Baron Alexander* Woldemar von Rosen

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Baron Alexander* Woldemar von Rosen

Also Known As: "Lux"
Birthplace: Wesenberg (Rakvere), Estonia
Death: March 31, 1938 (79)
Tallinn, Estonia (Lebererkrankung)
Place of Burial: Kopli kalmistu, Tallinn, Estonia
Immediate Family:

Son of Woldemar Reinhold von Rosen and Marie von Rosen
Husband of Baronin Marie Rosen
Father of Baroness Ellinor Rosen and Private
Brother of Wilhelm Walter Bar. von Rosen; Katharina Meta* Wiesinger; Heinrich Leopold von Rosen; Gustav Arved* von Rosen; Auguste Helene von Rosen and 4 others

Managed by: Ilmar Raudmägi
Last Updated:

About Baron Alexander* Woldemar von Rosen

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Baron Alexander* Woldemar von Rosen's Timeline

October 13, 1858
Wesenberg (Rakvere), Estonia
January 22, 1889
Tallinn, Harjumaa, Estonia
March 31, 1938
Age 79
Tallinn, Estonia
April 4, 1938
Age 79
Kopli kalmistu, Tallinn, Estonia