Historical records matching Benjamin Nye
Immediate Family
About Benjamin Nye
"Benjamin Nye moved to the location from Spring Hill during the 1670s when town officials asked him to open a mill on what would later be named Nye Pond because another miller, Thomas Dexter Jr., was taking a larger toll from each bushel than officials thought he should get.
"Two quarts was the standard toll, Dexter was taking more, so the town offered land in 1665 to whoever would build a mill," John Cullity said. "Benjamin took them up on the cause."
In this village of Sandwich, once nicknamed Cedarville until it became confused too often with a village by the same name in Plymouth, Nye not only built a grist mill, but also carding and fulling mills, Rosana Cullity said.
Soon a blacksmith shop, a shoemaker, a tannery, a tavern and grocery store were part of the sprawling countryside. The Nyes were joined by other well-known Sandwich families like the Holways, Hoxies, Freemans and Ewers.
The family continued to operate the mills through 1867, and the house remained in the family through 1923, when it was sold to the state for conservation purposes." - Nye family home a portrait of the past, Cape Cod Times - http://www.capecodonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20090726/NE...
In Volunne II, page 16, a footnote states that the date of our ancestor Benjamin Nye's death is established as April 30, 1714. This is incorrect and was due to a misinterpretation of an excerpt fronn a deed of his grandson, Ichabod. The date of Benjamin's death has not been established. All that is known is that his death occurred before the above date and that he was still alive June 9, 1704. - A Genealogy of the Nye Family, Vol. IV, pg. V of preface