Matching family tree profiles for Anna Margaretha Siek
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About Anna Margaretha Siek
b1 Anna Margaretha gedoop: 13 Mar 1695, getroud: 31 Aug 1710 Barend Gildenhuyzen; hertroud: Michael Otto
Anna Margaretha Siek was baptized on 13 March 1695 at Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, (Cape Town), de Caep de Goede Hoop. The baptism was witnessed by Geertruy Willemse and Michiel Ditmar.
Siek, Anna Margaretha XX 2.3.1722 Michiel Otto in Stellenbosch and divorced from him on 15.2.1740. TEPC
Maria Regina Otto in South Africa, Dutch Reformed Church Registers, 1660-1970
Baptism: July 20 1727
Cape Town, Cape Of Good Hope, South Africa
Father: Michiel Otto
Mother: Margareta Lieck
GS Film number: 2214107 Digital Folder Number: 4322620 Image Number: 00119
Widowed, then remarried to Otto, then legally separated
Anna Margaretha Siek, daughter of a potter from Bremen, grew up at the turn of the 17th Century when Simon van der Stel, and subsequently his son Willem Adriaan, were governors at the Cape. By this time the Cape was not merely a halfway station but a settlement where officials of the Dutch East India Company (VOC) and the Free Burghers had to jointly assist to satisfy the wishes of the VOC. When she reached her teens, the rivalry however resulted in the insurrection of the burghers and the recall of the governor to the Netherlands. At the age of fifteen Siek married the new owner of Van der Stel’s renowned farm, Vergelegen. After the death of her first husband she managed the farm alone, as she again did when she and her second husband no longer shared conjugal rights. In this article an attempt is made to trace her life based on the written and archival sources, and also to reconstruct the plans of her’s and other’s contemporary dwellings. This article is part of a series which draws from the documentation of early Cape history so as to reconstruct the life and times of five women. en_US
dc.description.abstract Anna Margaretha Siek, die dogter van ’n pottebakker van Bremen, het met die wenteling van die 17de na die 18de eeu in die Kaapse Vlek grootgeword in die tyd toe Simon van der Stel en sy seun, Willem Adriaan, die goewerneurs was. Teen hierdie tyd was die Kaap nie meer net ’n halfwegstasie nie maar ’n nedersetting waar die Kompanjieamptenare en Vryburgers saam die wense van die VOC (Verenigde Oos-Indiese Kompanjie) moes help verwesenlik. Hulle mededinging het egter in haar tienerjare tot die opstand van die burgery en die goewerneur se herroeping na Nederland gelei. Toe sy vyftien jaar oud was, het sy met die nuwe eienaar van Willem Adriaan van der Stel se Kaapse buiteverblyf getrou en op Vergelegen, sy uitsonderlike plaas, gaan woon. Na haar eerste man se dood behartig sy die plaas alleen, soos sy ook gedoen het nadat sy en haar tweede man van tafel en bed geskei is. In hierdie artikel word gepoog om haar lewe in argivale bronne en geskrifte na te loop en om die planne van haar en ander tydgenootlike huise te rekonstrueer. Die artikel sluit by ander aan en poog om ’n historiese beeld van die lewe van vyf vroue uit die vroeë gedokumenteerde Kaapse geskiedenis te teken. en_US
dc.description.librarian am2014 en_US
dc.description.uri http://www.journals.co.za/ej/ejour_sajah.html en_US
dc.identifier.citation Le Roux, SW 2013, 'Van Tafelvallei na Vergelegen : die lewe en wêreld van Anna Margaretha Siek (1695-c1771)', South African Journal of Cultural History, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 82-116. en_US
dc.identifier.issn 0258-3542
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/2263/39887
dc.language.iso Afrikaans en_US
dc.publisher Art Historical Work Group of South Africa en_US
dc.rights Art Historical Work Group of South Africa en_US
dc.subject Barend Gildenhuys en_US
dc.subject Free Burghers en_US
dc.subject Inventories of the Orphan Chamber en_US
dc.subject Liesbeek en_US
dc.subject Michiel Otto en_US
dc.subject Table Valley en_US
dc.subject Vergelegen en_US
dc.subject Barend Gildenhuys en_US
dc.subject Inventarisse van die Weeskamer en_US
dc.subject Tafelvallei en_US
dc.subject Vryburgers en_US
dc.subject Anna Margaretha Siek en_US
dc.title Van Tafelvallei na Vergelegen : die lewe en wêreld van Anna Margaretha Siek (1695-c1771) en_US
dc.title.alternative From Table Valley to Vergelegen : Anna Margaretha Siek (1695-c1771) en_US
dc.type Article en_US
Anna Margaretha Siek's Timeline
1695 |
March 13, 1695
Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
March 13, 1695
Cape Town, Cape, South Africa
March 13, 1695
Cape Town
March 13, 1695
Cape Town
March 13, 1695
March 13, 1695
Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
April 13, 1695
1712 |
February 21, 1712
Cape of Good Hope
1715 |
March 24, 1715
Stellenbosch, Breede River DC, Western Cape, South Africa