Historical records matching Benzion Halevi Netanyahu
Immediate Family
Private Userchild
About Benzion Halevi Netanyahu
- Milikovsky was the original last name.
- Books, by Benzion Netanyahu
[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benzion_Netanyahu Benzion Netanyahu[ (Hebrew: בֶּנְצִיּוֹן נְתַנְיָהוּ, born Benzion Mileikowsky; March 25, 1910 – April 30, 2012) was an Israeli historian. He served as Professor of History at Cornell University. A scholar of Judaic history, he was also an activist in the Revisionist Zionism movement, who lobbied in the United States to support the creation of the Jewish state. His field of expertise was the history of the Jews in Spain. He was an editor of the Hebrew Encyclopedia and Ze'ev Jabotinsky's personal secretary. Netanyahu was the father of current Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Yonatan Netanyahu, ex-commander of Sayeret Matkal, as well as Iddo Netanyahu, a physician, author and playwright.
Benzion Netanyahu was born in Warsaw, Poland, (then part of the Russian Empire) to the writer and Zionist activist Nathan Mileikowsky. In 1920 the family emigrated to Palestine. After living in Jaffa, Tel Aviv, and Safed, the family settled in Jerusalem. Benzion studied in the Midrash for teachers run by David Yellin, and later went on to study at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He specialized in History and was especially inspired by professor Joseph Klausner.
During the late 1950s and the 1960s, Netanyahu and his family lived alternately in Israel and the U.S (among other times in the U.S., 1963–67), until 1969, when Netanyahu returned to New York in order to edit a Jewish encyclopedia and eventually take a teaching job at Cornell University.
Specializing in the golden age of Jewish History in Spain, Netanyahu is known for his opus, the Origins of the Inquisition in Fifteenth Century Spain. It is considered by some, a towering work on the subject.
His three sons are
▪ Yonatan Netanyahu, former commander of Sayeret Matkal, who was killed in action leading the Entebbe hostage rescue.
▪ Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli Prime Minister (1996–99, 2009-Pres.).
▪ Iddo Netanyahu, a radiologist and writer.
Benzion Netanyahu remains politically active, even at the age of one hundred. Netanyahu is now serving as an associate professor at the Academy for Jewish Research, a member of the Academy for Fine Arts, and a professor emeritus at Cornell University. He currently resides in Jerusalem.
His younger brother, mathematician Elisha Netanyahu, also studied at the Hebrew University, and later became the Dean of Sciences at the Technion.
Israeli historian. Prof history at cornell university. Activisit in Revisionist Zionism movement, who lobbied USA to support the creation of the Jewish State. Field of expertise, history of jews in Spain. Editor of Hebrew Encyclopaedia and Ze'ev Jabotinsky's personal secretary. He was the father of Benjamin Netanyahu, current (2021) Prime Minister of Israel.
DUPLICATE OF Benzion Halevi Netanyahu
About Benzion Halevi Netanyahu (עברית)
- Milikovsky was the original last name.
- Books, by Benzion Netanyahu
Benzion Netanyahu (Hebrew: בנציון נתניהו; born March 25, 1910) is an Israeli historian and Zionist activist. He was secretary to Ze'ev Jabotinsky, "the father of Revisionist Zionism", and was a Revisionist leader of the Zionist Movement in the United States.
Benzion Netanyahu was born in Warsaw, Poland, (then part of the Russian Empire) to the writer and Zionist activist Nathan Mileikowsky. In 1920 the family emigrated to Palestine. After living in Jaffa, Tel Aviv, and Safed, the family settled in Jerusalem. Benzion studied in the Midrash for teachers run by David Yellin, and later went on to study at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He specialized in History and was especially inspired by professor Joseph Klausner.
During the late 1950s and the 1960s, Netanyahu and his family lived alternately in Israel and the U.S (among other times in the U.S., 1963–67), until 1969, when Netanyahu returned to New York in order to edit a Jewish encyclopedia and eventually take a teaching job at Cornell University.
Specializing in the golden age of Jewish History in Spain, Netanyahu is known for his opus, the Origins of the Inquisition in Fifteenth Century Spain. It is considered by some, a towering work on the subject.
His three sons are
▪ Yonatan Netanyahu, former commander of Sayeret Matkal, who was killed in action leading the Entebbe hostage rescue.
▪ Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli Prime Minister (1996–99, 2009-Pres.).
▪ Iddo Netanyahu, a radiologist and writer.
Benzion Netanyahu remains politically active, even at the age of one hundred. Netanyahu is now serving as an associate professor at the Academy for Jewish Research, a member of the Academy for Fine Arts, and a professor emeritus at Cornell University. He currently resides in Jerusalem.
His younger brother, mathematician Elisha Netanyahu, also studied at the Hebrew University, and later became the Dean of Sciences at the Technion.
Benzion Halevi Netanyahu's Timeline
1910 |
March 25, 1910
Warszawa, Mazowieckie, Polska (then Russian Empire)
1946 |
March 13, 1946
New York, NY, United States
1949 |
October 21, 1949
Tel Aviv-Yafo, Tel Aviv District, Israel
2012 |
April 30, 2012
Age 102
Jerusalem, Israel
April 30, 2012
Age 102
Jerusalem, Israel