Immediate Family
About Baudouin (IV) de Bourbourg, châtelain de Bourbourg
Fm fmgMedlands
2. BAUDOUIN (-after 22 Apr 1178, bur Bourbourg Sainte-Marie). The Historia Comitum Ghisnensium names "Balduinum…Walterum et Henricum, Gillebertum et Rodolphum, Sigerum et Walterum" as the seven sons of "Broburgensi castellano Henrico, Deinardi filio" and his wife Beatrix[1281]. "…Henrico castellano Broburgensi, Beatrice uxore eius, Balduino, Henrico, Gilleberto filiis eius…" signed the charter dated to [1150] which records that "Beatricis castellane Broburgensis" granted a serf to the monastery of Bourbourg[1282]. “...Balduini castellani de Bourbourg...” witnessed the charter dated 1169 under which Philippe Count of Flanders founded canons at Artois Saint-Pierre[1283]. “Baldevinus Bruburgensium castellanus” confirmed donations to Notre-Dame de Licques made by “avia mea Livildis castellana”, which he had previously opposed, by charter dated 1176[1284]. “Bauduin châtelain de Bourbourg” confirmed the donation to the hospital of Saint-Nicholas near Bourbourg made by “feu Henri son père” by charter dated 22 Apr 1178, witnessed by “Clémence sa femme, Wautier son frère…”[1285]. The Historia Comitum Ghisnensium records that Baudouin, son of "Broburgensi castellano Henrico, Deinardi filio" and his wife Beatrix, was buried "in ecclesia sancte Marie Broburgensis" but died childless[1286].
115O (Ann. Com. Fl. de Ft., VIII, pp. 340-34I) - 1178 (Ibidem, p. 34I).
- Juliana of Duras (belonging to the family of the counts of Loon) (Lambert
of Ardres, SS. XXIV, Pp. 620-621).
× Elizabeth of Béthune (Ibidem, loc. cit.).
× Clemence (Duchesne : Béthune, Pr., p. 53 (I172)).
(Warlop, 703)
Baudouin (IV) de Bourbourg, châtelain de Bourbourg's Timeline
1130 |
1178 |
April 22, 1178
Age 48
???? |
Sainte-Marie-Kerque, Bourbourg, Nord, Hauts-de-France, France