Immediate Family
About Anselme 'Le Jeune' "Candavène" de Saint-Pol, comte de Saint-Pol
ANSELME de Saint-Pol "Candavène", son of HUGUES [III] "Candavène" Comte de Saint-Pol & his [first wife ---/second wife Marguerite de Clermont] (-1175 or after). "Hugo Candavene" founded the abbey of Cercamp, with the consent of "filii eius Engelrandus et Hugo, Anselmus, Radulfus et Wido", by charter dated 1137[1399]. The identity of Anselme’s mother is discussed above under his brother Enguerrand. A charter dated 1145 records that “Ansellus de Hosden et Aiglina uxor eius” donated property “qui leur apartenoit du chef de ladite dame au village de Courcelles le Comte” to Eaucourt abbey, Artois, with the consent of “Robert fils dudit Ansellus de Hosden et de Ingerannus comes Ternensis et de Anselm frère dudit Ingelrannus...Adelais seur de ladite Aiglina”, by charter dated 1145[1400]. "Ingelrannus…de Sancto Paulo comes" donated property to the church of Thérouanne with the consent of "Anselmo fratre meo" by charter dated 1153[1401]. Seigneur de Lucheux 1162. Seigneur de Tarentefirt 1169. Comte de Saint-Pol 1170.
[m firstly ---. Europäische Stammtafeln states that Anselme married firstly an unnamed wife who was mother of five children[1402]. Insufficient information is known about the chronology of Anselme’s children to be able to decide the point definitely.]
m [secondly] EUSTACHIE, divorced wife of GEOFFREY de Mandeville Earl of Essex, daughter of --- (-[1164]). The Chronicle of Walden records that King Henry II arranged the marriage of “[Galfredo]” and “uxorem generis nobilitate sibi consanguineam”, that her husband refused to live with her and that the couple was divorced, that she received “duobus maneriis Waledena...et Walteham” and was married to “Anselmo...de Campdavene” with the two manors[1403]. Charles Evans speculated that she was the illegitimate daughter of Eustache IV Comte de Boulogne, based only on onomastic reasons[1404], but other families besides the counts of Boulogne used this name at the time[1405]. If correct, this would also mean that Eustachie was little more than a child, even at the time of her second marriage, as her alleged father was himself born in [1127/31], which makes the report of Earl Geoffrey refusing to cohabit rather unlikely. Geoffrey Earl of Essex confirmed grants of lands in Sawbridgworth by Warin FitzGerold camerarius regis and by his brother Henry to Robert Blund of London by charter dated to [1157/58], witnessed by "Roesia com matre mea, Eust[achia] com[itissa], Ernulfo de Mannavilla fratre meo, Willelmo filio Otuwel patruo meo…"[1406]. Du Chesne says that this wife of Anselme “nommée Eustache vivoit encore avecques luy l’an 1164” but does not cite the primary source which confirms this information[1407].
m [thirdly] as her first husband, MATHILDE, daughter of --- (-after 1202). Europäische Stammtafeln states that Anselme married thirdly “Mathilde 1202” and that she married secondly Hugues de Chaumont[1408] (who has not been identified). The primary sources on which this information is based have not been identified.
Comte Anselme & his [first/second/third] wife had six children. According to Europäische Stammtafeln, Enguerrand, Marguerite, Marie and Beatrix were born from their father’s first marriage and Hugues and Guy from his third (in addition, it lists Flandrine whose parentage is uncertain as shown above)[1409]. None of the sources quoted below provide sufficient information to determine the marriage from which any of these children were born:
Anselme 'Le Jeune' "Candavène" de Saint-Pol, comte de Saint-Pol's Timeline
1125 |
Saint Pol, France
1145 |
Saint-Pol-sur-Mer, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
1146 |
St. Pol-sur-Mer, Nord, France
1150 |
St Pol, Nord, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
1160 |
St. Pol-sur-Mer, Nord, France
1162 |
Saint-Pol-sur-Ternoise, Pas-de-Calais, Hauts-de-France, France
1175 |
Age 50
Saint Pol, France
???? | |||
???? |