Matching family tree profiles for Anne-Françoise Roland
Immediate Family
About Anne-Françoise Roland
- Sources:
- Census - "Census of Pointe Coupee, Louisiana, 1745" edited by Bill Barron (age: 46)
- Census - "Census of Pointe Coupee, Louisiana, 1745" edited by Bill Barron (age: 46)
Anne Francoise Roland (1700-1758) packed a great deal of living into her comparatively short 58 years. Born in Paris, the daughter of merchant Jean Baptiste Ambrosie Roland (Rolland), her mother evidently died when she was a young girl, and after that time her father was unable to control her. By her teenage years she had become the Eighteenth Century equivalent of a juvenile delinquent, and had evidently been arrested several times. By 1719, her father was at the end of his patience and resourcefulness as to how to deal with his headstrong daughter. He sent a petition to DeMachault, the Chief of Police in Paris, the content of which is preserved in the records of the Bastille (#10,673): "My Lord: Ambroise Jean Baptiste Roland, employed (as a clerk) in the offices of the Paris Market petitions very humbly as well as the nearest relations of Anne Francoise Roland, age approximately twenty-two years, daughter of your suppliant and of the late Jeanne Catherine Lucas her mother, that although the said Roland her father has been able to give her a good education, he has had the misfortune not to have succeeded in his attempts. On the contrary this young woman having revealed from her youngest years indications of a bad disposition, her father although without the means to prevent future troubles made every effort, bringing her into a (religious) community in order that she might learn her religious duties and so to try to repress her bad habits, in which Community she remained for two and on-half years, whence her father had made her leave at the age of seventeen to place her with an accomplished dressmaker, there to learn a trade, at which the girl hardly applied herself, but on the contrary increased her bad habits as she grew older, and deprecating the pleas and warnings of her father, she finally abandoned herself to such a libertine existence that she dishonored her family, as you can see, my Lord, by the statement of her relatives given to commissioner LeVergee and the affidavit of the Curate of St. Germain L'Auxerrois, her parish of residence, as well as that of her father............" The other statements referred to go into further detail as to the young girl's excesses, which principally consisted in staying out late, consorting with the wrong people, disobeying her stepmother, and perhaps the most scandalous: frequenting the public dance hall. The result of the aggrieved family's petition is that Anne Francoise was sent to the Selpetriere, a " house of detention", where she was to be "reformed". For this service her father paid 100 livres!
An article that appeared in Volume IV, Number 2 of the The Imperial St. Landry Genealogical and Historical Society publication adds an interesting fact to the story of Anne Francoise's early years:
"...Thanks to her overly strict father and jealous stepmother, she was jailed in Selpetriere prison in France and ruled suitable to be sent to the islands. The women that she was placed in prison with were said to be extraordinarily deprived of morals. 1719: Anne Francoise Rolland, eighteen years old of Paris, was charged with debaucheries and public prostitution."
The article goes on to say that there was never any concrete evidence to show that the charge of prostitution was valid and that the crimes that Anne was accused of would be laughed at today. Anne's worst crime was probably the fact that she was a free spirit and rebelled at the strict treatment handed out to her by her step- mother. If this is true, it would indicate that Anne's mother, Jeanne Bonnet was deceased before 1719. - Anne Francoise was listed as godmother to someone in Mobile on 8-10-1721
Anne listed her parents differently on 2 marriage documents: as Francois Roland & Madeleine Charbonnier, and earlier as Jean Baptiste Roland & Jeanne Bonnet. After Gab.Laurent's death, Anne married Jean Stephan Roquancourt 23 Feb 1737, had two more children
Notes from "My Louisiana Lineage" by Cathy Lemoine Sturgell. - GENERAL - Anne Francoise was born in Paris c1699 (year of birth based on 1745 Census record), Parish of St. Germain (l'Aurerois) - The daughter of a merchant, Jean Baptiste Ambroise Roland (Rolland, Rolard) and his wife, Jeanne Bonnet, Anne arrived in the New World in 1719 aboard the vessel, "Mutine". According to Albert J. Robichaux, Jr. in German Coast Families: European Origins and Settlement in Colonial Louisiana, the vessel La Mutine carried five private passengers and ninety-six females sent from Paris by order of the King. The ship was commanded by M. de Martonne and sailed from Le Havre after October 20, 1719, arriving at Dauphin Island on February 28, 1720. For a complete passenger listing, see Glenn Conrad's First Families of Louisiana, Volume I. - Supposedly, her mother had died when Anne was young and her father felt unable to control her.
"By her teenage years, she had become the equivalent of an 18th century juvenile delinquent, and had evidently been arrested several times. By 1719, her father was at the end of his patience and resourcefulness as to how to deal with his headstrong daughter. He sent a petition to De Machault, the Chief of Police in Paris reporting her behavior. Anne Francoise Roland, at the age of 21, was put aboard the sloop, 'La Mutine' in June of 1719 at Le Havre with approximately 100 other women, with the designation of 'sent from Paris by order of the King'. France was glad to rid itself of these troublesome women, and it is probable that despite the sure knowledge of the hard life awaiting them in desolate Louisiana, many were glad of the opportunity to begin their lives anew."
- CENSUS INFORMATION -There is a "Sarrazin" listed on the November 24, 1721 Census of New Orleans with a wife and no children. Cannot confirm if this is Nicolas Sarrazin and Anne Francoise Roland. -Listed on 1726 Census of New Orleans with husband, Sarrazin. -"Sieur Sarrazin", wife and 3 children are living on Chartres Street as of the July 1, 1727 Census of the Department of New Orleans -Pointe Coupee 1745 Census Jean Stephan, called Rocancourt age 47 Anne Francoise Rolland, his wife age 46 Nicolas Bordelon age 15 Antoine Bordelon age 12 Anne and Perine Rocancourt, their daughters 7 & 4 years - Slaves: 6 Black - Horses 2, Cattle 11, Muskets 4, Powder 4, Lead & Balls 8, Corn 60, Beans 4, Tobacco 4, Land Cultivated 28
- BURIAL -Anne Francoise Roland was buried at Pointe Coupee Parish according to the "Diocese of Baton Rouge Catholic Church Records" (PCP-3, 21 also PCP-1, 183)
Transcribed and submitted by Barbara Allemand Translated, edited and with a brief introduction by Winston DeVille F. A. S. G. (Source: Bibliothe'que de J. I'Arsenal, Archives de la Bastille, no. 10, 673.)
Anne Francoise Rolland was surely one of the most prolific ancestors of early 18th century Louisiana: Shortly after her arrival in the colony, she married Nicolas Sarrazin who was, before his death, keeper of the colony's storehouse. In New Orleans, in 1730, as a widow, she married Laurent Bordelon, an employee of the Company of the Indies and a son of a highly-stationed Havre de Grace family. After her second husband's death, she then married Jean Stephan dit Rocancourt and by 1745, they were living at Pointe Coupee She had children by all three husbands and many present-day Louisianians are descended from this remarkable lady. (For general references, see: Barron, CENSUS OF POINTE COUPEE: 1745; DeVille, THE NEW ORLEANS FRENCH: 1720-1733; DeVille, FIRST SETTLERS OF POINTE COUPEE.)
The purpose of this article is not to explore the Rolland genealogy to coordinate earlier-known data with this present document. Rather, our purpose is to share with LGHS members a most exciting and revealing documentary discovery which sheds light on an important and often controversial aspect of migration to colonial Louisiana. In the same archive dossier no. 12692 contains a list entitled "persons jailed in the Salpetriere prison suitable to be sent to the islands (Louisiana)". A note at the end of the list reads, "This report contains the names of 209 persons imprisoned at the Salpetriere who are suitable to be sent to the islands, these women not being able to cause anything but public harm, being extraordinarily deprived of morals. In custody this 27 June 1719. Page six shows the name "Anne Francoise Rolland, eighteen years old of Paris. (Charged with) debaucheries and public prostitution.
It should be added that, except for hearsay testimony, there is no good evidence in the file to indicate that the charge of prostitution was valid. Certainly, after Anne Francoise's arrival in Louisiana, there is no local evidence to indicate that she was anything but a model of decorum; all her husbands were of the highest standing and respectability in the Louisiana community. One must consider the social and moral environment of early 18th century France-and perhaps an overly strict father and step- mother --before making moral judgments. But that this lady was an independent and free spirit there can be little doubt--she must have been ideally suited to the frontier challenges of her new home.
"Complaint" of the father and kin:
In the year 1719, Monday, the thirteenth of the present month of February, in the afternoon, appeared in the hostel of Claude De La Vergee King's councilor, commissioner at the Chastelet of Paris, Ambroise Jean Baptiste Rolland, Commis (bookkeeper, clerk, shop-assistant ?) for the fresh fish sellers of Paris, Nicolas Lucas, Maistre Ecrivain Jurez (licensed public letter -writter ?) at Paris, and Jacques Rolland, master pewterer also at Paris - Who jointly rendered to us a complaint against Anne Francoise Rolland, a girl of more than twenty-two years and (they) told us (the following), to wit:
He, Sieur Ambroise Jean Baptiste Rolland, father of the said girl, born of his first marriage with demoiselle Jeanne Catherine Lucas, her (Anne Francoise's) mother, that from all times he has taken all the care imaginable for the instruction and education of the said Rolland, his daughter, that he almost never -lost sight of is responsibility and in spite all his attentiveness, he noticed that, little by little, she was going bad and going wrong morally and in spite of all his remonstrances which he gave her from time to time, accompanied by kindness as well as by severity, depending on the circumstances, and from which the girl gained little, continuing daily the same faults, and gaining, in fact, in bad inclinations as she grows older and the plaintiff had the misfortune to realize that certain sagacious precautions which he had given were ignored, that the said girl absented herself from the house (and) stayed out all night several times (and) this had happened very frequently last year without the plaintiff being able to find out nor discover where she was and whom she was with.
Such a scandalous life has begun to dishonor the plaintiff and his family, and his said daughter, not being content with causing such a scandal and affront, she has, since the beginning of this year, redoubled her debaucheries in staying out all night more often and (she) earmarks the good feast days and chooses them for her debaucheries in spite of all the remonstrances -and punishment by the plaintiff .
That which occasioned his being informed more exactly of her movements and learning that his said daugb+er frequented public dance halls along with flunkies {laquais) and other people of the same repute with whom she (also) went to cabarets notably (on) Candlemas Day (just) past, his said daughter, having left the house at nine o'clock in the morning whither she did not return until about eleven o'clock at night, with the door being opened, after she knocked on it, by demoiselle the wife of the plaintiff, her step-mother who awaited her with quietude and she (the step-mother) was very astonished to find (Anne Francoise) with three unknown persons, one of whom said (to Anne Francoise): "Enter your bordello; it is open which so shocked the said wife of the plaintiff that she remains ill (to this day).
And on Sunday, the fifth of the present month, the plaintiff, after having given new remonstrances to his said daughter regarding her bad conduct and her disorderliness, he did not want to (let her out of his sight), and that evening at about four or five o'clock, his said daughter, on the pretext of going to the toilet (aux commoditees), she absented herself, left him, and did not return to the house until ten o'clock at night, which she similarly did yesterday, without having returned home (even) up to now.
And as this conduct is so horrible and scandalous because of the (very nature) of so much disorder which became known to him, Sieur Nicolas Lucas, her maternal uncle and subrogate tutor, and to him, Jacques Rolland, her paternal uncle, that is why they join Sieur the plaintiff to render the present complaint in order jointly to proceed against the said Rolland girl to show her reason and to use against her all the needed and reasonable ways (of correction). And (they) signed in our record. (signed) De Lavergee"
Volume XXVII Number 2 June 1980 (c) 1960 by The Louisiana Genealogical and Historical Society P. 0. Box 3454, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70821
Anne Francoise was born in Paris c1699 (year of birth based on 1745 Census record), Parish o f St. Germain (l'Aurerois) - The daughter of a merchant, Jean Baptiste Ambroise Roland (Rolla nd, Rolard) and his wife, Jeanne Bonnet, Anne arrived in the New World in 1719 aboard the ves sel, "Mutine". According to Albert J. Robichaux, Jr. in German Coast Families: European Ori gins and Settlement in Colonial Louisiana, the vessel La Mutine carried five private passeng ers and ninety-six females sent from Paris by order of the King. The ship was commanded by M . de Martonne and sailed from Le Havre after October 20, 1719, arriving at Dauphin Island o n February 28, 1720. For a complete passenger listing, see Glenn Conrad's First Families of L ouisiana, Volume I. - Supposedly, her mother had died when Anne was young and her father fel t unable to control her. "By her teenage years, she had become the equivalent of an 18th c entury juvenile delinquent, and had evidently been arrested several times. By 1719, her fathe r was at the end of his patience and resourcefulness as to how to deal with his headstrong da ughter. He sent a petition to De Machault, the Chief of Police in Paris reporting her behavio r. Anne Francoise Roland, at the age of 21, was put aboard the sloop, 'La Mutine' in June o f 1719 at Le Havre with approximately 100 other women, with the designation of 'sent from Pa ris by order of the King'. France was glad to rid itself of these troublesome women, and it i s probable that despite the sure knowledge of the hard life awaiting them in desolate Louisia na, many were glad of the opportunity to begin their lives anew." - An article that appeare d in Volume IV, Number 2 of the The Imperial St. Landry Genealogical and Historical Society p ublication adds an interesting fact to the story of Anne Francoise's early years: "...Thank s to her overly strict father and jealous stepmother, she was jailed in Selpetriere prison i n France and ruled suitable to be sent to the islands. The women that she was placed in priso n with were said to be extraordinarily deprived of morals. Can you imagine? And this was 1719 . Anne Francoise Rolland, eighteen years old of Paris, was charged with debaucheries and publ ic prostitution." The article goes on to say that there was never any concrete evidence to s how that the charge of prostitution was valid and that the crimes that Anne was accused of wo uld be laughed at today. Anne's worst crime was probably the fact that she was a free spiri t and rebelled at the strict treatment handed out to her by her step- mother. If this is true , it would indicate that Anne's mother, Jeanne Bonnet was deceased before 1719. - Anne Franco ise was listed as godmother to someone in Mobile on 8-10-1721 - MARRIAGE INFORMATION - Ann e was married 3 times: - Married to Nicolas Sarrazin (c1720??) - 3 children: 1. Francois Bor n ?? / died about 20 May 1763 2. Antoine Born c1721 married Marie Colon in 1747, widow of Jea n Rondot Family Group Sheet for Marie Colon & Jean Rondot 3. Michel Born c1728 / burial 31 Ju ly 1746 in Pointe Coupee - Married to Gabriel Laurent Bordelon on 20 February 1730 in New Orl eans - 2 children: 1. Nicolas Born 1730 Family Group Sheet 2. Antoine Born 1733 Family Grou p Sheet - Married to Jean Stephan on 22 February 1737 (date of marriage contract), Pointe Cou pee - 3 children: 1. Perine 2. Anne Born 1738 Family Group Sheet 3. Petronille Born 1742 - C ENSUS INFORMATION -There is a "Sarrazin" listed on the November 24, 1721 Census of New Orlean s with a wife and no children. Cannot confirm if this is Nicolas Sarrazin and Anne Francoise Roland. -Listed on 1726 Census of New Orleans with husband, Sarrazin. -"Sieur Sarrazin", wif e and 3 children are living on Chartres Street as of the July 1, 1727 Census of the Departmen t of New Orleans -Pointe Coupee 1745 Census Jean Stephan, called Rocancourt age 47 Anne Franc oise Rolland, his wife age 46 Nicolas Bordelon age 15 Antoine Bordelon age 12 Anne and Perin e Rocancourt, their daughters 7 & 4 years - Slaves: 6 Black - Horses 2, Cattle 11, Muskets 4 , Powder 4, Lead & Balls 8, Corn 60, Beans 4, Tobacco 4, Land Cultivated 28 - BURIAL -Anne F rancoise Roland was buried at Pointe Coupee Parish according to the "Diocese of Baton Rouge C atholic Church Records" (PCP-3, 21 also PCP-1, 183) Notes for Anne Francoise Roland: ANN E FRANCOISE ROLLAND AND HER EARLY YEARS IN PARIS Transcribed and submitted by Barbara Allema nd Translated, edited and with a brief introduction by Winston DeVille F. A. S. G. (Source: B ibliothe'que de J. I'Arsenal, Archives de la Bastille, no. 10, 673.) Anne Francoise Rollan d was surely one of the most prolific ancestors of early 18th century Louisiana: Shortly afte r her arrival in the colony, she married Nicolas Sarrazin who was, before his death, keeper o f the colony's storehouse. In New Orleans, in 1730, as a widow, she married Laurent Bordelon , an employee of the Company of the Indies and a son of a highly-stationed Havre de Grace fam ily. After her second husband's death, she then married Jean Stephan dit Rocancourt and by 17 45, they were living at Pointe Coupee She had children by all three husbands and many present -day Louisianians are descended from this remarkable lady. (For general references, see: Barr on, CENSUS OF POINTE COUPEE: 1745; DeVille, THE NEW ORLEANS FRENCH: 1720-1733; DeVille, FIRS T SETTLERS OF POINTE COUPEE.) The purpose of this article is not to explore the Rolland gene alogy to coordinate earlier-known data with this present document. Rather, our purpose is t o share with LGHS members a most exciting and revealing documentary discovery which sheds lig ht on an important and often controversial aspect of migration to colonial Louisiana. In th e same archive dossier no. 12692 contains a list entitled "persons jailed in the Salpetrier e prison suitable to be sent to the islands (Louisiana)". A note at the end of the list reads , "This report contains the names of 209 persons imprisoned at the Salpetriere who are suitab le to be sent to the islands, these women not being able to cause anything but public harm, b eing extraordinarily deprived of morals. In custody this 27 June 1719. Page six shows the nam e "Anne Francoise Rolland, eighteen years old of Paris. (Charged with) debaucheries and publi c prostitution. It should be added that, except for hearsay testimony, there is no good evid ence in the file to indicate that the charge of prostitution was valid. Certainly, after Ann e Francoise's arrival in Louisiana, there is no local evidence to indicate that she was anyth ing but a model of decorum; all her husbands were of the highest standing and respectabilit y in the Louisiana community. One must consider the social and moral environment of early 18t h century France-and perhaps an overly strict father and step- mother --before making moral j udgements. But that this lady was an independent and free spirit there can be little doubt--s he must have been ideally suited to the frontier challenges of her new home. "Complaint" o f the father and kin: In the year 1719, Monday, the thirteenth of the present month of Febru ary, in the afternoon, appeared in the hostel of Claude De La Vergee King's councilor, commis sioner at the Chastelet of Paris, Ambroise Jean Baptiste Rolland, Commis (bookkeeper, clerk , shop-assistant ?) for the fresh fish sellers of Paris, Nicolas Lucas, Maistre Ecrivain Jure z (licensed public letter -writter ?) at Paris, and Jacques Rolland, master pewterer also a t Paris - Who jointly rendered to us a complaint against Anne Francoise Rolland, a girl of mo re than twenty-two years and (they) told us (the following), to wit: He, Sieur Ambroise Jea n Baptiste Rolland, father of the said girl, born of his first marriage with demoiselle Jeann e Catherine Lucas, her (Anne Francoise's) mother, that from all times he has taken all the ca re imaginable for the instruction and education of the said Rolland, his daughter, that he al most never -lost sight of is responsibility and in spite all his attentiveness, he noticed th at, little by little, she was going bad and going wrong morally and in spite of all his remon strances which he gave her from time to time, accompanied by kindness as well as by severity , depending on the circumstances, and from which the girl gained little, continuing daily th e same faults, and gaining, in fact, in bad inclinations as she grows older and the plaintif f had the misfortune to realize that certain sagacious precautions which he had given were ig nored, that the said girl absented herself from the house (and) stayed out all night severa l times (and) this had happened very frequently last year without the plaintiff being able t o find out nor discover where she was and whom she was with. Such a scandalous life has begu n to dishonor the plaintiff and his family, and his said daughter, not being content with cau sing such a scandal and affront, she has, since the beginning of this year, redoubled her deb aucheries in staying out all night more often and (she) earmarks the good feast days and chos es them for her debaucheries in spite of all the remonstrances -and punishment by the plainti ff . That which occasioned his being informed more exactly of her movements and learning tha t his said daugb+er frequented public dance halls along with flunkies {laquais) and other peo ple of the same repute with whom she (also) went to cabarets notably (on) Candlemas Day (just ) past, his said daughter, having left the house at nine o'clock in the morning whither she d id not return until about eleven o'clock at night, with the door being opened, after she knoc ked on it, by demoiselle the wife of the plaintiff, her step-mother who awaited her with quie tude and she (the step-mother) was very astonished to find (Anne Francoise) with three unknow n persons, one of whom said (to Anne Francoise): "Enter your bordello; it is open which so sh ocked the said wife of the plaintiff that she remains ill (to this day). And on Sunday, th e fifth of the present month, the plaintiff, after having given new remonstrances to his sai d daughter regarding her bad conduct and her disorderliness, he did not want to (let her ou t of his sight), and that evening at about four or five o'clock, his said daughter, on the pr etext of going to the toilet (aux commoditees), she absented herself, left him, and did not r eturn to the house until ten o'clock at night, which she similarly did yesterday, without hav ing returned home (even) up to now. And as this conduct is so horrible and scandalous becaus e of the (very nature) of so much disorder which became known to him, Sieur Nicolas Lucas, he r maternal uncle and subrogate tutor, and to him, Jacques Rolland, her paternal uncle, that i s why they join Sieur the plaintiff to render the present complaint in order jointly to proce ed against the said Rolland girl to show her reason and to use against her all the needed an d reasonable ways (of correction). And (they) signed in our record. (signed) De Lavergee" Vo lume XXVII Number 2 June 1980 (c) 1960 by The Louisiana Genealogical and Historical Society P . 0. Box 3454, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70821
1094. Jean STEPHAN dit ROQUANCOURT was born about 1698 in Bishopric of Cornouaille.1257 In Glenn R. Conrad's "The First Families of Louisiana", the following entry appears on page 192 of Volume I: "LIST OF TWENTY SOLDIER-WORKERS FROM PLANTIN'S COMPANY WHO EMBARKED ON THE BALEINE, AUGUST 14, 1725, BOUND FOR LOUISIANA FROM LORIENT."page 193: "ETIENNE, Jean (age) 25 Called ROCANCOURT. Native of the parish of Carnot, Bishopric of Quimper in Brittany. Carpenter. Engagé, January 27, 1725." (The name Étienne translates to Stephen/Steven in English.) It appears that soldiers in Plantin's Company were not really soldiers of the King but, rather, members of a private security force contracted by the Company of the Indies. According to "A History of French Louisiana: The Reign of Louis XIV, 1698--1715" (Pages 404-405): "Moreover from 1724 onward, the Company (Company of the Indies) frequently recruited soldier-workmen, mostly taken from Plantin's company whom it intended to use in the construction and fortification works under way in the colony. Nearly 160 of these men traveled to Louisiana between 1724 and 1729. As they were workmen who might also serve as soldiers, they may have been a bit better off, overall than the ordinary soldiers. The latter led a miserable life, even though the Company clothed them for nothing. Their pay came to nine livres twelve sols a month, but after deductions for the food issued to them, they actually pocketed no more than one livre seven sols a month, which was barely enough to find them a place to stay. Since there were no barracks, they often had to camp out somewhere: the Company did not provide them with beds or straw mattresses. Their food consisted basically of bread, at first made from wheat flour but after 1728 made of flour that was half rice. The bread ration corresponded to about a pound and a third of flour per day. To this was added a daily ration of just over a quarter of a pound of poor-quality bacon, sent from France and usually deteriorated by the time it arrived, together with about the same amount of vegetables and butter - rice being substituted for vegetables in Louisiana and the butter often being replaced by the Indians' bear grease." ..... "Soldier-workmen who had definite trades were given a full set of clothing when they left France and three months' pay in advance, a sum of 22 livres ten sols. It is not clear whether they also received the soldiers' food ration or had to fend for themselves - something barely conceivable, since their pay of 7 livres ten sols per month would have gone entirely for food. By hiring soldier-workmen, the Company saved considerable money, since the pay of a craftsman was 320 livres a year, whereas soldiers received 22 livres ten sols a quarter, or 90 livres a year. But the Company gained little on the military plane, since the men recruited in this way were more interested in practicing their trades than in performing military duties. Besides, in order to be inured to colonial campaignes and all that they entailed, these men would have had to undergo a lengthy training that would have necessitated completely giving up their trades." He appeared in the census in 1745 in (Pointe Coupée Parish), Louisiana, USA with his wife, Anne. Living with them were Anne's two sons from her marriage to Bordelon - Nicolas and Antoine - as well as the two known children from the marriage of Anne and Jean Stephan - Anne and Perrine (Petronille). He was involved in a farming lease of a habitation to Lamatte and Lapointe in (Pointe Coupée Parish), Louisiana, USA on 1 February 1765.1402 Jean died on 9 October 1776 at the age of 78 in (Pointe Coupée Parish), Louisiana, USA.1771 Anne Françoise ROLAND and Jean STEPHAN dit ROQUANCOURT251 signed a marriage contract on 22 February 1737. Jean was a resident of Pointe Coupée at the time and identified as a "native of the Parish of Casnor, Bishopric of Cornouaille".2115
1095. Anne Françoise ROLAND was born about 1699 in Paris (Paris) (Ile-de-France Region), France and was baptized at St. Germain l'Auxerrois Parish. The year of her birth is based on her age in the 1745 census. However, the February 1719 complaint filed against her by her father indicated that she was about 22 years of age at the time. This would put her year of birth as about 1696 or 1697. Anne's decision to leave her home in Paris at such a young age and move to Louisiane was apparently not her own. It appears that her mother died young and her father was unable to control her behavior during her teenage years. Supposedly, he was very strict and many believe that a jealous step-mother played a roll in Anne's rebellion. In frustration, her father had placed Anne in a convent for two and one half years and then placed her with a dressmaker to learn the trade. However, according to him, nothing had stopped her destructive behavior. She had been arrested several times and was jailed in the infamous La Salpêtrière prison in France. (Note: La Salpêtrière is still in existence as a hospital and it is the hospital in which Princess Diana died.) Her father claimed that she stayed out all night and went to cabarets. She was charged with debaucheries and public prostitution although nothing has been found to prove the prostitution charge. Of course, the definition of such crimes in the early eighteenth century would be comical today. However, by 1719, her father felt he could no longer handle her. He petitioned the chief of police in Paris and, as a result, she was ordered to be transferred to the New World by order of the King. (See her father's page for a transcription of the complaint filed by her father.) She likely never saw her family again but little did they know what an exemplary life she would lead and what a huge impact she would have in the settlement of french Louisiana.1593 She came to the New World via/on "La Mutine". The ship appears to have left Le Havre around 12 December 1719 where it traveled to Port Louis on the western side of France. It left Port Louis around the 19th of the same month, traveled to Saint-Domingue, and arrived at Dauphin Island on 28 February 1720. 3114,1 Although a marriage record has not been found, it appears that she likely married her first husband, Nicolas Sarrazin a short time after her February 1720 arrival. Sr. Sarrazin was enumerated in the Mobile census on 28 June 1721 along with his wife. It is believed that this was a reference to Anne Françoise. A short time later, on 10 August 1721, Anne Françoise was named as the godmother of a child baptized that day in Mobile. On this record, she is confirmed as the wife of Sarrazin. She appeared in the census in 1726 at Rue de Chartres in New Orleans (Orleans Parish), Louisiana, USA with her husband, Nicolas Sarazin, and three children. The family had two negro slaves. She then appeared in the July 1727 census at Rue de Chartres in New Orleans with her husband, Nicolas Sarazin, and their three children. The family still had two negro slaves.
As I just stated, our g...grandmother, Anne Françoise Roland, married Nicolas Sarazin/Sarrazin a short time after her 1720 arrival in the Louisiana colony. The couple appears to have had, at least, three children: François, Antoine and Michel. It is possible that there were other children but they have not been confirmed such as a 3-year old named Pierre Sarasin who was buried on 27 October 1731 in La Nouvelle-Orléans (parents not named). There is another child, however, who is of particular interest when researching the life of Anne Françoise. The child was named Nicolas Roland and he was baptized in La Nouvelle-Orléans on 15 January 1730. Nicolas' mother was Anne Françoise Roland and the father of the child was listed as 'unknown' ("le père est inconu") on his baptismal record. The child died on 4 February 1730 and was buried the following day.
My first thought was that he was likely the child of Nicolas Sarazin/Sarrazin and was probably born after Sarazin's death. This seemed plausible - especially since a burial record for Nicolas Sarazin/Sarrazin has not been located - but it was confusing as to why Nicolas Sarazin was not listed simply as the deceased father of the child as was the usual custom. However, I've was able to narrow down the date of Sarazin's death via a 1728 map of La Nouvelle-Orléans which shows that Anne Françoise was a widow by May 1728. In that month, a map of La Nouvelle-Orléans was made by Gonichon and it included a legend. Each house/building on the map was numbered and the legend listed the person/family living at each numbered location. On this map, the Widow Sarazin was living in dwelling #62 - a dwelling on Rue de Chartres in between Rue Saint Louis and Rue Toulouse. This dwelling was located approximately one and a half blocks west of Saint Louis Church. Based on this information, it would have not been possible for Sarazin to be the father of the child baptized in January 1730 as Nicolas Roland. (The first photo below is a portion of the legend from the May 1728 map. The widow Sarazin is listed at the top of the 2nd column. The next photo is a portion of the actual 1728 map. I've added a red star to dwelling #62.)
Could the father of Nicolas Roland have been Gabriel Bordelon? Possibly. Anne Françoise did marry Bordelon on 20 February 1730 - about 2 weeks after the death of Nicolas. However, it would seem that, if this was the case, she would have named the father during the baptism of the child - especially if she intended to marry him a short time later. Therefore, it seems likely that Anne Françoise had a child out-of-wedlock.
Neither Anne, her husband or children appeared in the census taken in 1731 in New Orleans because the census only enumerated those immediately adjacent to the Mississippi River - even those adjacent to the river in the city of New Orleans. There had been speculation that Nicolas, the first son of Anne Françoise and Gabriel, was born in Natchez because no baptismal record had been found for him in New Orleans. A number of colonists had been sent there by the french government in early 1730 after the Natchez Massacre of November 1729. My original thought was that it was possible that the couple had, indeed, moved there which would explain Nicolas' missing baptismal record. However, I was able to obtain a copy of the December 1731 Gonichon map of New Orleans which shows that the "Widow Sarazin" was still identified as a resident and/or owner of the same house on Rue de Chartres that she had lived in at the time that the 1728 Gonichon map was made. Interestingly, she was still identified by the surname of her first husband in the 1731 map although she was married to Bordelon at the time. In addition, two petitions had been filed against Gabriel Bordelon in May and June 1730 in New Orleans. Although parts of these documents are hard to decipher, neither appear to suggest that Gabriel or his wife were absent from the city. This would lead one to believe that the family was living in New Orleans as late as June 1730 and was living there in December 1731. Although they (or Gabriel) could have left for a short time in between these two dates, it is apparent that they did not sell their house. Only a month later, however, she appeared in the census in January 1732 in New Orleans (Orleans Parish), Louisiana, USA as 'Madame Bordelon' with four children (from her first two marriages). There is no man listed in the home which would likely indicate that her second husband, Gabriel Laurens[t] was deceased by that time. She had two slaves at the time of the census. The four children with her were likely three living Sarazin children as well as Nicolas Bordelon, her son with Gabriel. If that is accurate, she must have been pregnant with Antoine at the time of the 1732 census.
After being a widow for more than six years, Anne Francoise prepared to marry her third husband, Jean Stephan (Stefant) dit Roquancourt in early 1737. The couple signed a marriage contract prior to their marriage and made provisions for six children. Three of the children were the children of Anne and her first husband, Nicolas Sarrazin, while two of the children belonged to Anne and her second husband, Gabriel Laurens[t] Bordelon (Nicolas). However, the sixth child, Francoise, is unidentified. It is unknown if she was Anne's child or the child of Jean Stephan. In the contract, it stated that Jean was a resident of Pointe Coupée at the time and identified as a "native of the Parish of Casnor, Bishopric of Cornouaille". 3113,1 On 28 April 1740, Anne Françoise, with the permission of her husband (Stephan dit Roquancourt), went to New Orleans and expressed her intention before the Superior Court to stay there in order to sue Sr. Hebert. She also stated that she expected her traveling expenses to be paid both ways.3112,1 Anne appeared in the census in 1745 in (Pointe Coupée Parish), Louisiana, USA with her third husband, Jean Stephan. Living with them were Anne's two sons from her marriage to Bordelon - Nicolas and Antoine - as well as the two known children from the marriage of Anne and Jean Stephan - Anne and Perrine (Petronille). In addition, the family had 8 slaves. Also, they had, 2 horses, 11 cattle, 4 muskets, 4 powder, 8 lead & balls, 60 corn, 4 beans, 4 tobacco, and 28 arpents cultivated. She was buried on 28 January 1758 in (Pointe Coupée Parish), Louisiana, USA.1595,1
[Note: Anne was married three times. Her first marriage was to Nicolas Sarrazin in about early 1721. Her 2nd marriage was to Gabriel Laurens Bordelon on 20 February 1730 at New Orleans. Her third marriage was to Jean Stephan dit Roquancourt as outlined on this page. Of course, based on the info listed above, she likely had a child out-of-wedlock by an unknown father.]
Children were:
Perrine (Petronille) STEPHAN was born on 26 April 1742 in (Pointe Coupée Parish), Louisiana, USA.2116 She was baptized on 3 May 1742 in (Pointe Coupée Parish), Louisiana, USA.2116
Anne-Françoise Roland's Timeline
1699 |
Saint-Germain-des-Prés, Laurerois, Île-de-France, France
1721 |
New Orleans, Louisiana
1722 |
New Orleans, Orleans Parish, Louisiana, United States
1728 |
1729 |
January 15, 1729
Natchez Post, Natchez Territory, la Louisiane, [Nouvelle-France]
1732 |
December 1732
New Orleans, Orleans Parish, Louisiana, United States
New Orleans, la Louisane, [Nouvelle-France]