Immediate Family
second cousin
About Berthe de Bourgogne, reine consort de France
4. BERTHE de Bourgogne ([964/965]-16 Jan after 1010). The Liber Modernorum Regum Francorum names "Berta filia Conradi regis Burgundiæ" as wife of "Odone comite Carnotensium"[184]. “Odo comes” restored “villam...Culturas” to Marmoutier, for the souls of “...domini Hugonis archiepiscopi, cujus ibi corpus...jacet”, by charter dated to [986], subscribed by “Berte comitissæ uxoris eius, majoris filii eius Teutboldi, filii eius Odonis adhuc in cunabulo”[185]. Richer records that King Robert married "Berta Odonis uxor"[186]. Rodulfus Glauber names "Odo natus ex filia Chuonradi regis Austrasiorum, Berta nomine"[187]. "Hugonis ducis, Odonis comitis, Hugonis sanctæ Bituricensis archipræsulis, Letgardis comitissæ, Bertæ comitissæ, Gauzfridi vicecomitis…" subscribed the charter dated 985 under which "Robertus" donated property to "Sancti Petri Carnotensis", on the advice of "Odonem, simul cum sua matre Ledgarde, pariterque dominam meam Bertam, ipsius æque coniugem"[188]. “Berta...regina cum filiis meis Tetbaldo...episcopo nec non Odoni comitis” donated tonlieu over boats at Blois to Marmoutier by undated charter[189]. Pope Gregory V called on King Robert to repudiate his wife in 998 on grounds of consanguinity. The request was repeated in 1001 by the court of Rome, Robert at first refused and the kingdom of France was excommunicated[190]. "Bertæ reginæ, Odonis comitis filii eius…" subscribed the charter dated 1004 under which "Gislebertus prepositus" recorded a donation[191]. The king, in reaction to the 1108 assassination of his favourite Hugues de Beauvais who had served Queen Berthe, visited Rome in 1008 in an unsuccessful attempt to divorce his third wife in order to take back Berthe[192]. "Odonis comitis, Ermengardis uxoris eius, Bertæ reginæ…" subscribed the charter dated after 1005 under which "comitem Odonem" donated property "in comitatu Dunensi…Boscus Medius" to "Sancti Petri"[193]. The necrology of Chartres cathedral records the death "XVII Kal Feb" of "Berta mater Odonis comitis"[194].
m firstly ([978/80]) EUDES I Comte de Blois, son of THIBAUT I "le Tricheur" Comte de Blois & his wife Luitgardis de Vermandois (-995).
m secondly ([late 996/early 997], divorced Sep 1001) as his second wife, ROBERT II King of France, son of HUGUES Capet King of France & his wife Adelais d’Aquitaine (Orléans ([27 Mar] 972-Château de Melun 20 Jul 1031, bur église de l'Abbaye royale de Saint-Denis).
s p a m
Reign as consort 996-1000
Spouse Odo I, Count of Blois
Robert II of France
House House of Burgundy
House of Capet
Father Conrad of Burgundy
Mother Matilda of France
Born 952- 967
Died 1010-1035
Bertha of Burgundy (952, 964 or 967 – 1010, 16 January 1016, or 1035) was the daughter of Conrad the Peaceful, King of Burgundy and his wife Matilda, daughter of Louis IV, King of France and Gerberga of Saxony. She was named for her father's mother, Bertha of Swabia.
She first married Odo I, Count of Blois in about 983. They had several children, including Odo II.
After the death of her husband in 996, Bertha's cousin Robert, co-King of France wished to marry her, in place of his repudiated first wife Rozala, who was many years his senior. The union was opposed by Robert's father, Hugh Capet, due to the close relation of husband and wife. However, the marriage went ahead after Hugh's death in October 996, which left Robert as sole king.
The closeness of Robert and Bertha by blood was such that Church authorities considered the marriage illegal. Accordingly, Pope Gregory V declared the pair excommunicate. This, and the lack of children (save one, who lived and died in 999), caused Robert to agree with Pope Silvester II to have the marriage annulled in 1000.
Robert went on to marry Constance of Arles. Bertha remained unmarried.
Bertha of BURGUNDY [Parents] 1 was born 967 in Arles, Bouches-du-Rhone, France. She married Eudes I of BLOIS on 983 in Blois, Loir-et-Cher, France.
Other marriages:
FRANCE, Robert II "The Pious" of King of France
They had the following children:
M i Eudes II of BLOIS Count of Blois was born 990 and died 15 Nov 1037.
Då Odo hennes förre man dog ville hennes kusin Robert gifta sig med henne, hans far motsatte sig detta på grund av släktskapet, men vid faderns död samma år tog Robert ut skilsmässa från sin maka Susanna av Italien och gifte sig med Bertha. På grund av släktskapet förklarade påven Georg V vigseln ogiltig och bannlyste paret. Barnlösheten fick Robert att gå med på att upplösa äktenskapet år 1000. Drottning av Frankrike år 996-1000 talet.
From the profile on Geni ...
- Added by: Gregory Lee Rice on August 27, 2007
- Managed by: Brian Taylor and 129 others
- Curated by: Susanna Barnevik Bertha of Burgundy From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Reign as consort 996-1000
Spouse Odo I, Count of Blois
Robert II of France
House House of Burgundy
House of Capet
Father Conrad of Burgundy
Mother Matilda of France
Born 952- 967
Died 1010-1035
Bertha of Burgundy (952, 964 or 967 – 1010, 16 January 1016, or 1035) was the daughter of Conrad the Peaceful, King of Burgundy and his wife Matilda, daughter of Louis IV, King of France and Gerberga of Saxony. She was named for her father's mother, Bertha of Swabia.
She first married Odo I, Count of Blois in about 983. They had several children, including Odo II.
After the death of her husband in 996, Bertha's cousin Robert, co-King of France wished to marry her, in place of his repudiated first wife Rozala, who was many years his senior. The union was opposed by Robert's father, Hugh Capet, due to the close relation of husband and wife. However, the marriage went ahead after Hugh's death in October 996, which left Robert as sole king.
The closeness of Robert and Bertha by blood was such that Church authorities considered the marriage illegal. Accordingly, Pope Gregory V declared the pair excommunicate. This, and the lack of children (save one, who lived and died in 999), caused Robert to agree with Pope Silvester II to have the marriage annulled in 1000.
Robert went on to marry Constance of Arles. Bertha remained unmarried. ---
Bertha of BURGUNDY [Parents] 1 was born 967 in Arles, Bouches-du-Rhone, France. She married Eudes I of BLOIS on 983 in Blois, Loir-et-Cher, France.
Other marriages:
FRANCE, Robert II "The Pious" of King of France
They had the following children:
M i Eudes II of BLOIS Count of Blois was born 990 and died 15 Nov 1037.
Då Odo hennes förre man dog ville hennes kusin Robert gifta sig med henne, hans far motsatte sig detta på grund av släktskapet, men vid faderns död samma år tog Robert ut skilsmässa från sin maka Susanna av Italien och gifte sig med Bertha. På grund av släktskapet förklarade påven Georg V vigseln ogiltig och bannlyste paret. Barnlösheten fick Robert att gå med på att upplösa äktenskapet år 1000. Drottning av Frankrike år 996-1000 talet.
Om Berthe de Bourgogne, reine consort de France (Norsk)
Bertha av Burgund 964-16 januar 1010 var datter av Conrad den fredelig, konge av Burgund og hans kone Matilda, datter av Louis IV, konge av Frankrike og Gerberga i Sachsen. Hun var oppkalt etter sin fars mor, Bertha av Schwaben. Først gift med Odo I, greve av Blois i ca 983. de fikk 7 barn , inkludert Odo II. Etter dødsfallet til hennes mann i 996, ville hennes søskenbarn Robert II medkonge av Frankrike å gifte seg med henne, hans far motsatte seg dette på grunn av det tette slektskapet. Men da faren Hugh døde samme år tok Robert ut skilsmisse fra sin første kone Rozala (Susanna av Italia) og giftet seg med Bertha.
Det nære slektskapet mellom Robert og Bertha var slik at kirken myndigheter vurderte ekteskapet ulovlig siden de ikke hadde fått dispensasjon, eller hadde bedt om det. Følgelig erklærte pave Georg V ekteskapet ugyldig og bannlyste paret. De fikk et barn i 999 som døde samme år og var dermed barnløs. Dette forårsaket at Robert ble enig med pave Silvester II til ekteskapet annullert i 1000.
Robert giftet seg med Constance Arle, mens Bertha kan ha vært Bertha som var gift Arduin av Ivrea (Arduino d´Ivrea), konge av Italia, Marquis Ivrea.
Berthe de Bourgogne, reine consort de France's Timeline
964 |
Bourgogne, France
980 |
Blois, Loir Et Cher, Orleanais Centre, France
Normandy, France
983 |
Blois, Loir-et-Cher, Centre-Val de Loire, France
985 |
Venables, Eure, Upper Normandy, France
990 |
Plessis, Calvados, Normandy, France
996 |
Thouars, Vienne, Poitou-Charentes, France