Balian, lord of Ibelin

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Balian d'Ibelin (1143 - 1193)

Also Known As: "Barisan the Younger"
Birthplace: Ibelin, Palestine (Palestine, State of)
Death: February 1193 (45-54)
Principality of Antioch, Syrian Arab Republic
Immediate Family:

Son of Balian II, Lord of Rama and Hélvis, of Rama
Husband of Maria Komnene, queen of Jerusalem
Father of John of Ibelin, the Old lord of Beirut; Philippe d'Ibelin, régent de Chypre; Helvis d'Ibelin, dame de Tyr and Marguerite d'Ibelin
Brother of Ermengarde d'Ibelin; Hugues d'Ibelin, lord of Ramla; Baldwin of Ibelin, lord of Mirabel & Ramla and Stéphanie d'Ibelin

Occupation: Seigneur, Sieur, d'Ibelin, de Naplouse, Herre i Nablus
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Balian, lord of Ibelin

BALIAN of Ibelin ([1142/43]-[May 1193/94])
s/o BALIAN of Ibelin Lord of Rama & Helvis of Rama
x c1177 MARIA Komnene, wid/o AMAURY I King of Jerusalem, d/o f IOANNES Komnenos (1154-<Oct 1217)

  • JEAN Ibelin (1178-1236)
  • PHILIPPE Ibelin ([1180]-Cyprus end 1227)
  • MARGUERITE Ibelin ([1180]-after 1240)
  • HELVIS Ibelin ([1182]-before 1 Jun 1216)
  • daughter (-> Aug 1193).

Balian of Ibelin (French: Balian d'Ibelin; c. 1143 – 1193), also known as Barisan the Younger, was a crusader noble of the Kingdom of Jerusalem in the 12th century. He was lord of Ibelin from 1170 to 1193. As the leader of the defense of the city during the siege of Jerusalem in 1187, he surrendered Jerusalem to Saladin on 2 October 1187.

  1. Early years
  2. Succession disputes
  3. Dispute between Raymond and Guy
  4. The Battle of Hattin
  5. Defense of Jerusalem
  6. Balian as king-maker, and the Third Crusade
  7. Legacy

A fictionalized version of Balian, played by English actor Orlando Bloom, is the protagonist of Ridley Scott's 2005 film Kingdom of Heaven.

BALIAN of Ibelin, son of BALIAN of Ibelin Lord of Rama & his wife Helvis of Rama ([1142/43]-[May 1193/94]). The Lignages d'Outremer name (in order) "mesire Hue, et mesire Baudoyn, et mesire Belleem" as the three sons of "Belleem a la Barbe" & his wife[876]. A charter dated 14 Jan 1155 refers to "Barisanus frater Hugonis [de Hybelino] et quedam soror sua Theophanno" in relation to a donation by "Amalricus…comes Ascalonis" to the church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem[877]. "Amalricus…comes Ascalonis" confirmed a donation to the church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem by "Hugonis de Hybelino et fratrum suorum Balduini et Barisani et Hermengardis sororis sue matrisque sue Alois…" by charter dated 1158[878]. "Hugo dominus de Hibelini" confirmed that "dominus Rainerius bone memorie avunculus meus" had donated land "in territorio Ramatensi" to St Lazarus of Jerusalem, and now redonated the land as well as land which "quam habuerunt de domina Eva", with the consent of "Agnetis comitisse uxoris mee, et domini Balduini et domini Barisani fratrum meorum", by charter dated 1169[879]. William of Tyre names him as the brother of Baudouin Lord of Rama when recording his marriage[880]. Lord of Nablus [1177], by right of his wife. He succeeded his brother in [1186/88] as Lord of Rama and Mirabel, but these territories, as well as the castle of Ibelin, were conquered in 1187 by Saladin after the battle of Hattin[881]. He went to Jerusalem from Tyre and made preparations to secure it against Saladin's attack but the city fell 2 Oct 1187[882]. Saladin installed him as Lord of Caymont and Carmel[883]. He was a strong supporter of Corrado di Monferrato against Guy de Lusignan, and a leading proponent of Corrado's marriage to Isabelle of Jerusalem[884].

m ( [1177] ) as her second husband, MARIA Komnene, widow of AMAURY I King of Jerusalem, daughter of IOANNES Komnenos protosébastos & his wife --- Taronitissa (1154-before Oct 1217). She was given Nablus as her dower by her first husband[885]. Her second marriage, around the same time as the marriage of Sibylle of Jerusalem with Guglielmo di Monferrato (Oct 1176), is recorded by William of Tyre[886]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines records that "relictam regis Almarici…que fuit de Grecia" married "Bethuliani de Guibelin"[887]. The Lignages d'Outremer name "la reyne Marie…niece de l'empereur Manuel" as wife of "Belleem de Ybelin"[888]. "Hugo…rex Cipri" confirmed the grant to the church of Nicosia by "Philippus de Ybellino" for the soul of "domine Marie regine, matris sue" by charter dated Oct 1217[889].

Balian of Ibelin & his wife had five children 

(as the castle of Ibelin was lost to the family in 1187, the descendants of Balian of Ibelin are referred to as "Ibelin" rather than "of Ibelin".):

  • 1. JEAN Ibelin (1178-1236). ...
  • 2. PHILIPPE Ibelin ([1180]-Cyprus end 1227).
    • ...
  • 3. MARGUERITE Ibelin ([1180]-after 1240). ...
  • 4. HELVIS Ibelin ([1182]-before 1 Jun 1216). ...
  • 5. daughter (-after Aug 1193). ...


  1. “The Ibelins and Cyprus: A Revisionist Thesis.” < link > But why would Balian d’Ibelin go to Cyprus at this time? Because his wife, Maria Comnena, was a Byzantine princess. Not just that, she was related to the last Greek “emperor” of the island, Isaac Comnenus. She spoke Greek, understood the mentality of the population, and probably had good ties (or could forge them) to the Greek/Orthodox elites, secular and ecclesiastical, on the island. She had the means to help Aimery pacify his unruly realm, and Balian was a proven diplomat par excellence, who would also have been a great asset to Aimery. If one accepts that Guy de Lusignan failed to pacify the island in his short time as lord, then what would have been more natural than for his successor, Aimery, to appeal to his wife’s kin for help in getting a grip on his unruly inheritance? If Balian d’Ibelin and Maria Comnena played a role in helping Aimery establish his authority on Cyprus, it is nearly certain they would have been richly rewarded with lands/fiefs on the island once the situation settled down. Such feudal holdings would have given the Ibelins a seat on the High Court of Cyprus, which explains their influence on it. Furthermore, these Cypriot estates would most likely have fallen to their younger son, Philip, because their first born son, John, was heir to their holdings in the Kingdom of Jerusalem. John was first Constable of Jerusalem, then Lord of the hugely important port city of Beirut, and finally, after King Aimery’s death, regent of the Kingdom of Jerusalem for his niece. Philip, on the other hand, was constable of Cyprus and later regent of Cyprus for Henry I ― notably despite the fact that his elder brother was still alive at the time. While this is all speculation, it is reasonable and does not contradict what is in the historical record. It is only in conflict with what modern historians have postulated based on a paucity of records.
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Balian, lord of Ibelin's Timeline

Ibelin, Palestine (Palestine, State of)
February 1193
Age 50
Principality of Antioch, Syrian Arab Republic