According to "The Farr Genealogy" by the Rev. Charles N. Sinnett, Asahel real name was spelled Ansell but was known as Asahel.
According to Caledonia Co. probate records dated March 1823, the last two children (Mary and Jonathan) were given to Sylvanus Hemmingway of Waterford for guardianship. It states their ages as 13 and 10. Levi R. Farr was appointed Administrator of the Estate. Source: Copy of probate in possession of Tim Farr
Asahel Farr Deed To Winslow Farr: Know all men by these presents that I Asahel Farr of Waterford in the count of Caledonia and State of Vermont for and in consideration of three hundred dollars to me well and truly paid before the delivery hereof by Winslow Farr of Waterford aforesaid the Receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge have given granted bargained and Sold and by these presents do give grant bargain sell alien enfeoff convey and confirm unto him the said Winslow Farr his heirs and assigns forever the following tract or parcel of land lying and being in Waterford aforesaid described as follows, viz. Lot number Eleven in the tenth range and is the first division of the Right of Noah Crittenden except thirty five acres off of the south end of said lot which I have heretofore Deeded.
To have and to hold the said granted premises with all the privileges and appurtenances to the same belonging to him the said Winslow Farr his heirs and assigns to him and their own proper use and benefit forever and I the said Asahel Farr for myself my heirs executors and administrators do hereby covenant grant and agree to and with the said Winslow Farr his heirs and assigns that at and until the sealing these presents I am the lawful owner of the said premises am_____________thereof in my own right in fee Simple to have good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same in manner aforesaid and that the said premises are free and clear of all and every incumbrance whatsoever And I the said Asahel Farr for myself my heirs executors and administrators engage to warrant and defend the said premises to him the said Winslow Farr his heirs and assigns against the lawful claims and demands of any person or persons whomsoever.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and on the thirteenth day of February one thousand eight hundred and seventeen.
Signed and Sealed and delivered in the presence of Sylvanus Hemingway <u> </u>Hemingway Asahel Farr (Ls)
State of Vermont} Waterford February 13, 1817 Caledonia County} Personally appeared Asahel Farr Signer and Sealer of the above instrument and acknowledged the __________ to be his free act and Deed.
Sylv. S. Hemingway Justice Peace Aforesaid April 1st 1824 the above is a true record Attest. Sylv. S. Hemingway, Town Clerk
In 1980 Eugenia Powers (1913-1985) made the following description of the original headstone of Asahel Farr:
Row13 #18 "In Memory of ASAHEL FARR who died Feb. 20, 1823 aged 57 years & 29 days.
Soapstone--- bulge top with willow & urn-- sunburst in corners of shoulder of stone and diamond pattern border underneath-- inscription area is an oval on end and drapery in the corners outside the oval-- different!!"
Sources: 1.Abbrev: Hardwick Town and vital records, 1730-1896 Title: Hardwick (Massachusetts). Town Selectmen (Main Author), <i>Hardwick Town and vital records, 1730-1896</i> (Salt Lake City: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1971)n and vital records, 1730-1896</i> (Salt Lake City: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1971)n and vital records, 1730-1896</i>. Salt Lake City: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1971. Name: Footnote Name: ShortFootnote Name: Bibliography Repository: Name: LDS Family History Library Salt Lake City, UT 84150 USA 2.Abbrev: Massachusetts Vital Records CD Title: Family Tree Maker, Broderbund, Massachusetts Vital Records 1600's-1800's, CDROM #220 (Vital Records: Massachusetts, 1600s-1800s Copyright (c) 2000. Genealogy.com, LLC and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. All product names are trademarks of their respective holders.)s, CDROM #220s, CDROM #220. Vital Records: Massachusetts, 1600s-1800s Copyright (c) 2000. Genealogy.com, LLC and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. All product names are trademarks of their respective holders. Name: Footnote Name: ShortFootnote Name: Bibliography Repository: Name: Tim Farr Washington, UT 84780USA 3.Abbrev: US Federal Census Title: US Federal Census Name: Footnote Name: ShortFootnote Name: Bibliography Repository: Name: Heritage Quest Online
Repository: Name: Ancestry.com
Page: Series: M32 Roll: 20 Page: 44 4.Abbrev: Headstone Inscription Title: Headstone Inscription Note: From visit to the cemetary Name: Footnote Name: ShortFootnote Name: Bibliography Repository: Name: Tim Farr Washington, UT 84780USA
Page: Lower Waterford, Vermont 5.Abbrev: Waterford cemetery records, 1797-1869 Title: Waterford (Vermont). Town Clerk, compiler, <i>Waterford cemetery records, 1797-1869</i> (Salt Lake City, Utah: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1951)s, 1797-1869</i> (Salt Lake City, Utah: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1951)s, 1797-1869</i>. Salt Lake City, Utah: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1951. Name: Footnote Name: ShortFootnote Name: Bibliography Repository: Name: LDS Family History Library Salt Lake City, UT 84150 USA
Page: FHL US/CAN Film #0029053 Item 3 6.Abbrev: Town Records of Chesterfield, NH Title: Chesterfield (New Hampshire). Town Clerk, comp., <i>Town Records of Cheterfield, NH</i>, Multiple Volumes. (Salt Lake City: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1950)terfield, NH</i>, Multiple Volumes. (Salt Lake City: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1950)ld, NH</i>. Multiple Volumes. Salt Lake City: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1950 Name: Footnote Name: ShortFootnote Name: Bibliography Repository: Name: LDS Family History Library Salt Lake City, UT 84150 USA
Page: Vol. 1, p. 91 7.Abbrev: Vital Records of Chesterfield, New Hampshire Title: Chesterfield Town Clerk, comp., <i>Records of Deaths, Births, and Marriiages, 1732-1917</i>, 1-7. (Salt Lake City, Utah: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 2000)iages, 1732-1917</i>, 1-7. (Salt Lake City, Utah: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 2000)732-1917</i>. 1-7. Salt Lake City, Utah: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 2000 Name: Footnote Name: ShortFootnote Name: Bibliography Repository: Name: LDS Family History Library Salt Lake City, UT 84150 Page: p. 74
Asahel Farr BIRTH 22 Jan 1766 DEATH 20 Feb 1823 (aged 57) BURIAL Lower Waterford Cemetery Waterford, Caledonia County, Vermont, USA PLOT Row13, Stone #19 MEMORIAL ID 95004660 · View Source
Born Hardwick, Mass Jan 22 1766. RESIDENCE: 1766: Hardwick, Ma [birth] 1800: Chesterfield, NH [census] 1817: (Feb 13) Waterford, Vt -- sold to his son, Winslow, his Lot #11 in the 10th Range, in the 1st division the Right of Noah Crittenden except 35 acres off the south end [WfdLandRecs]
Original stone described by Euginia Powers in 1980 as: "Soapstone, surface badly weathered; willow & urn in tympanum, sunbursts in shoulders; rectangular diamond pattern border around oval inscription plate with drapery in the corners outside the oval -- different!! When I visited in 2007, both stones were gone, and the new gray-granite monument stood in their place. His full DOB on the new gs came from his Hardwick, Ma bc filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah in 2000, now on file in Salt Lake City, Utah. See also - Farr genealogy.
Family Members Spouse Photo Lydia Snow Farr 1772–1822
Children Photo Winslow Farr 1794–1865
Photo Levi R Farr 1796–1840
Photo Harriet Farr Badger 1803–1880
Inscription In / memory of / Asahel Farr / who died Feb. / 20, 1823 aged / 57 years / & 29 days.
1766 |
January 22, 1766
Hardwick, Worcester, Massachusetts
March 23, 1766
Hardwick, Worcester, Massachusetts
March 23, 1766
Hardwick, Worcester, Massachusetts
1787 |
May 13, 1787
Chesterfield, Cheshire, New Hampshire
1790 |
Chesterfield, Cheshire, New Hampshire
1791 |
Chesterfield, Cheshire, New Hampshire
1794 |
January 12, 1794
Chesterfield, Cheshire, New Hampshire
1796 |
Chesterfield, Cheshire County, New Hampshire, United States
1799 |
August 12, 1799
Waterford, Caledonia, Vermont