Historical records matching Arnaud I, Count of Comminges
Immediate Family
About Arnaud I, Count of Comminges
Pel seu matrimoni amb Arsenda I, comtessa de Carcassona i de Rasès (934-957), uní aquests extensos comtats i permeté que llur néta, la comtessa Ermessenda de Barcelona, en traspassés els drets al casal barceloní.
http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/TOULOUSE NOBILITY.htm
ARNAUD [I] de Comminges (-before 27 Nov 957). Comte de Comminges et de Couserans. "Arnaldus et uxore mea Arsendis" donated property to the abbey of Lézat by charter dated Apr 944, signed by "Arnaldo et uxore sua…Arsendis et filiis suis vel filias…"[761]. "Arnaldus et uxor mea Arsindis, et Rodgarius et Odo filiis nostris" donated property to the abbey of Montolieu, near Carcassonne for the souls of "…et Rodgario fratre meo" by charter dated 7 Apr 949[762]. m ([925/35]%29 ARSINDE, daughter of --- ([905/20]-after [959]). Comte Arnaud & his wife had [five or more] children:
a) ROGER de Comminges ([930/40http://www.geni.com/profile/edit_about_me/6000000003828573349?tab=about#]-after Apr 1011). "Arnaldus et uxor mea Arsindis, et Rodgarius et Odo filiis nostris" donated property to the abbey of Montolieu, near Carcassonne for the souls of "…et Rodgario fratre meo" by charter dated 7 Apr 949[772]. His birth date range is estimated on the assumption that he and his brother were young adolescents or older children at the date of this charter. His date of death suggests that it is more likely that he was born in the later part of this range. He succeeded as Comte de Carcassonne, de Razès, de Couserans et de Comminges, Seigneur de Foix.
b) ODO de Comminges (-before Apr 1011). "Arnaldus et uxor mea Arsindis, et Rodgarius et Odo filiis nostris" donated property to the abbey of Montolieu, near Carcassonne for the souls of "…et Rodgario fratre meo" by charter dated 7 Apr 949[773]. "Arsindis comitissa cum filiis suis Odo et Raimundo" signed a charter dated to [959] relating to their property "alode de Magrinnano et de Cugciaco…in comitatu Narbonense"[774]. Comte de Razès. "Rogerius comes et conjux mea Adalaizis comitissa" donated property to Saint-Hilaire, including property which "frater meus Oddo comes habuit", for the soul of "fratris mei Oddoni comitis" and for "filio nostro Regimundo comite", by charter dated Apr 1011, signed by "…Bernardus et dominus Petrus…comites…"[775]. m ALTRUDIS, daughter of ---. The primary source which confirms her marriage has not yet been identified. Odo & his wife had one child:
i) ARNAUD (-[1020]). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. Comte de Razès.
c) RAYMOND de Comminges (-after 989). "Arsindis comitissa cum filiis suis Odo et Raimundo" signed a charter dated to [959] relating to their property "alode de Magrinnano et de Cugciaco…in comitatu Narbonense"[776]. [969]/[998]. Comte de Comminges. The dating clause of a charter dated 18 May [980], which records the donation by "Oriolus presbyter de Sancto Martorio" of property "ecclesiam et villam…Sancti Medardi" to "Sancto Beato monasterio…in comitatu Comenico in valle Bavartense super fluvium Garona", names "regnante comite Raymundo et filio suo Bernardo, episcopo Oriolo"[777]. "Regimundus comes filius Arnaldi comitis" restored "alodem Sancti Stephani de Nidolarias in comitatu Rossilionense" to the abbot of Saint-Hilaire "in pago Carcassensi" by charter dated [989/90][778]. m ---. The name of Raymond's wife is not known. Raymond & his wife had one child:
i) BERNARD (-before 998). The dating clause of a charter dated 18 May [980], which records the donation by "Oriolus presbyter de Sancto Martorio" of property "ecclesiam et villam…Sancti Medardi" to "Sancto Beato monasterio…in comitatu Comenico in valle Bavartense super fluvium Garona", names "regnante comite Raymundo et filio suo Bernardo, episcopo Oriolo"[779].
d) daughters . "Arnaldo et uxore sua…Arsendis et filiis suis vel filias" subscribed a charter dated 957[780].
Greve av Conserans.
Arnaud I, Count of Comminges's Timeline
930 |
Razengues, Gers, Midi-Pyrénées, France
950 |
Le Razes, Narbonne, Languedoc, France
957 |
November 27, 957
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Sgn. de Comminges