ADELISA Fitz Richard de Clare (-[1125/35] or after). She is called Adelidem filiam Ricardi de…prosapia Gifardorum by Orderic Vitalis, who also records her marriage. Her identification as the daughter of Richard de Clare was first made by Round. Adelissa [mater Gauterii filii Gauterii Tirelli] donated property to the abbey of Saint-Martin de Pontoise by charter dated [1125/35] which states that the donation was made after the death of her son and the latter was buried at the abbey. The same charter also records a later donation by Gauterius Tirellus pater memorati Gauterii iuvenis witnessed by Ada uxore Hugonis Tirelli, Gauterius Tirelli et Hugonis filii eius. The 1130 Pipe Roll records Adeliz uxor Walti Tirelli in Essex in relation to eisde plac de La Wingeha. m GAUTHIER [II] Tirell, son of GODRICH & his wife Aremburgis --- (-Jerusalem after [1140]).
1060 |
Poix, Somme, Picardy, France
1069 |
Tunbridge (Kent) England
1080 |
Merets, Cambray, France
1141 |
May 15, 1141
Age 72
1939 |
September 13, 1939
Age 72
September 13, 1939
Age 72
September 13, 1939
Age 72
September 13, 1939
Age 72
December 7, 1939
Age 72