Balian II, Lord of Rama

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Balian II, Lord of Rama (b. - 1150)

Death: between circa 1150 and circa 1152
Immediate Family:

Son of Barisan "the Old" and Helvis
Husband of Hélvis, of Rama
Father of Ermengarde d'Ibelin; Hugues d'Ibelin, lord of Ramla; Baldwin of Ibelin, lord of Mirabel & Ramla; Balian, lord of Ibelin and Stéphanie d'Ibelin

Managed by: Sharon Doubell
Last Updated:

About Balian II, Lord of Rama

BALIAN [II] (-[1150/52]), Lord of Rama
s/o BALIAN [I] ([1070/80]-[Feb 1141/27 Sep 1145) & HELVIS
x c 1130 HELVIS of Rama, d/o BAUDOUIN Lord of Rama & Stephanie

  • ERMENGARDE of Ibelin (-[1160/67])
  • HUGUES of Ibelin (1133 or before-[1169/71])
  • BAUDOUIN [I] of Ibelin (1135 or before-[Feb 1186/88])
  • BALIAN of Ibelin ([1142/43]-[1193/94])
  • STEPHANIE of Ibelin ([1144]-after 1167)

1. BALIAN [II] (-[1150/52]). His parentage is confirmed by William of Tyre referring to "Balianus senior" in 1132[788]. "Balianus miles" donated property "mea casale…Dargerboan" to the abbey of Notre-Dame de Josaphat with the consent of "dominus meus Hugo, comes Jope", by charter dated 1127[789]. It is assumed that this charter refers to the younger Balian as no primary source has yet been identified which suggests that Balian senior was no longer constable of Jaffa at that date. He supported Foulques King of Jerusalem in his dispute with Hugues du Puiset in 1132/33[790]. "…Barisanus…" subscribed the charter dated 5 Feb 1138 under which "Fulcho…rex Ierusalem Latinorum tercius" granted privileges to the church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem[791], although this could refer either to Balian or his father. In 1141, he was granted the castle of Yebna, francisised to "Ibelin", south-west of Lydda. The Lignages d'Outremer confirm that the king gave "Ybelin" to "Belleem a la Barbe"[792]. "Balianus…" subscribed the charter dated 1144 under which "Balduinus…sancte Ierusalem rex Latinorum quartus" granted privileges to the church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem, signing first among the subscribers[793]. He succeeded his brother-in-law as Lord of Rama, by right of his wife. “Reinerius de Ramis”, fearing death, donated property to “infirmis Sancti Lazari secus muros Jerusalem”, in the presence of “ Barisano, Balduino filiis meis, nepotibus ipsius...atque muliere mea, sorore eius”, confirmed by “Barisanus et Hugo ac Balduinus filii mei”, by charter dated 1148[794]. William of Tyre records "Balianus senior" among the magnates in Palestine present at the council held at Acre recorded under 1148[795].

m ( [1130] ) as her first husband, HELVIS of Rama, daughter of BAUDOUIN Lord of Rama & his wife Stephanie --- ([1115]-after 1158). The Lignages d'Outremer name "Helvoys" as the daughter of "mesire Baudoyn" & his wife, recording that she married "Belleem a la Barbe"[796]. Another manuscript of the Lignages expands by naming her "Helvis, la seur Phelipe de Naples de mere, qui estoit dame de Rames, fille de Bauduin seignor de Rames"[797]. Her parentage is confirmed by the charter dated 1160 under which "Hugo de Ybelino…Ramathensis domino" names "Balduini avi mei"[798], which can only refer to his maternal grandfather as his paternal grandfather's name is deduced as Balian from other sources. She became heiress of Rama on the death of her brother in [1148]. “Reinerius de Ramis”, fearing death, donated property to “infirmis Sancti Lazari secus muros Jerusalem”, in the presence of “ Barisano, Balduino filiis meis, nepotibus ipsius...atque muliere mea, sorore eius”, confirmed by “Barisanus et Hugo ac Balduinus filii mei”, by charter dated 1148[799]. William of Tyre describes her as "domini Baliani senioris viduam" when recording her second marriage[800]. She married secondly (1152) Manassès de Hierges, Constable of Jerusalem, first cousin to Mélisende Queen of Jerusalem, thus creating the first link between the Ibelin family and the royal family of Jerusalem. The Lignages d'Outremer record her second marriage to "le conestable Manassier" after the death of her first husband[801]. "Balduinus…in sancta Iherusalem Latinorum rex quartus" confirmed the donation by "Hugo de Hybelino et…fratris sui Balduini et sororis sue Hermengardis domine Tiberiadis et matris sue Helois…" to the church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem by charter dated 14 Jan 1155[802].

 Balian [II] & his wife had six children:  


  1. Murray, Allan V. The Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem, a dynastic history 1099-1125. Oxford University Press: 2000. Page 187-188. < Archive.Org > (free ID needed to borrow.)