Historical records matching Anna Mariska Fitch
Immediate Family
About Anna Mariska Fitch
~• was first a bride (or consort) to a man named John Schultz, a miner some years her senior. The two lived in a group house in San Francisco in 1860 headed by Anna Mariska's mother Eliza Corry (Turner ?)
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Born: c.1833 Addison County, Vermont
Died: April 15, 1904, Los Angeles, Calif.
Married ~•(2nd?): Thomas Fitch, 1863
Primary city and county of residence and work: San Franciso; Washoe City & Virginia City, Nevada; Washington DC; Prescott, AZT; Honolulu, Hawaii; Los Angeles, California
Major fields of work: Author, Anti-suffrage
Other role identities: Congressional wife
In her youth, Anna was a ward of Gen. Edward Dickinson Baker (USA), US Senator ( citation )
Author. Wife of United States Congressman Thomas Fitch. Wrote/Co-wrote books such as "Better Days, or, A Millionaire of Tomorrow," (1894, cowritten) and "Bound Down, or, Life and its Possibilities" (1870- her own); other works as well
Burial: Chapel of the Chimes Memorial Park Hayward Alameda County California, USA Plot: Masonic Cemetery section near southwest corner of Chapel of the Chimes Memorial Park
Created by: Find A Grave Memorial# 15468150
Sources of Information
- “Death of Mrs. Thomas Fitch at Los Angeles.” The Honolulu Advertiser (Honolulu, Hawaii). 16 April 1904, p. 3. Fitch, Anna M. “Open Letter to Hon. Curtis J. Hillyer.” Territorial Enterprise (Virginia City, Nevada), 25 April 1869, p. 1.
- Fitch, Thomas and Anna. “Better Days, or A Millionaire of Tomorrow.”
- The Silver State (Unionville, Nevada), 14 December 1891, image 2.
- The Silver State [Unionville, Nev.), 14 Dec. 1891.
- Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers.
- Lib. Of Congress. https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84022060/1891-12-14/ed-1/...
- “Married In San Francisco, Jan 1st, Thomas Fitch to Anna M. Shultz”. Sacramento Daily Union (Sacramento, California), 5 Jan 1863, Volume 24, Number 378.
- “Mrs. Fitch’s New Novel.” Carson Daily Appeal (Carson City, Nevada), 15 June 1870, p. 2.
- “Mrs. Thomas Fitch.” The Honolulu Advertiser (Honolulu, Hawaii), 6 June 1901, p. 3.
- “New Book.” Gold Hill Daily News (Gold Hill, Nevada), 15 June 1870.
- “The New York Tribune has the following account of Tom Fitch….” Reno Evening Gazette (Reno, Nevada), 26 February 1881, p. 3. read: https://www.newspapers.com/clip/119517120/tom-and-anna-fitch-short-...
- “This morning at 4:30 o’clock Mrs. Thomas Fitch, wife of Thomas Fitch died…” The San Bernardino County Sun (San Bernardino, California), 16 April 1904, p. 9.
- NWHP Biography Anna Mariska Shultz Fitch Page 4 of 4
- “Tom Fitch’s Book.” Reno Evening Gazette (Reno, Nevada), 23 November 1891, p. 3.
- “Tom Fitch Is Here-Most Famous of Job Chasers Arrives.” The Honolulu Advertiser (Honolulu, Hawaii), 25 April 1901, p. 14.
- “Woman Author Dies here.” The Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, California), 16 April 1904, p. 1.
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Researched and written by Patti Bernard
Posted July 20, 2022
Spurious Pedigree?
The 1860 census of San Francisco strongly suggests that Ann Mariska was also known as a married woman by the name of "Merisa A. Shultz" married to John Schultz of Ohio (see https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/10263750:7667)
In sum:
A mistaken maiden name of Schulte (aka Schultz) is a common contention and was once recorded as such on ancsestry dot com. This is understandable if Anna Mariska's first husband's surname was indeed Schulte (aka Schultz). The 1860 census of San Francisco shows this couple living with Anna's mother., (Mrs.) Eliza Corry.
Anna Mariska Fitch's Timeline
1833 |
Addison County, VT, United States