Baldwin of Ibelin, lord of Mirabel & Ramla

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Baldwin of Ibelin, lord of Mirabel & Ramla (1133 - 1186)

French: Baudouin d'Ibelin, seigneur de Mirabel et de Ramla
Also Known As: "Baldwin II of Ramla"
Death: between circa 1186 and circa 1188 (44-63)
Immediate Family:

Son of Balian II, Lord of Rama and Hélvis, of Rama
Husband of Isabel Gothman and Marie de Tripoli
Ex-husband of Richilde de Bessan
Father of Eschiva of Ibelin; Stephanie d'Ibelin and Thomas d'Ibelin, seigneur de Ramla
Brother of Ermengarde d'Ibelin; Hugues d'Ibelin, lord of Ramla; Balian, lord of Ibelin and Stéphanie d'Ibelin

Managed by: Private User
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About Baldwin of Ibelin, lord of Mirabel & Ramla



c) BAUDOUIN [I] of Ibelin (1135 or before-[Feb 1186/88]). The Lignages d'Outremer name (in order) "mesire Hue, et mesire Baudoyn, et mesire Belleem" as the three sons of "Belleem a la Barbe" & his wife[820]. “Reinerius de Ramis”, fearing death, donated property to “infirmis Sancti Lazari secus muros Jerusalem”, in the presence of “ Barisano, Balduino filiis meis, nepotibus ipsius...atque muliere mea, sorore eius”, confirmed by “Barisanus et Hugo ac Balduinus filii mei”, by charter dated 1148[821]. "Balduinus…in sancta Iherusalem Latinorum rex quartus" confirmed the donation by "Hugo de Hybelino et…fratris sui Balduini et sororis sue Hermengardis domine Tiberiadis et matris sue Helois…" to the church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem by charter dated 14 Jan 1155[822]. "Melisendis…Iherosolimorum regina" confirmed the donation of "Hugonis de Hibeline…et Balduini fratri sui" to the church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem by charter dated 1155[823]. "Amalricus…comes Ascalonis" confirmed a donation to the church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem by "Hugonis de Hybelino et fratrum suorum Balduini et Barisani et Hermengardis sororis sue matrisque sue Alois…" by charter dated 1158[824]. "…Hugo de Ybelino et frater eius Balduinus" subscribed the charter dated 26 Jul 1160 under which "Balduinus…in sancta Iherusalem Latinorum rex quartus" granted privileges to the church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem[825]. Lord of Mirabel. "Balduinus de Mirabella, filius Barisani" donated property to the Knights Hospitallers, with the consent of "uxoris R[ichildis] et fratris Barisani", by charter dated 1165[826]. "Balduinus de Ybelin, dominus Mirabelli" donated property to the Knights Hospitallers, with the consent of "Hugonis de Ybelin et Baliani fratrum, Richeldis uxoris", by charter dated [29] Apr 1166, subscribed by "Nicholaus de Jbelin, Osmundus frater eius…"[827]. "Balduinus de Mirabell" donated property to the Knights Hospitallers, with the consent of "Ugonis de Ibelino, domini sui, et Barisani fratrum necnon Agnetis comitissæ, uxoris Hugonis, Richoldis uxoris suæ, et dominæ Stephaniæ", by charter dated 1167[828]. "Hugo dominus de Hibelini" confirmed that "dominus Rainerius bone memorie avunculus meus" had donated land "in territorio Ramatensi" to St Lazarus of Jerusalem, and now redonated the land as well as land which "quam habuerunt de domina Eva", with the consent of "Agnetis comitisse uxoris mee, et domini Balduini et domini Barisani fratrum meorum", by charter dated 1169[829]. He succeeded his brother as Lord of Rama. He was captured by Saladin near Marj Ayn 20 Jun 1179 but released a few months later on promise of a ransom of 150,000 dinars[830]. A strong opponent of the Lusignan faction in the kingdom of Jerusalem (although his daughter was married to Aimery de Lusignan), he refused to pay homage to Sibylle Queen of Jerusalem and her husband King Guy after their coronation in 1186. He left Rama to his minor son, and went to the court of Bohémond III Prince of Antioch[831].

m firstly ([1155], divorced [1174]%29 RICHILDE of Bethsan, daughter of GREMONT [I] Lord of Bethsan & his wife Marguerite of Beirut. The Lignages d'Outremer name "Richeut…fille de Gremont de Bessan" as wife of "Baudoyn…seignor de Rames", stating that they were divorced[832]. In another passage, the Lignages d'Outremer name "André et Gautier et Amauri et Phelippe et Richeut et Ysabiau et Estefenie" as children of "Gremont le seignor de Bessan" & his wife, specifying that Richilde married "Baudoyn d'Ybelin" and was "mere de la reyne Eschive"[833]. Rüdt-Collenberg suggests that this parentage is chronologically improbable, although his reasoning is unclear[834]. "Balduinus de Mirabella, filius Barisani" donated property to the Knights Hospitallers, with the consent of "uxoris R[ichildis]…", by charter dated 1165[835]. "Balduinus de Ybelin, dominus Mirabelli" donated property to the Knights Hospitallers, with the consent of "…Richeldis uxoris", by charter dated [29] Apr 1166[836]. "Balduinus de Mirabell" donated property to the Knights Hospitallers, with the consent of "…Richoldis uxoris suæ…", by charter dated 1167[837]. ...three children:

m secondly (1175) as her second husband, ISABELLE de Gothman, widow of HUGUES Lord of Caesarea, daughter of JEAN de Gothman & his wife Amandala --- (-[1177/80]). The Lignages d'Outremer name "Ysabiau…fille de sire Johan Gomans…feme de Hue de Cesaire" as second wife of "Baudoyn…seignor de Rames"[838]. "Balduinus, dominus Ramensis" donated property to the Knights Hospitallers, with the consent of "uxoris Helisabeth et fratris Barisani", by charter dated 1175, subscribed by "…Aubertus, consanguineus Balduini…"[839]. [Betrothed ([1179]%29 to SIBYLLE of Jerusalem, widow of GUGLIELMO "Lungaspada" di Monferrato, daughter of AMAURY I King of Jerusalem & his first wife Agnès de Courtenay ([1160]-Acre [Sep/21 Oct] 1190). The Chronicle of Ernoul suggests this betrothal, although not explicitly, when it records in the same paragraph that "Bauduins de Rames" and "la contesse Sibille de Jaffes et d'Escalonne li seur le roi" were both widowed from their second and first marriages respectively, apparently confirmed in a later passage which states that Sibylle wished to marry him if he was released from prison[840]. The same source records that Sibylle married her second husband while her betrothed, Baudouin of Ibelin, was in Constantinople requesting Emperor Manuel I to finance the payment of the ransom which had been promised to Saladin as the price for his release from captivity[841].] child:

m thirdly (after Apr 1180) as her first husband, MARIE, daughter of RENIER Constable of Tripoli & his wife [Marie ---] (-after Oct 1228). The Lignages d'Outremer name "Marie" as third wife of "Baudoyn…seignor de Rames", naming her four brothers "Gautier seignor de Baruth, et Gui seignor de Cesaire de par sa feme, et Bernart, et Hue" and her sister "feme de Johan Le Tor, seignor dou Manoet"[842]. This suggests that her father was Guy [II] Lord of Beirut. However, her parentage is confirmed by the charter dated Oct 1228 under which "Maria, Rainerii quondam constabularii Tripolitani filia, uxor G de Haam et mater Thomæ constabularii Tripolitani, necnon Beatrix olim filia Petri de Revandel eiusdem Thomæ uxor" confirmed a sale of property by her son[843]. She married secondly as his second wife, Guillaume of Tiberias, and thirdly Gérard de Ham Constable of Tripoli. The Lignages d'Outremer records the second marriage of Marie to "Guillaume de Thabarie" and her third marriage to "Girart de Han", stating that she was mother of "la dame dou Pui et le conestable de Triple" by her third husband[844]. This is confused by another passage in the Lignages d'Outremer which records that "Echive…dame dou Pui, et ayeulle de cestui conestable de Triple et seignor dou Pui qui ores est" was her daughter by her second husband, while "Thonas…conestable de Triple et Agnes…feme de Hue de Gibellet" were her children by her third husband[845]. Richerio Bishop of Melfi confirmed the property rights of "Mariam viduam Girardi de Hanis, matrem Thomæ comestabuli Tripolitani" by charter dated Mar 1227[846]. "Maria, Rainerii conestabolis Tripolis quondam filia, et uxor G[erardi] de Haam conestabolis Tripolis et mater Thome conestabolis Tripolis, et Beatrix olim filia Petri de Revandel eiusdem Thome uxor" confirmed the sale of property to Blanche Queen of France by charter dated Oct 1228[847].