There were several Richard Pettibones. It is not certain that the man who went to Maryland was the one who married Ann Peckham.
From https://colonial-settlers-md-va.us/getperson.php?personID=I61569&tr...
Richard's son John Pettibone died 1694. You have his children right- Thomas died abt 1720 and John died 1710. He also had a daughter Sarah c, 1688- c. 1727 who m. Benjamin Gardiner in AA Co.
Richard also had children Joseph, Isaac, and Thomas, you have them right: Richard had a daughter Sarah, who married John Tucker about 1675 and moved to Kent Island MD. Grandson John Tucker is mentioned in Richard's will, and son Joseph mentions cousin John Tucker in his will.
1638 |
June 10, 1638
Rye, East Sussex, England
June 10, 1638
Rye, East Sussex, England
1664 |
Anne Arundel County, Maryland, United States
1687 |
Age 48
Anne Arundel County, Maryland Colony, British Colonial America
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