Bernat III, comte de Besalú

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Bernat III de Besalú, comte de Besalú (1065 - 1111)

Death: 1111 (41-51)
Famille proche :

Fils de Guillem II Trunus, comte de Besalú et Etiennette de Provence, comtesse consorte de Bésalu
Époux de Maria de Barcelona
Frère de Etiennette de Besalú, comtessa consort de Fois

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About Bernat III, comte de Besalú



i) BERNAT [III] de Besalú (-[1111/12]). He succeeded his father in [1066/70] as Comte de Besalú i Ripoll. "Bernardus…comes Bisuldunensis" donated property to Saint-Victor, Marseille by charter dated 28 Dec 1070, subscribed by "Raimundi vicecomitis Cardonensis…"[702]. "Bernardus Bisuldunensium comes" donated property "monasterium sancti Petri…in castro Bisuldunensi" to Saint-Victor, Marseille by charter dated 8 Aug 1080[703]. "Bernardus Besaldunensis comes filius qui fui Stephaniæ" swore homage to "Aymerico vicecomiti Narbonæ filio qui fuisti Fidis", by charter dated to [1084][704]. A charter dated 3 Nov 1087 records an agreement between "comitem Bisinduni…Bernardum" and "fratrem eius Gauzfredum" under which the latter promised support if the counts of Roussillon, Peralada and Ampurias made war[705]. "Guillelmus Ugonis filius qui fuit Sancia femina" swore allegiance to "Bernardo comite filius qui fuisti Stephanies comitisse" by charter dated 18 Jul 1090[706]. "Bernardus comes Bisuldensis" donated property to the abbey of Grasse by charter dated 17 Mar 1102, signed by "Guillelmi Udalgerii vicecomitis Castellinovi…"[707]. "Bernardus Granderi comes Bisildunensis" donated property to the church of Saint-Paul de Narbonne by charter dated 9 Nov 1106, signed by "Willelmi vicecomitis Castellinovi…"[708]. “Bernardus...Bisuldunensis comes” granted “omnem honorem meum...Bisullunensi et Rivipollensi et Valle Speriensi et Funolletensi et Perpertusensi” to “Raymunde Berengarii Barchinonensis comes ac marchio” after his death if he had no male child “ex dotata conjuge”, by charter dated 10 Oct 1107, subscribed by “...Ermessindis vicecomitissæ...”[709]. The Chronicon alterum Rivipullense records the death in 1111 of “Bernardus comes Bisul.”[710].

m (contract 1 Oct 1107) --- de Barcelona, daughter of RAMON BERENGUER [III] Comte de Barcelona & his first wife María Rodríguez ([1105/06]-). The marriage contract of "Raymundus...Barchinonensis comes et marchio...filiam meam prolem Mariæ Ruderici" and “Bernarde Bisuldunensis comes” is dated 1 Oct 1107 and provides “Ausonensem comitatum” as dowry[711]. Secondary sources usually show this daughter as having married Roger [III] Comte de Foix as her second husband. For the reasons explained above (see Chapter 2), it is more likely that Comte Roger´s wife was a different daughter, born from her father´s third marriage.

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Chronologie de Bernat III, comte de Besalú