Had 11 children of unknown gender with Charles Barnhardt.
atdna - Adventurer DNA Project Studying claimants of this line. Update not in as of 9-4-18 with 150 test kits comparison is still needing more testers for this particular line. Contact: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1480581008621268/permalink/20534429...
X on the 23 and perfect Triangulation with this line: Lucielle A Hagler Brenda Farthing Cooter, Linda Carr Buchholz and @Riana share perfect triangulation to a common ancestor that overlaps with Bellinda by half. It is not in a Powhatan option for Brenda as compared to vetted Powhatans on various lines; so, rule that out. It is not in a Lewis/Pounds/Lawrence circle, double rule out for Powhatan. It is this common Ashnoya Choctaw sold by Capt Lightfoot to the Catawba....https://www.geni.com/.../Unknown.../6000000023769974182
1772 |
Anson County, Province of North Carolina, Colonial America
1794 |
November 5, 1794
1801 |
North Carolina
1806 |
May 12, 1806
North Carolina, United States
1811 |
October 23, 1811
Ashe County, North Carolina, United States
Age 39
Wilkes County, North Carolina, United States