'Sir Richard, the son of Sir Kynard De la Bere of Kinnersley Castle and Joan De la Barré of Clehonger, was a very wealthy man. At his father’s death, he had inherited the estates of both his grandfathers and, splitting life between the two manors, he lived the life of luxury. He became Sheriff of Herefordshire and his pre-eminence in the county can be easily judged by examining his fine brass in Hereford Cathedral. Here are displayed Richard, his first wife Anne daughter of John Tuchet, Lord Audley, his second wife Elizabeth daughter of William Mores (Sergeant to the Hall of Henry VII), one son and four daughters by Anne, and ten sons and six daughters by Elizabeth. He apparently took an interest in political affairs during the “Wars of the Roses”, though whether he took up arms is unclear. Sir Richard did have Beaufort/Lancastrian connections, but he appears to have been a Yorkist with personal connections to Henry Stafford, Duke of Buckingham through the same source. Sir Richard’s brother-in-law, James, Lord Audley, was married to Margaret Dayrell, half-sister to Buckingham. Their mother was co-heiress of Edmund Beaufort, Duke of Buckingham.
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