dry Run Cemetery). Captain Overmeier was with his men in pursuit of the Indians.
In 1805 Captain Overmyer (10/27/1727-9/22/1805) was also buried at Dry Run Cemetery, former Northumberland (now Union) Co. that was on the banks of Penn's Creek at Switzer's Run. His father (Born in Bavaria) and Grandfather were also named John George. Captain Overmyer had 4 children with Eva (Maria Magdalena) Rosenbaum who died at the sixth year of there marriage. He had then married (Anna) Barbara Vogt (Foucht) and had 11 more by the time of the Revolutionary War. His two eldest sons also served in the Revolutionary War while his youngest sons later served in the War of 1812. Sons were: John George Jr., John Peter, Jonas, Phillip (named after his Uncle), John Michael, David, and Jacob. Daughters were: Catherine, Twins Margaretha and Susanna, Elizabeth, Anna Eve and Esther, Mary Magdalene, and Barbara. Many other relatives also travelled to America in the late 1700's and beyond. Name is spelled with many different variants... {Sources include State Archives of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Rangers on the Frontier, Overmyer History & Genealogy, History of Northumberland Co. & Annals of Buffalo Twp}
1. Mabel Brucker, Monterey, Indiana, Daniel Overmyer History and Genealogy 1832 to 1978 (No Information), XXN, XXVI. Typed by Jeane amd Missy Stinemetz; not documenterd; photographs but or xerox copies. -Alot of Typographical erros, an inconsistent pattern in presenting data and given names. "John Georg Obermayer 1680-1743 (A weaver in Bavaria, Germany) -> JOhn George Obermayer 1727-1805 (The emigrant to Pennsylvania, America) 1st son) John George Overymeyer 1755-1811 ; 2nd son) John Peter Overmyer 1761-?, Elizabeth Overmyer 1763-?; Anna & Esther Overmyer (twins); 3rd son) Jonas Overmyer 1766-?; 4th son) Phillip Overmyer 1769-1843 ->David Overmyer (7th son of Phillip- 1808-1884-> Daniel Overmyer (1st son of David) 1832-1910); 5th son) John Micheal Overmyer 1733-1847; 6th son) David Overmyer 1774-1866; Barbara Overmyer 1766-?; 7th son) Jacob Overmyer 1778-1835
... On May 4, 1751 John George, 26 years old, was baptized and prepared to emigrate to Pennsylvania, North America. The school superintendent Feigler, Clerk of Court, issued an honorable dismissal and certificate of good character, a passport, to John George. His diary stated he set out with his belongings May 14, 1751. Two hundred passengers were aboard and the journey was only by sail and wind on the ship named "Brothers". They landed at Philadelphia Sept. 16, 1751, a voyage of 125 days. He served his new country in the Revolutionary War against England as a Captain of the Sixth company...."
2. Barnhaet B. and John C. Overmyer, Overmyer History and Genealogy 1680 to 1905 (1905, Fremont, Ohio, Cahs. S. Bellman Printer, reprint 1972 Light & Life Press). Light & Life Press, Winona Lake, Indiana Repository:. "On May 4th, 1751, twenty-three years, six months and six days after being baptized in preparing to leave his home and native land to go to the new colony of Pennsylvania, North America, he, the emigrant, John George Obermayer, produced the following letter of introduction from the pastor of his church in Blankenloch.
"In testimony of John George Obermayer's honest service and praiseworthy conduct while in our midst, especially of his knowledge and confession of the Evangelical Religion, "Lutheran," to which I cheerfully subscribe with my own hand and stamp with official seal. John Christian Ebersole, Pastor of Blankenloch & Buechig. Blankenloch, May 4th, 1751 (Official Seal) .............
Three days after receiving the letter of introduction from his pastor, being MAY 12TH, 1751, he sought the proper officials to procure transportation papers, or passport, as it is commonly called for the safe passage to the colony of Pennsylvania, North America, a verbatim copy of which is as follows: PASSPORT OF JOHN GEORGE OBERMAYER"
Inasmuch as thee above mentioned John George Obermayer of Blankenloch, has resolved by the grace of God to leave this province go to the New Country, the colony of Pennsylvania, and has most respectfully besought and petitioned us as the representatives of this Court for an honorable dismissal and certificate of good character, and we cannot justly refuse, but on the other hand, we cheerfully testify upon the ground of truth, that he has in his service in our midst conducted himself, as a Christian, as steadfast, honest trustworthy and industrious.
We therefore wish Mr. Obermayer. . . . . . . . . .but also eternal blessings. We therefore. . . . . . . . . . .persons, whether of high or low estate, with this charge testify not only to permit him to pass free and unmolested. . . . . . . . . .even he may choose to go, but also without suspicion, ki. . . . . . . . . .and entertain said Obermayer in whatsoever place he stay he may announce himself, for which we shall ever be the in debtors. In the name of this Court of Justice, we still remain the humble servant, Judge Bierich, Attorney, Kintzma. School Supt. Feigler, Clerk of Court. Blankenloch, May 12th, 1751
On the 14th day of June, at 2:00 o'clock, they passed through the Bingerloch, a strait or narrow passage in the Rhine, and a 7:00 o'clock they passed through the Bay of St. Gowar, a dangerous whirlpool, where they encountered great danger, arriving at Amsterdam, June 16th. The voyage from Rheinhausen to Amsterdam was of one weeks duration. From Amsterdam to Rotterdam the journey continued he embarking from Rotterdam on the. . . . . . . . . .and touching England on the 22nd, thence sailing west on the vast ocean. Of the Atlantic ocean we have no notes, sufficient as to say it was as all voyages were in those days of no proper. . . . . . . . . ., but sail and wind, tedious and long of duration. Leaving the shore of England June 22nd, on the ship named "Brothers," commanded by Captain William Muir of Rotterdam, with two hundred passengers, ......
On the 16th day of Sept. they landed at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, making a voyage of about eight-six days on the ocean, since leaving England, and one hundred and twenty-five days since leaving Blankenloch. Wonderful, the difference in navigation on the high seas, as in all else, between 1751and 1900.
The next record we have of John George Obermayer, we find him a citizen in Paxton Township, now Dauphin County, in Pennsylvania, in 1770, being on the assessment list with the following named citizens: Robert Clark, Walter Clark, Robert Fruit, William Maclay, Matthew Smith, William Plunket, Michael Troy, William Clark.
He was designated a widower when the list was made ten years previous. ....
The following facts were gleaned from an old Bible that had been preserved for several generations, which were old and dim, and difficult to decipher, but fully corroborated by inscriptions on various tombstones.
John George Obermayer, an emigrant, was married to Eva Rosenbaum in 1753. Their first child, John George, was born June 3rd, 1755, Catherine was born Sept. 12th, 1756. Margaratha was born Nov. 6th, 1758. Susannah born Nov. 6th, 1758 -TWINS
His first wife died and he was again married to Barbara VOGT, or FOUCHT, and the children from the union were:
- John Peter, Feb. 5, 1761
- Elizabeth, Feb. 27, 1763.
- Anna Eve and Ester, twins , dates not known
- Jonas, Mar. 5th, 1766, died unmarried
- Mary Magdelene, Aug. 25, 1767, married Peter Whitmer; died 1839, Perry County, Ohio.
- Philip, Sept. 23, 1769;died Mar. 24. 1843
- John Michael, Jan 12, 1773; died Oct. 19th, 1847
- David, born Nov. 12, 1774; died. Sept. 28th, 1866
- Barbara born Sept 17th, 1776
- Jacob born March 27th, 1778; died May 14th, 1835."
3. Edwin R. Corwin, One Townships Yesteryear's, May 3, 1931. " The German name of Obermayer has been Anglicized to Overmyer. The family name originated from one of the great grandsires filling the offi ceof the chief or highest mayor in a city or dominion, perhaps many generations ago, in a German province, hence " Ober Mayor".
The first John George Obermayer mentioned in the family history was bo rnat Nentzlingen, in Anspach, Barvaria, in 1680. Prior to 1718, he beca mea citizen of Blankenloch, Baden. He was a weaver in that town, and a copy holder later in a suburb. His youngest child, John George, was bo rnin 1727.
"From his diary we glean," write the family Historiana, " that on the 14th day of May, 1751, John Geroge Obermayer girdled on his worldlybelongin gs and bid farewell to Mother, Sisters, and Brothers, and thehome of h is childhood, adn set his face toward the far off wilderness,the new colo ny of Pennsylvania, beyond the vast ocean." That day helooked for the la st time upon his old world home and left forRheinhausen, to sail four da ys later toward Manheim. On the 20th he wasat Worms. Continuing the Rhi ne voyage, on June 4th great danger wasencountered on passing through t he Bay of ST. Gwoar, a treacherouswhirlpool. June 16th he was at Amsterda m, and on the 20th embarked fromRotterdam touching England on the 22nd, t hence sailing out on the vastocean, bound for a new world. The ship was n amed " Brothers." There weretwo hundred passengers, and the voyage was te dious and long, for sailand wind alone were to be depended upon to bri ng the ship across toAmerican shores. We read that "on the 16th day of Se ptember they landedat Philadelphia, making a voyage of about eighty six d ays since leavingEngland, and 125 days since leaving Blankenloch."
The next record we have of John George, we find him in what is now Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, in 1770. In 1753, he was married to Eva Rosenbaum. John George worked hard, plowing and grubing in stumpy fields whereHar risburg is now situated. His first wife died, and he married BarbaraVog t. He served as one of the first grand jurors of NorthumberlandCounty, Pe nnsylvania, in 1772; was with his family clearing a farm onSweitzer's R un and Penn's Creek in 1775: was at the head of a company ofvolunteers ag ainst the Indiana; fought in the Revolution as a captain;served on the co unty committee of safety in 1778 organized and ledsquads of men in protec tion of the frontier settlements, 1779 83; becamea county overseer, and f inally retired to a quiet life on his farm. Thefamily history is fu ll of stories of Indian raids, battles anddepredations, and of exciting f rontier happenings."
4. Ancestry.com, One World Tree (sm), Name: Provo, UT, USA: MyFamily.com, Inc., n.d.;, www.ancestry.com. Source Medium: Ancestry.com. "Online publication - Ancestry.com. OneWorldTree [database on-line].Provo, UT, USA: MyFamily.com, Inc."
5. Ancestry.com, One World Tree (sm), Name: Provo, UT, USA: MyFamily.com, Inc., n.d.;, www.ancestry.com. Source Medium: Ancestry.com. "Online publication - Ancestry.com. OneWorldTree [database on-line].Provo, UT, USA: MyFamily.com, Inc."
John George Obermayer, Junior, was born Oct 27, 1727 in Blankenloch, Baden, present-day Germany, baptized on Oct 28, 1727, and died Sep 22, 1805 in Northumberland County, (later Limestone Township, Union County, Pennsylvania) at the age of 77.
He married Eva Maria Magdalena Rosenbaum (Rosenbach) on Jun 3, 1754 at Paxton Township, now Dauphin County, near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. She was the daughter of Antonius Conradus "Anthony" Rosenbaum and Barbara Baumann. She was born Sep 17, 1735 in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania and died in Dec, 1759 in Paxtang Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. His second wife was Anna Barbara Vogt (Foucht), whom he married on Jun 2, 1760. They were married by the Reverend John Casper Stower in Hoover Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania, or in Hanover, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. Anna Barbara Vogt was the daughter of Jonas Vogt. She was born on Dec 3, 1741 and died in 1806 about the age of 64.
John George Obermayer's baptism is recorded in the Blankenloch Church:
"In Blankenloch, of the magistracy of Durlach, lying within the bounds of the highly exalted Dominion, the Magraviate of Baden, was born on October 27, 1727, and baptized the day following, October 28, John George, legitimate son of his father, John George Obermayer, citizen and weaver, and of his mother, Anna.
"Witnesses of his baptism were John George Bane [his maternal grandfather], citizen and weaver; Henry Bane, citizen of Buechig; also Susana, wife of Jacob Werners, citizen and weaver; also Anna Mary, wife of John Storken, citizen of Hagsfeld. This has been copied from the ‘Register of Baptisms' and the ‘Church Record' of this parish.
"In testimony of his honest service and praiseworthy conduct while in our midst, especially of his knowledge and confession of the Evangelical Religion (Lutheran). I cheerfully subscribe with my own hand and stamp with official seal. John Christian Ebersold. Pastor of Blankenloch and Buechig."
On May 14, 1751, at the age of 23, John George Obermayer, Junior left his home in Blankenloch and emigrated on the English ship Brothers. His passport read as follows:
"Inasmuch as the above mentioned, John George Obermayer, native of Blankenloch, has resolved by the Grace of God to leave this province to go to the New Country, the Colony of Pennsylvania, and has most respectfully besought and petitioned us, as the representatives of this court for an honorable dismissal and certificate of good character, and we cannot justly refuse, but on the other hand, we cheerfully testify upon the ground of truth, that he has in his service in our midst, conducted himself as a Christian, as steadfast, honest, trustworthy and industrious. --We therefore wish Mr. Obermayer not only all temporal but, also, all eternal blessings.
"We therefore beseech all respective persons, whether of high or low estate, with this charge of duty; not only to permit him to pass free and unmolested wherever he may choose to go, but, also, without suspicion, kindly to receive and entertain said Obermayer in whatsoever place or locality he may announce himself, for which we shall ever be the indebtors.
"In the name of this Court of Justice, we still remain the humble servant. Judge Bierich, Attorney, Kimtzma; School Sup't Fiegler, Clerk of the Court."
In his diary, John George recorded the following:
"On May 9th, 1751, we went for the last time to church in Blankenloch. There we sang once more, ‘There are none whom God has forsaken,' ‘Bless the Lord, O, my soul, and all that is within me bless His holy name,' ‘Lord Jesus Christ to us attend.' It was the fourth Sunday after Easter, ‘Cantate,' when we heard the Gospel lesson for the day. John 16: 5-15, which begins: ‘But now I go my way to Him that sent me; and none of you ask me ‘Whither goest thou?'
"On May 14, we left Blankenloch, for Rheinhausen. On the 18th, we sailed from Rheinhausen, toward Mannheim. On the 20th, we went to Worms, where we sang, ‘O, Holy Ghost, descend we pray.' On the 4th of June, at two o'clock, we passed through the Bingerlock, and at seven o'clock we passed through the bay of St. Gwoar, where we encountered great danger.
"Our voyage upon the Rhine from Rheinhausen to Amsterdam, was of four weeks' duration. On the 20th of June we embarked from Rotterdam, and from thence to old England. On the 22nd, we sailed in upon the vast ocean."
Unfortunately, the rest of his diary was not preserved. The voyage lasted 86 days on the ocean since leaving England, and 125 days since leaving Blankenloch.
He took the English oath of allegiance at the court house in Philadelphia on Monday, Sep 16, 1751. He is listed among the 94 names as George Obermeyer. "Present: The Worshipful, the Mayor, Thomas York, Esquire. The Foreigners who Names are underwritten, imported in the Ship Brothers, Capt. William Muir, from Rotterdam, did this Day take and subscribe the usual Qualifications. whole Freights 200. No. 93.. Messrs Stedman." (Thirty Thousand Names of Immigrants in Pennsylvania, 1772-1776, p 257; Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania 1727-1775, p 339 and Pennsylvania German Pioneers, Vol. I, 1727-1775, p 464) Two hundred passengers were on board, including Andreas Mohr, listed just after Georg Obermeyer's name. George Obermeyer's great-granddaughter Charlotte Houtz and Andreas Mohr's great-grandson Wesley Kenerly Helm married each other almost exactly 100 years later, on Oct 21, 1851.
According to the Overmyer History and Genealogy (pp. 5-6), there were 200 passengers, but only a partial list of names. Those who could write signed their name, including John George Obermayer. Women's and children's names were typically not listed.
"During the years intervening between the landing of the emigrant, John George Obermayer, from 1751 to 1770, when we again find his name in the history of Pennsylvania, we glean narratives of his life work, from family and church records. Drifting from Philadelphia, the place of his landing, North and Westward, we find him a settler in Paxton, now Harrisburg. Bible records and traditional history show that sometime during the year 1753 he was married to Eva Rosabaum, who was a servant girl for a large landowner, who had paid the fare of her voyage to his country to the officers of the ship in which she came. the writer's father often referred to the fact that the emigrant, John George Obermayer, and his first wife were servants together, for said land-owner, and plowed and grubbed together in stumpy fields where Harrisburg is not situated." (page 11)
After their marriage, they established their home in Paxton Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. Eva died in 1759.
In 1760, John George Obermayer was on the assessment list of Paxton Township, now Dauphin County, Pennsylvania.
On Jun 2, 1760, John George married Anna Barbara Vogt (Foucht) . She had immigrated with her parents and siblings 10 years earlier, in 1750. John George and Barbara remained in Paxton Township with their families until 1770.
In 1769, a wilderness area in what is now Northumberland, Union, and Snyder counties had been surveyed and opened to settlement. The land could be obtained at five Pounds per hundred acres, and the Obermayer family and a number of their neighbors in Paxton Township left their homes in the fall of 1770 for this promising new land. They settled on Sweitzer's Run, near the place where it empties into Penn's Creek, which in turn empties into the Susquehanna River. The farm consisted of 303 and 1/2 acres, and was in Buffalo Township in Northumberland County. (In 1792, the township was divided and the part in which the farm was located was then in Limestone Township in Union County.)
On Apr 3, 1769, George Overmire filed application #288 (new purchase) for 306 acres on Shamokin Creek, according to Survey Book C220-209, warrant #115. The warrant was subsequently dated Sep 6, 1744, warantee George Weigner, Patentee George Weyner, Patent Book AA14-661. "The Supreme Executive Council of the commonwealth of pennsylvania, To all to whom these Presents shall come, Greeting: Know ye, that in consideration of the Sum of Fifty three pounds, nineteen Shillings lawful Money paid by George Overmire into the Receiver Generals office of this Commonwealth, there is granted by the said commonwealth unto the said George Overmire a certain tract of land called "Berlin" situate Von Sick Run in Buffaloe Township Northumberland County Beginning at a Corner post of John Ords land, thence by the same South Sixty five degrees West three hundred ninety eight perches and a half to a Corner post of John . . . to the place of beginning, containing three hundred and Eighty nine acres, and allowance of six per cent, for roads, &c. . . ."
The following description of the Obermayer home in the new settlement was given by a grandson of John George Obermayer, Joseph Sebold, who later owned the farm:
"The size of the old Obermayer homestead was 30 X 30 ft., two stories high, built of nice hewn white pine logs, a foot thick and may of them nearly two feet wide. There was a porch along the south side facing the road to New Berlin. There was a cellar under only a half of the house, the cellar wall having an arch in it at the northeast corner and through it bubbled the waters of a spring called Silver Spring, which flowed diagonally across to the southwest corner and discharged into Sweitzer's Run. The hinges of the doors and window shutters were made by a blacksmith and extended across the doors and shutters and were fastened by rivets through the boards.
"The Obermayer house was strong and sturdily built. When Indian raids or other dangers threatened them, the settlers in that vicinity would gather at this home for safety. Later, as the population increased, there wasn't room for everyone in the house, so a log fort [named Overmyer Fort and so marked with a sign today] was built on the east bank of Sweitzer's Run and was used instead. John George had much to do with organizing and training the early settlers to protect themselves against the Indians. He usually acted as Captain, and as such led many expeditions against the Indians. These Companies were called Associations or Committees of Safety."
John George Obermayer served as one of the first grand jurors of Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. On Jul 9, 1774, he was selected as one of three township committeemen for Buffalo Township. These committeemen were responsible for resolving nearly all disputes, crimes, and wrongs brought before them.
In 1775, he was taxed for forty acres of cultivated land, two horses, two cows, and two sheep.
In 1775, he and his family were clearing land on a farm on Sweitzer's Run when the Revolutionary War started.
On Aug 31, 1776, the field officers for the battalion in Buffalo and Penn's Township were chosen.
On Sep 26, 1776 Capt. John Overmeier was appointed in charge of the Fifth Company.
On Oct 8, 1776, commissions were issued to battalion officers, constituting them as the Fourth Battalion of Northumberland County, Colonel Phillip Cole, commanding. George Overmeier was appointed Captain of the Sixth Company. (Pennsylvania Archives, Series 5, Vol VIII, p. 660, Fourth Battalion, Northumberland County Militia)
These units left the valley on Dec 5, 1776, and went into active service. They assisted in the capture of the English General John Burgoyne.
On Feb 13, 1777, John George Overmeier was selected to serve on the Committee of Safety for Buffalo Township.
In May, 1777, he was appointed as a viewer on a petition to divide Buffalo Township.
On May 1st, 1778, Captain George Overmeier commanded the Third Company of the First Battalion of the Northumberland (County) Militia, commanded by Colonel John Keely. His company totaled 51 officers and men. (Pennsylvania Archives, Series 2, Vol. XIV, Muster Rolls and Papers Relating to the Associators and Militia of the County of Northumberland, p. 332)
Captain George, as he was known, continued to serve throughout the war. His two sons, George, age 21, and Peter, age 16, served under him.
This description of him was printed in the Overmyer History:
"He was tall, vigorous, bony yet muscular, with his body so inured to labor as to be almost insensible to fatigue, and a mind so accustomed to dangers that the dangers ceased to alarm. In the prime of manhood and in the vigor of health, with intelligence to understand correct principles and the firmness to adhere to them, it may will be supposed that he took a commanding position among his fellows. He was a Captain against the French and Indians, and when his country called for her sons to release her from the odious British tyranny, he was ready.
"At the darkest period of the Revolutionary War, when all was lost but honor and hope, and when hope was almost buried in despair, he was in Colonel Potter's second battalion under Lieut.-Col. Murray. They left Reading on January 3, 1777, and on the 8th joined Washington at Morristown and assisted in gaining possession of Newark, Woodbridge, Elisabethtown, and indeed, of all the enemy's posts in New Jersey, except New Brunswick and Amboy, and then retired to secure winter quarters at Morristown. When we consider the depression of the public spirits, how the confidence of the public in the final success of the cause was shaken during the following winter at Valley Forge, and that at one time the American army numbered less than two thousand effective men, we would not think it astonishing if all had been given up for lost, as it no doubt would have been if there had been less at stake, but our grand-sires thought that they had no right to abandon the cause of liberty.
"They were determined to protect it for themselves and their posterity. They were to decide whether their children should be slaves or whether free institutions should prevail throughout the land. It was a time to test the vigor of body as well as the firmness of mind. For three days at one time, there were no regular service of provisions and for more than thirty-six hours at another time they were constantly on the march or in action without a moment of sleep or rest.
"He also obeyed the injunction. ‘Be given to hospitality.' There were few who had not experienced the cordial welcome which every friend received at his house. It is true that so general was the hospitality in his time, that the want of it would have been considered a great vice. Then we have learned that our venerable grand-sire performed well his domestic, social, military and political duties in such a manner as to entitle him to the love and esteem of his neighbors, and to the thanks and honor of his posterity and countryman.
"It may be asked, "Could a man perform all these duties in such a manner as to entitle him to the love and esteem of his neighbors, and to the thanks and honor of his posterity and countryman. It may be asked, ‘Could a man perform all these duties and omit to regard his obligations to his Maker?' Gladly we can answer, ‘No.' He did not lack this crowning virtue. He was a sincere and exemplary Christian, having been dedicated to the Savior in infancy by his christian parents. In his declining days he rejoiced that his family had been by him likewise dedicated and pointed to the church of the Lamb of God, who taketh away the sins of the world. His mortal remains rest ‘neath the sod on the banks of Penn's Creek, and his soul return to the Maker who gave it." (pp. 56-57)
According to Revolutionary War pay records, Captain George Obermier's Northumberland County Company of Militia was paid £441.10.0 for the period 16 Apr - 6 July 1780, according to Certificate 4405-4455. This included £314.5.0 for pay and £126.15.0 for bounty. (CG. Grand Acct. Acct CCCCXVIII. Ledger B, pp 592-3. Authority Distribution Lidger vol. B, p. 149-151.)
In 1781 and 1782, he and his Third Company of 51 men were in the First Battalion, commanded by Colonel John Kelley. According to the Overmeyer History:
"After the surrender of Cornwallis, Oct 19th, 1781, some of the soldiers in the field were permitted to return to their homes on the frontier, so as to protect the settlers against the Indians, as most of the effective men had joined the army against the British soldiers. The valley frontier was at the mercy of the tomahawk and scalping knife of their Indian allies, as much so that application was made to General Washington for regular troops to protect the frontier. Not being in a condition to spare any troops at that time he ordered home Captains John Brady, Boon and Overmeier, and Lieutenants John and Samuel Dougherty to use their influence in inducing the people to sustain themselves until he could afford them other relief. And nobly did they execute their orders. All that brave and experienced men could do was done by them, even to sacrificing their lives in defense of their country, for in less than two years from that date Captains Brady and Boone, and Lieutenant Samuel Dougherty, had fallen by the hands of the savages." (p. 52)
[It should be noted that, although this account relates the death of Captain Boone and Lieutenant Samuel Dougherty in 1783, their deaths were recorded on page 46 as occurring on Jul 28, 1779. In the preface to the work, the author acknowledged "many imperfections in form and matter." The Captain Hawkins Boone was a cousin of the famous Daniel Boone.]
"In 1782, William Moore was president of the state. The Indian outrages commenced early this year. May 6th Edward Tate, a private in Captain George Overmeier's company, was wounded by a ball through the foot in an engagement with the Indians which occurred on a place then occupied by Frederick Wise. . .
"A number of the company were on a scout, and talking about the merits of their respective guns. One said he could shoot the drop from an Indian's nose. Just at that moment the Indians, who were in ambush, fired upon them and several fell. Tate, who was wounded, ran and concealed himself. An Indian in pursuit came near to where he lay and looked over the fence, but did not discover him. Philip Seebold often related to his son Joseph, that his grandmother, Mrs. Overmeier, said the two men killed were Sergeants Lee and Reyner. Their bodies were brought to Captain Overmeier's and she washed them and they were buried in the graveyard at Switzer's Run, near the Overmeier homestead, being the old cemetery previously alluded to in these pages. Captain Overmeier was with his men in pursuit of the Indians. . ." (pp. 50-51)
Three pages later, the reference stated: "On the right side of this Run lay the bodies of George Etsweiler, John Lee and James Raynor, who were killed by the Indians, May 6, 1772, and their bodies were bathed there and prepared for burial by Mrs. Overmyer and others and buried on the bank of Penns Creek near the Overmyer residence, their graves being marked by stones brought up from the edge of the creek." (pp. 54-55)
John George Obermayer was credited by the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) and the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) for his military service.
One member of the DAR who claimed John George Obermayer as her ancestor, and her membership number, was Edna Rose Keenan Gavitt, number 457111. Her application was verified by member numbers 83454 and 423663. She was descended through Jacob Overmyer, Louis Overmyer, Elizabeth Catherine Overmyer, Clara Havens, and George Franklin Keenan.
Members of the Sons of the Revolution who have claimed John George Overmeyer as their Patriot ancestor, and their membership numbers, were Alexander Henry Kimmel 080944, Carl Milton Fogt 082883, David Vogt Prugh 083408, Edwin Marshall Barton Sr. 086583, Parley Emmet Zartman 029656, Evon Zartman Vogt 030083, Ira Homer Vogt 031073, Carl Herbert Weisman 031158, Allan King Bartman 031570, Virgil Zartman Dorfmeier 035877, Irving H. Ellsworth 035882, Earl Zartman Alspach 040427, Benjamin Conrad Diefenbach 050890, Arthur Warren Overmyor 054305, George Andrus Hart 060991, George Ambrose Parkinson 073892, Francis Henry Kullman Jr 079548, and Larry Patrick Cornwell,138085.
In 1783, John George was elected one of the overseers of Northumberland County, and served until 1796. From that time until his death, he lived in a semi-retired life on his farm, spending his remaining days with his family.
According to Northumberland County Militia pay records, Capt. George Overmier was paid £43.17.6 per certificate 4405 issued 19 May 1785 (Register Vol. A, p. 129), £10.2.6 per certificate 4421 issued 19 May 1785 (Register Vol A, p. 130), £4.10.0 per certificate 4533 issued 20 May 1785 (Register Vol A, p. 134), £3.3.0 per certificate 4544 per certificate 4544 issued 20 May 1785, £3.15.0 per certificate 4898 issued 20 May 1785 (Register Vol A, p. 145), and £3.15.0 per certificate 4902 issued 20 May 1785 (Register Vol A, p. 145).
The 1790 census for Pennsylvania, Northumberland County (Roll 9, page 94), listed the George Overmayer family as one male under 16 (John Jacob. 12), two males over 16, and four females.
The assessment list of East Buffalo contained the name of John George Overmyer, Sr.
John George Obermayer wrote his will in 1790. It was probated at Sunbury, Pennsylvania, on Nov 29, 1805. Final settlement was made in 1810. The will stated:
"In the Name of God Amen. I George Overmire of Buffaloe Township in the county of Northumberland and State of Pennsylvania am become through age and infirmitys weak in Body, but thanks to God of sound and disposing mind and memory. Therefore calling to mind the Mortality of my Body, & knowing that it is appointed for all Men once to Die do make and ordain this Instrument of Writing to be my last Will and Testament.
"And as touching such worldly Estate wherewith I have been blessed with and now in possession of-- I give devise and dispose of in the following Manner and form, to wit--
"first it is my Will, and I order and allow my funeral Charges and just debts to be paid, out of the whole of my Estate.
"Secondly, it is my Will, and I order and allow my funeral Charges and just debts to be paid, out of the whole of my Estate.
"Secondly, it is my Will, and I order and allow my beloved Wife Barbara to live and remain in my mantion House wherein I now live, during her natural life, but should an other House be provided for her on the premises to her satisfaction she may go and live there if she thinks proper, in order to be more retired; and she is to have one Horse or Mare her choice of all I have; and one cow her choice also, two Beds and Bedsteads and all furniture thereto belonging her choice, and as much household and Kitchen furniture as she shall choose, one Tea Table, one Tea Keattle and Tea Occupage, my chest and what chairs she wants, and what other necessarys she may choose;
"And I further and allow my beloved Wife her Horse and Cow to be maintained and supported out of the rents issues and profits of my Estate with every necessary she shall stand in need of in prosperity or adversity, such as Bread Meat, Firewood laid to her Door, a quarter of an acre of Flax sow'd yearly and broke in good order, and laid into her House, ten Bushels of Potatoes, three Barrels of Sider, and thirty Bushels of Apples Yearly if they grow & her choice of the half of the garden, and in case she should be necessitated for a girl to help her in her old age she is to be supplied immediately with one by my Executors or the Survivors of them at the expense of my whole estate, and I fully impower my Ex'ors or the survivor of them to see my beloved Wife have ample justice don her according to this my Will and directions--
"Item It is my Will and I give and bequeath unto my beloved Son George one hundred and eighteen acres and one hundred and forty perches of Land agreeable to a Draught lately made by Frederich Evans, it being the same Tract of Land whereon my sd. Son now lives which I impower him my said son George to grant bargain sell and convey the Land aforesaid as soon as possible, and to the best advantage, and make to the purchaser thereof a sufficient Title in fee simple as I myself could or might do were I personally present, and the monies arising therefrom I order and allow to be disposed of as follows to wit,
"one hundred pounds I first allow as soon as received to my said Son George, and thirty pounds to my beloved wife and the remainder to be divided amongst all my children male and female share and share alike from time to time as received--
Item I give and bequeath unto my son Peter one hundred acres and forty nine perches of Land agreeable to a Draught lately made by Frederick Evans being the same place whereon my said son Peter now lives which I impower him to grant bargain sell and convey the land aforesd. as soon as possible & to the best advantage and make to the purchaser thereof a sufficient title in fee as I myself might or could do were I personally present, and the monies arising therefrom I order and allow to be disposed of as follows, to wit,
"one hundred pounds I allow my son Peter out of the first money received; and the remainder thereof to be divided amongst all my children male & female share & share alike from time to time as received--
"Item, It is my will and I order and allow my Executors hereinafter named or the Survivors of them, to have all my right and power to grant bargain sell and convey at public or private sale as they shall judge best, and to the best advantage all my real and personal Estate as soon after my Decease as may be convenient and full power to make sufficient Titles in fee to the purchaser or Purchasers thereof and the Money arising from the sale of my real Estate I give and devise unto my beloved wife and sons and daughters to wit,
"first to my beloved wife, then to my sons and daughters to wit, George, Peter, Philip, John, David, Jacob, Catharine, Margrets children, Elizabeth, Eve, Ester, Magdalena and Barbara, and every of them share and share alike to them & each of them their heirs & assigns forever; excepting my Son John,
"first I allow to my said son John over and above his share last above mentioned Eighteen pounds to be first taken out of the whole--and the residue to be divided as afore directed--
"And also I give unto my said son Jacob over his share above mentioned my Rifle gun, Powder Horn, Shotpouch and Bullet moles,
"and it is my will and I order and allow my Executors herein after mentioned or the survivors of them that as soon as they receive the first sale of my real estate that they pay the whole of it to my beloved wife and my six sons above mentioned share and share alike, & the remainder of my sd. real Estate I allow to be paid when received by my Executors from time to time unto all my Sons & Daughters aforesaid share and share alike unto them their heirs & assigns forever--
"Item, it is my Will further and I order and allow my Ex'ors herein after mentioned or the survivor of them that after the sale of my Personal Estate above mentioned the monies arising therefrom I give and bequeath as follows, to wit,
"first unto my beloved Wife the one full third of all the monies arising therefrom; and the residue of my said personal Estate, I order to be equally divided amongst all my Sons and Daughters before mentioned share and share alike to them their heirs and assigns forever--
"all my legacies herein bequeathed I order and allow to be received and paid without delay--
"It is my will that if in case any of my said children should die before Marriage and without lawful issue, then and in that case, I order and allow their share of this my Estate to be equally divided between all my surviving children share and share alike.
"It is my will further that in case any one or more of my children herein before mentioned should not agree or be satisfied with this my last Will and Testament and with the legacys by me to them bequeathed but attempts to break this my Will and makes disturbances in my family by commencing law suits or abusing or treating any one or more of my family in an unbecoming way & manner; then and in that case it is my Will and I do hereby declare and pronounce him or her so offending their share or shares of my Estate herein before by me bequeathed to be fully and absolutely forever forfeited to all intents and purposes--
"and their share or shares I order & allow my Ex'ors or the Survivor of them who I give full power to sell & convey to the best advantage and the money arising therefrom to be equally divided between my beloved wife and the rest of my well behaving children share and share alike--
"and lastly, I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint my beloved sons George, Peter, & John to be my whole & sole Executors of this my last Will & Testament, hereby revoking and making null & void all former & other wills by me heretofore made ratifying acknowledging and pronouncing of this and no other to be my last Will and Testament.
"On Witness whereof I the said George Overmire have hereunto set my hand & seal the Day of In the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and Ninety. (signed) George Overmire.
"Signed Sealed Published Pronounced and declared by the said George Overmire in the presence of us who have Subscribed our names here as witnesses. Nicholas Miller, Henry Vanderslice, Jesse Simpson. Northumberland County Pa.
"Will proved on 29th day of November in the year of our Lord 1805." (Will Book II, page 3)
He was buried on the banks of Penn's Creek. His wife Anna Barbara was buried next to him. According to the Abstract of Graves of Revolutionary Patriots, Vol 3, serial 12172, and Vol 4, he was buried at the "Foot of Line Mountain Cemetery, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania."
The children of John George Obermayer and Eva Maria Magdalena Rosenbaum were:
i John George, III, b. Jun 3, 1755, m. Anna Maria Rearick ca. 1783, d. Dec 23, 1812
ii Catherine, b. Sep 12, 1756, m. Daniel Parkinson, Sr, on Feb 16, 1777, d. Aug 7, 1813
iii Margaretha (twin), b. Nov 6, 1758, d. before 1805
iv Susannah (twin), b. Nov 6, 1758, d. before 1805
The children of John George Obermayer and Anna Barbara Vogt (Foucht) were:
v John Peter, b. Feb 5, 1761, m. 1st, Maria Eva Hennig in 1783; 2nd, Sarah Harnett on Mar 21, 1824, d. Sep 8, 1843
vi Elizabeth, b. Feb 27, 1763
vii Anna Eva (twin), b. 1764, m. Jacob Harpster
viii Esther (twin), b. 1764
ix Jonas, b. Mar 5, 1766, never married; d. before 1805
- x Maria Magdalena, b. Aug 2, 1767, m. Peter Witmer on Dec 19, 1787, d. Nov 28, 1839
xi John Philip, b. Sep 23, 1769, m. Rosanna Bishoff in 1792, d. Mar 24, 1843
xii John Michael, b. Jan 12, 1773, m. Catherine Long on Sep 22, 1793, d. Oct 19, 1847
xiii John David, b. Nov 12, 1774, m. Barbara Hochlander (Hochacker) in 1795, d. Sep 28, 1866
xiv Barbara, b. Sep 17, 1776
xv John Jacob, b. Mar 27, 1778, m. Mary Guin/Gwinn in Mar, 1798, d. May 14, 1835
i John George, III: Soldier in the American Revolution under his father. Moved to Perry County, Ohio in 1811 and died there one year later, and is buried in the New Reading Cemetery, Reading Township, Perry County. Children: John George IV, Elizabeth, Eve, John, Peter, Maria, Catherine, Sarah, Margaret, Barbara, Jacob
ii Catherine: One child: Esther
v John Peter: Soldier in the American Revolution under his father. Moved to near New Reading, Reading Township, Perry County, Ohio in 1802 as the second settl Note: Buried on the Banks of Penn's Creek
- Updated from Find A Grave Memorial via daughter Mary Magdalena Witmer (born Overmeyer) by SmartCopy: Dec 4 2015, 3:59:33 UTC
Johann Georg Obermeyer was baptized Nov. 28, 1727, in the Evangelische Kirche (Protestant church) in Blankenloch, Baden, Germany. He was probably born the day before, Nov. 27, but his exact birth date is unknown. The 1905 Overmyer Genealogy, which claimed he was born Oct. 27, 1727, was in error.
The spelling of the immigrant's name became anglicized in America to John George Overmire. The Captain spelled his name "George Overmire" in his will. Other variations of the family name include Overmier, Overmyer, Overmoyer, and Overmeyer. Overmyer is the most common spelling today, but it did not come into use until about 1800.
Tradition says Capt. Overmire died in Northumberland County and was buried on the banks of Penn's Creek, but according to E.S. Colburn's History of Fairfield and Perry Counties (1883), the Captain died at the home of his son Jacob in Thorn Township, Ohio.
Source: One Immigrant's Legacy, The Overmyer Family in America, 1751-2009, by Laurence Overmire (Indelible Mark Publishing, imarkbooks.com). This book updates and corrects many errors in the 1905 Overmyer History and Genealogy and tells the full story of Capt. Overmire and his children.
The following notes were posted by a Mr. Overmyer, the original creator of this memorial. Some of the details have not been verified:
Revolutionary War Commander: Part of General George Washington's "Corps of Rangers" Expert Pennsylvania Riflemen. The Overmyer Fort in Pennsylvania was named in his honor. Captain John George Obermayer (Family spellings variant as Overmoyer, Overmier, Overmire, etc) Overmyer came to America in 1751 on the ship "Brothers." Overmeier served in the French and Indian War and later was a Colonial Militia Captain in the Revolutionary War. Assigned to Colonel Philip Cole's 4th Battalion of Northumberland County, Pennsylvania formed in 1776 - Captain John Geo. Overmeier, Sixth Company (His son J.G.O. Jr. was listed in Capt. John Clarke's 1st Co.) attached to Colonel James Potter's 2nd Battalion under Lt. Col. James Murray. They left Reading on January 3, 1777, and on the 8th joined Washington at Morristown, Elizabethtown, and indeed, of all the enemy's posts in New Jersey, except New Brunswick and Amboy, and then retired to secure winter quarters at Morristown. Captain Obermayer discharged varied and arduous duties at times at the head of a company of men as Captain, leading them to battle and pursuit of the enemy, at other times marching in the ranks and doing battle under other officers. Commissioned for local frontier defense, sometimes for special campaigns, and still others for periods in support of the Continental Army and General John Sullivan.
"For God & Country"
On Dec. 11th, 1777 occurred the action at Guelph's Mills, near Philadelphia, in which the enemy endeavored to surprise General Potter. The 2nd Battalion, under Colonel Murray, was engaged. The following spring May 30th, Jacob Morgan wrote, "I have just returned from camp at Valley Forge, saw fifteen regiments under arms well disciplined. They performed several maneuvers with the greatest exactness and dispatch under the direction of Baron Steuben. General Washington afterwards reviewed them." May 31st, Col. Samuel Hunter wrote that "The back settlers of Buffalo township have come down to Capt. Overmeier's at the mouth of Sweitzer run." By May, 1778, just prior to the "Great Runaway," the militia was re-organized. We find Captain George Overmeier leading the 3rd Ranger Co. in the 1st Battalion under Col. John Kelly. The Rangers were known for the stealth, night-time attacks.
In 1779, two days after the Battle of Fort Freeland, Colonel Kelly marched with his men to the fort to bury the dead. Colonel Kelly used a dog that would track Indian trails and immediately drop when near, to alert the men.
In 1780 Colonel Samuel Hunter wrote, "Four people were buried on the old Obermayer homestead from an attack on (French) Jacob Grozong's Mill, May 16. ( said to be on the bluff opposite Tuscarora Creek ). The Frontier Rangers killed were: George Etzweiler
(Dry Run Cemetery), [http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=9471565 James Chambers] , [http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=9472444 John Forster Jr.] (were carried to Lewis Cemetery), and [http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=13556323 Samuel McLaughlin (McLoughlin)]. (Col. Mattew Smith also wrote of this). During 1780 [http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=7113048 John Henry Pontius](Ponges) served as 1st Lieutenant under Captain Overmire against the Indians who were led by British Officers and Tories on the frontier. Wm Moore also served as Lieutenant under Captain Obermier.
During 1781 the 1st Battalion (Colonel Kelley) Northumberland County included Captain John Geo. Overmeier's 3rd Company.(Included his two eldest sons, George & Peter).
On May 6, 1782 a battle engagement took place at an area by the Frederick Wise homestead, Limestone Township. Among Overmyer's men wounded were Private Edward Tate and killed were said to be Sergeants John Lee (perhaps buried at his family homestead?) & James Reyner. The bodies were prepared for burial by Mrs. Barbara Overmyer and others and buried (Rizner) on the bank of Penn's Creek near the Overmyer residence, their graves being marked by stones brought up from the edge of the creek. (Dry Run Cemetery). Captain Overmeier was with his men in pursuit of the Indians.
{Sources include State Archives of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Rangers on the Frontier, Overmyer History & Genealogy, History of Northumberland Co. & Annals of Buffalo Twp}
- Updated from Find A Grave Memorial via son John George Overmire, Jr by SmartCopy: Dec 4 2015, 2:52:26 UTC
DAR# A085024
Ancestry.com U.S., Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications, 1889-1970 Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2011.Original data - Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications, 1889-1970. Louisville, Kentucky: National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. Microfilm, 508 rolls; @R5@
Source Citation: SAR Membership Number: 73892 Name: John George Overmyer death date: 22 Sep 1805 death place: Union, Pennsylvania birth date: 27 Oct 1727 birth place: Baden, Germany http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=sarmemberapps&h=75411...
Yates Publishing U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2004.Original data - This unique collection of records was extracted from a variety of sources including family group sheets and electronic databases. Originally, the information was derived; @R5@
Source Citation: Source number: 451.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: GWK birth date: 27 Oct 1727
birth place: Baden, Germany Name: John George Obermeyer http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=worldmarr_ga&h=902961...
Ancestry.com U.S., Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications, 1889-1970 Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2011.Original data - Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications, 1889-1970. Louisville, Kentucky: National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. Microfilm, 508 rolls; @R5@
Source Citation: Volume: 305; SAR Membership Number: 60991 death date: 22 Sep 1805
death place: Union, Pennsylvania Name: John George Overmyer birth date: 27 Oct 1727 birth place: Baden, Germany http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=sarmemberapps&h=12577...
Ancestry.com U.S., Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications, 1889-1970 Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2011.Original data - Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications, 1889-1970. Louisville, Kentucky: National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. Microfilm, 508 rolls; @R5@
Source Citation: SAR Membership Number: 73892 Name: John George Overmyer
death date: 22 Sep 1805 death place: Union, Pennsylvania birth date: 27 Oct 1727 birth place: Baden, Germany http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=sarmemberapps&h=75411...
Ancestry.com U.S., Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications, 1889-1970 Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2011.Original data - Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications, 1889-1970. Louisville, Kentucky: National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. Microfilm, 508 rolls; @R5@
Source Citation: Volume: 305; SAR Membership Number: 60991 death date: 22 Sep 1805
death place: Union, Pennsylvania Name: John George Overmyer birth date: 27 Oct 1727 birth place: Baden, Germany http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=sarmemberapps&h=12577...
Ancestry.com U.S., Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications, 1889-1970 Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2011.Original data - Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications, 1889-1970. Louisville, Kentucky: National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. Microfilm, 508 rolls; @R5@
Source Citation: SAR Membership Number: 73892 Name: John George Overmyer
death date: 22 Sep 1805 death place: Union, Pennsylvania birth date: 27 Oct 1727 birth place: Baden, Germany http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=sarmemberapps&h=75411...
Yates Publishing U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2004.Original data - This unique collection of records was extracted from a variety of sources including family group sheets and electronic databases. Originally, the information was derived; @R5@
Source Citation: Source number: 451.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: GWK birth date: 27 Oct 1727
birth place: Baden, Germany Name: John George Obermeyer http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=worldmarr_ga&h=902961...
Ancestry.com U.S., Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications, 1889-1970 Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2011.Original data - Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications, 1889-1970. Louisville, Kentucky: National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. Microfilm, 508 rolls; @R5@
Source Citation: Volume: 305; SAR Membership Number: 60991 death date: 22 Sep 1805
death place: Union, Pennsylvania Name: John George Overmyer birth date: 27 Oct 1727 birth place: Baden, Germany http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=sarmemberapps&h=12577...
NOTES BY LAURENCE OVERMIRE, Genealogist, Family Historian, Author (6G Grandson): Johann Georg Obermeyer was baptized Nov. 28, 1727, in the Evangelische Kirche (Protestant church) in Blankenloch, Baden, Germany. He was probably born the day before, Nov. 27, but his exact birth date is unknown. The 1905 Overmyer Genealogy, which claimed he was born Oct. 27, 1727, was in error.
The spelling of the immigrant's name became anglicized in America to John George Overmire. The Captain spelled his name "George Overmire" in his will. Other variations of the family name include Overmier, Overmyer, Overmoyer, and Overmeyer. Overmyer is the most common spelling today, but it did not come into widespread use until about the mid-late 1800's.
Tradition says Capt. Overmire died in Northumberland County and was buried on the banks of Penn's Creek, but according to E.S. Colburn's History of Fairfield and Perry Counties (1883), the Captain died at the home of his son Jacob in Thorn Township, Ohio.
Source: One Immigrant's Legacy, The Overmyer Family in America, 1751-2009, by Laurence Overmire (Indelible Mark Publishing, imarkbooks.com). This book updates and corrects many errors in the 1905 Overmyer History and Genealogy and tells the full story of Capt. Overmire and his children.
The following notes were posted by a Mr. Overmyer, the original creator of this memorial. Some of the details have not been verified:
Revolutionary War Commander: Part of General George Washington's "Corps of Rangers" Expert Pennsylvania Riflemen. Captain John George Obermayer (Family spellings variant as Overmoyer, Overmier, Overmire, etc) Overmyer came to America in 1751 on the ship "Brothers." Overmeier served in the French and Indian War and later was a Colonial Militia Captain in the Revolutionary War. Assigned to Colonel Philip Cole's 4th Battalion of Northumberland County, Pennsylvania formed in 1776 - Captain John Geo. Overmeier, Sixth Company (His son J.G.O. Jr. was listed in Capt. John Clarke's 1st Co.) attached to Colonel James Potter's 2nd Battalion under Lt. Col. James Murray. They left Reading on January 3, 1777, and on the 8th joined Washington at Morristown, Elizabethtown, and indeed, of all the enemy's posts in New Jersey, except New Brunswick and Amboy, and then retired to secure winter quarters at Morristown. Captain Obermayer discharged varied and arduous duties at times at the head of a company of men as Captain, leading them to battle and pursuit of the enemy, at other times marching in the ranks and doing battle under other officers. Commissioned for local frontier defense, sometimes for special campaigns, and still others for periods in support of the Continental Army and General John Sullivan.
"For God & Country"
On Dec. 11th, 1777 occurred the action at Guelph's Mills, near Philadelphia, in which the enemy endeavored to surprise General Potter. The 2nd Battalion, under Colonel Murray, was engaged. The following spring May 30th, Jacob Morgan wrote, "I have just returned from camp at Valley Forge, saw fifteen regiments under arms well disciplined. They performed several maneuvers with the greatest exactness and dispatch under the direction of Baron Steuben. General Washington afterwards reviewed them." May 31st, Col. Samuel Hunter wrote that "The back settlers of Buffalo township have come down to Capt. Overmeier's at the mouth of Sweitzer run." By May, 1778, just prior to the "Great Runaway," the militia was re-organized. We find Captain George Overmeier leading the 3rd Ranger Co. in the 1st Battalion under Col. John Kelly. The Rangers were known for the stealth, night-time attacks.
In 1779, two days after the Battle of Fort Freeland, Colonel Kelly marched with his men to the fort to bury the dead. Colonel Kelly used a dog that would track Indian trails and immediately drop when near, to alert the men.
In 1780 Colonel Samuel Hunter wrote, "Four people were buried on the old Obermayer homestead from an attack on (French) Jacob Grozong's Mill, May 16. ( said to be on the bluff opposite Tuscarora Creek ). The Frontier Rangers killed were: George Etzweiler
(Dry Run Cemetery), James Chambers , John Forster Jr. (were carried to Lewis Cemetery), and Samuel McLaughlin (McLoughlin). (Col. Mattew Smith also wrote of this). During 1780 John Henry Pontius(Ponges) served as 1st Lieutenant under Captain Overmire against the Indians who were led by British Officers and Tories on the frontier. Wm Moore also served as Lieutenant under Captain Obermier.
During 1781 the 1st Battalion (Colonel Kelley) Northumberland County included Captain John Geo. Overmeier's 3rd Company.(Included his two eldest sons, George & Peter).
On May 6, 1782 a battle engagement took place at an area by the Frederick Wise homestead, Limestone Township. Among Overmyer's men wounded were Private Edward Tate and killed were said to be Sergeants John Lee (perhaps buried at his family homestead?) & James Reyner. The bodies were prepared for burial by Mrs. Barbara Overmyer and others and buried (Rizner) on the bank of Penn's Creek near the Overmyer residence, their graves being marked by stones brought up from the edge of the creek. (Dry Run Cemetery). Captain Overmeier was with his men in pursuit of the Indians.
{Sources include State Archives of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Rangers on the Frontier, Overmyer History & Genealogy, History of Northumberland Co. & Annals of Buffalo Twp}* Reference: Find A Grave Memorial - SmartCopy: Dec 5 2020, 3:19:55 UTC
- Reference: Find A Grave Memorial - SmartCopy: Mar 25 2022, 15:25:48 UTC
Capt. John George Overmire, II's Timeline
1727 |
October 28, 1727
Stutensee, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
November 27, 1727
Blankenloch, Karlsruhe, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany
1755 |
June 3, 1755
Lower Paxton Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, Colonial America
1756 |
September 12, 1756
Paxton, Dauphin, Pennsylvania, United States
1758 |
November 6, 1758
Paxton, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA
November 6, 1758
Paxton, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA
1761 |
February 5, 1761
Paxton, Dauphin, Pennsylvania, United States
1763 |
February 27, 1763
Paxton, Dauphin, Pennsylvania, United States