Immediate Family
About Arnulf II, count of Boulogne & Ternois
FYI – As of 20 Sep 2022, Medlands does not indicate any wife or children of Arnulf II:
ADALOLF [ Æthelwulf ] of Flanders, son of BAUDOUIN II Count of Flanders & his wife Ælfthryth of Wessex (after [893/99]-13 Nov 933, bur Monastery of St Pierre). The Genealogica Arnulfi Comitis names (in order) "Arnulfum, fratrem eius Adelulfum" as the two sons of "Balduinus"[525]. "Adalolphus" is named as son of Count Baudouin II in the Cartulaire de Saint-Bertin, which specifies that he succeeded his father in 918 as Comte de Boulogne et de Thérouanne, lay-Abbot of St Bertin[526]. "Elstrudis comitissa…cum filiis suis Arnulfo et Adelolfo" donated "hereditatem suam Liefsham…in terra Anglorum in Cantia" to Saint-Pierre de Gand, for the soul of "senioris sui Baldwini", by charter dated 11 Sep 918[527]. The Annales Blandinienses record the death in 933 of "Adalulfus comes", specifying that he was buried "in monasterio sancti Petri"[528]. The De Arnulfo Comite records that "Adalulfi…uterinus frater Arnulfi magni" was killed by his own swineherd in a wood[529]. After his death in 933, his brother Arnoul I Count of Flanders seized the Boulonnais and Ternois, disinheriting his nephews[530].
m ---. The name of Adalolf's wife is not known. Comte Adalolf & his wife had [two] children:
1. [son (-962 before Sep). Europäische Stammtafeln shows an unnamed son “died 962, before Sep”[531]. The primary source which confirms this information has not yet been identified.]
2. ARNOUL [I] de Boulogne ([920/25]-after 31 Jan 972). "Arnulfus nepos ipsius comitis [Arnulfi]" is named in the Cartulaire de Saint-Bertin[532]. It is unlikely that he was born much before [920/25] considering the estimated birth date of his father. Lothaire IV King of the West Franks installed him as Comte de Boulogne et du Ternois[533]. "…Arnulfi Bononiensis comitis, Engelberti advocati…" signed the charter dated 31 Jan 972 under which "Arnulfus…marchysus" confirmed the possession of "Harnas…in pago Seirbiu" to Saint-Pierre de Gand[534].
Comte Adalolf had one illegitimate son by an unknown mistress:
3. BAUDOUIN [Baldzo] (-[28 Mar/29 Oct] 965 or 973). The De Arnulfo Comite names "Balduino cognamento Baldzoni…filius Adalulfi…ex concubina", specifying that he was guardian of the infant Arnoul II Count of Flanders, having previously been adopted by Count Arnoul I after his father was killed[535]. He was appointed regent of Flanders in 964 on the accession of Arnoul II Count of Flanders. "Theodericus comes et Baldwinus cognomento Baldzo et Ericus et Everwinus" donated property to Saint-Pierre de Gand, for the soul of "senioris sui Arnulfi defuncti", by charter dated 28 Mar 965[536]. Taking advantage of the weakness of the county during the minority of the new count, he made himself Comte de Courtrai[537]. He donated "villam Traslingehem" to the abbey of St Pieter[538]. A charter dated 29 Oct 965 records that "Baldwinus bone memorie cognomento Baldzo" donated property to Saint-Pierre de Gand, for the soul of "senioris Arnulfi", signed by "Odgaudo advocato…"[539]. [The Annales Blandinienses record the death in 973 of "Balzo filius Rodulfi comitis"[540], presumably an error for "Adalolfi" as it is unclear to whom "Rodulfi comes" refers. The Annales Formoselenses also record the death in 973 of "Balzo, filius Rodulfi comitis"[541].]
- [525] Genealogiæ Comitum Flandriæ, Witgeri Genealogica Arnulfi Comitis MGH SS IX, p. 303.
- [526] Guérard, M. (ed.) (1840) Cartulaire de l'abbaye de Saint-Bertin (Paris) ("Saint-Bertin"), II.73, 918, p. 138.
- [527] Lokeren, A. van (1868) Chartes et documents de l’abbaye de Saint Pierre au Mont Blandin à Gand (Gand) ("Gand Saint-Pierre"), 14, p. 20, and Fayen, A. (1906) Cartulaire de la ville de Gand, Chartes et documents T. I, Liber traditionum sancti Petri Blandiniensis (Gand) ("Liber traditionum sancti Petri Blandiniensis"), 60, p. 52.
- [528] Annales Blandinienses 933, MGH SS V, p. 25.
- [529] De Arnulfo Comite MGH SS IX, p. 304.
- [530] Nicholas (1992), p. 40.
- [531] ES II 5.
- [532] Saint-Bertin II.78, p. 153.
- [533] Nicholas (1992), p. 42.
- [534] Gand Saint-Pierre 45, p. 44.
- [535] De Arnulfo Comite MGH SS IX, p. 304.
- [536] Liber traditionum sancti Petri Blandiniensis, 74, p. 78.
- [537] Nicholas (1992), p. 43.
- [538] De Arnulfo Comite MGH SS IX, p. 304.
- [539] Gand Saint-Pierre, 39, p. 42, and Liber traditionum sancti Petri Blandiniensis, 75, p. 79.
- [540] Annales Blandinienses 973, MGH SS V, p. 25.
- [541] Annales Formoselenses 973, MGH SS V, p. 35.
The county of Boulogne on the North Sea coast developed under the control of the counts of Flanders. The history of the county before its capture by Flanders has not been traced. The first Flemish count of Boulogne was Adalolf, who succeeded his father Baudouin II Count of Flanders in Boulogne in 918 (see Part A below). After Adalolf died in 933, his brother Arnoul I Count of Flanders seized Boulogne and disinherited his nephews[516]. Adalolf and his immediate successors acquired control over Thérouanne, Fauquemberghes and Saint-Omer in the northern part of Ternois, but these territories were seized by Baudouin IV Count of Flanders in the early 1000s. Isolated references have been found to counts of Boulogne in the late 10th and early 11th centuries but these inidividuals have not been connected to the family of Adalolf, as shown below. Eustache [I] emerged as comte de Boulogne in the 1040s, and Boulogne continued to be held by his family until the 1120s, when it passed by marriage to a branch of the counts of Blois (see Part B below). A younger brother of Eustache [II] Comte de Boulogne briefly held the county of Lens in the mid-11th century, before it was incorporated into Flanders.
The so-called Genealogica comitum Buloniensium[517], the earliest versions of which were composed towards the end of the 11th century, is useful in outlining the Carolingian ancestry of Mathilde de Louvain, wife of Eustache I Comte de Boulogne, but ignores the earlier history of the Comtes de Boulogne.
- The counts of Boulogne were lords of the following territories:
- the county of Boulogne itself, which was held from the king of France. Vanderkindere describes the approximate boundaries of the pagus Bononiensis: north of the river Canche, south-west of the county of Guines and the seigneurie of Ardres, and west of the pagus Teruanensis[518].
- the county of Lens (from the early 10th century until Baudouin V Count of Flanders acquired overlordship for Flanders [after 1056]). ·
- the territorium Mercatii (the settlements of Marck, Calais and their hinterland) to the north, separated from the county of Boulogne by the county of Guines.
- the Ternois to the south. Vanderkindere describes the approximate boundaries of the pagus Teruanensis: west of the Mempisque in the county of Flanders and the pagus Atrebatensis, north of the county of Ponthieu, and west of the pagus Bononiensis[519]. In the southern part, the county of Saint-Pol was formed as a fiefdom of the county of Boulogne. In the northern part, including Thérouanne, Fauquembergues and Saint-Omer, Baudouin IV Count of Flanders established control.
Arnulf II, count of Boulogne & Ternois's Timeline
922 |
Boulogne-sur-Mer, Pas de Calais, Hauts-de-France, France
942 |
Boulogne-sur-Mer, Pas-de-Calais, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
946 |
Bologne-sur-Mer, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
960 |
Of, Boulogne, Artois, France
965 |
Boulogne-sur-Mer, Pas-de-Calais, France
972 |
January 31, 972
Age 50
Abbaye de Samer, Samer, Pas-de-Calais, Nord-Pas-de-Calais Picardie, France
???? | |||
???? |