In Irish mythology the three Findemna of Finn Eamna (variously interpreted as "fair triplets" or "three fair ones of Emain Macha") were three sons of the High King of Ireland, Eochaid Feidlech. Their names were Bres, Nár and Lothar.
They conspired to overthrow their father. The day before meeting him in battle they were visited by their sister, Clothra, who tried in vain to dissuade them from this course of action. They were childless, so for fear that they might die without an heir Clothra took all three of them to bed, conceiving Lugaid Riab nDerg, son of the three Findemna.
1.- Ages refer to Before Christ era.
2.- Breas Nar-Lothar was his wife's brother sharing both parents.
Bress-Nar-Lothar mac Echach Uí Éremóin1
Bress-Nar-Lothar mac Echach Uí Éremóin||p279.htm#i11656|Eochaid Feidlech mac Finn, Ard-rí na h'Éireann|d. 0130 B.C.|p269.htm#i11657||||Finn m. F. Uí Éremóin||p93.htm#i11658||||||||||
Father Eochaid Feidlech mac Finn, Ard-rí na h'Éireann2 d. 0130 B.C.
Bress-Nar-Lothar mac Echach Uí Éremóin was the son of Eochaid Feidlech mac Finn, Ard-rí na h'Éireann.2 Bress-Nar-Lothar mac Echach Uí Éremóin died at the Battle of Dram-ouach, Dromcue, West Meath, Ireland. Slain in battle by his father.3 Also called Bress-Nar-Lothar.4 Also called Breas-Nar-Lothar Finneamhnas "The Three Finneamhnas (Bress, Nar and Lothar), the three sons of Eochaidh named in the Chronicles to have been on their own sister begot."2,3 He married Clothra ingen Echach Uí Éremóin, daughter of Eochaid Feidlech mac Finn, Ard-rí na h'Éireann; Siblings.1
Family Clothra ingen Echach Uí Éremóin
Child Lughaidh Sriabh nDearg mac Breas, Ard-rí na h'Éireann+ d. 0009 B.C.1,2
[S278] DfAdam, online unknown url, The Line of Heremon, 85.
[S266] EBK, online http://freespace.virgin.net/david.ford2/…
[S291] Linea Antiqua, online http://members.aol.com/lochlan/clanmac.htm
[S310] John O'Hart, Irish Pedigrees, The Line of Heremon #41, pg. 785.
73. Bress-Nar-Lothar: his son. In his time the Irish first dug graves beneath the surface to bury their dead; previously they laid the body on the surface and heaped stones over it. He had also been named Fineamhnas.
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•ID: I627828180
•Name: Breas Nar Lothar (Bias Fineamhnas) KING OF IRELAND
•Given Name: Breas Nar Lothar (Bias Fineamhnas)
•Surname: King of Ireland
•Sex: M
•Birth: Abt 0095 Bc
•Death: in Dromchriadh,Ireland
•Change Date: 4 Dec 2005
Source: Ancestry.com
Birth: bef 130 BC
Death: in the Battle of Dram-ouach, Dromcue, West Meath, Ireland
Father: Eochaidh Feidhlioch King of Ireland (-130bc)
Mother: Clothfionn Uchtleathan
Misc. Notes
In his time the Irish first dug graves beneath the surface to bury their dead; previously they laid the body on the surface and beaped stones over it. He had also been named Fineamhnas.
Irish Pedigrees by John O'Hart, part I, ch. IV
Part III, Chapter IV of Irish Pedigrees, by John O'Hart, published 1892, pages 351-9, 664-8 and 708-9.
Eochaidh Feidhlioch King of Ireland (-130bc)
Clothfionn Uchtleathan
Lugaidh Sriabh (<54bc-008bc)
From http://www.rpi.edu/~holmes/Hobbies/Genealogy/ps11/ps11_019.htm
In his time the Irish first dug graves beneath the surface to bury their dead; previously they laid the body on the surface and beaped stones over it. He had also been named Fineamhnas.
Irish Pedigrees by John O'Hart, part I, ch. IV
Part III, Chapter IV of Irish Pedigrees, by John O'Hart, published 1892, pages 351-9, 664-8 and 708-9.
They conspired to overthrow their father. The day before meeting him in battle they were visited by their sister, Clothra, who tried in vain to dissuade them from this course of action. They were childless, so for fear that they might die without an heir Clothra took all three of them to bed, conceiving Lugaid Riab nDerg, son of the three Findemna.
-138 |
-34 |
130 |
Age 267
???? | |||
???? |
Irlanda (Ireland)