Updated 11 March 2023
< Andregoto Galíndez > of the County of Aragon, was the Queen of Pamplona by marriage to García Sánchez I, prior to being divorced by him before 940. She was the mother of Sancho II of Pamplona.
Andregoto was one of two daughters born to Galindo II Aznárez, Count of Aragon by his second wife, Sancha Garcés of Pamplona, a half-sister of king Sancho I of Pamplona. Her father's county of Aragon had been brought into the Kingdom of Pamplona realm under Sancho I, and following Galindo's 922 death was held by a count Guntislo, apparently her illegitimate half-brother, Guntislo Galíndez. Her father's other county of Sobrarbe went with Andregoto's half-sister, Toda Galíndez, in marriage with count Bernard I of Ribagorza. Likely sometime in the mid-930s, Andregoto married to Sancho's only son, then ruling Pamplona as García Sánchez I.
Prior to 940, García divorced Andregoto, presumably due to consanguinity since both were grandchildren of García Jiménez of Pamplona. Together they had a sole son, Sancho II of Pamplona, and she may also have been mother of García's two daughters, whose maternity is unknown or disputed: Toda, who is mentioned in 991 as sister of King Sancho, and Urraca, wife successively of Fernán González of Castile and William II Sánchez of Gascony.[1]
It has been suggested that Andregoto remarried and had further children, although the details have not been discovered. Endregota, wife of 11th-century nobleman Sancho Macerátiz and mother of his son Sancho Sánchez, calls Queen Andregoto avuncula ('maternal aunt'), probably indicating that Endregota descended from a sister of the queen. Ubierto Arteta suggested a descent from Andregoto's full-sister, Velasquita Galíndez.
< Wikipedia > García Sánchez I of Pamplona
García married his first cousin Andregoto Galíndez, daughter of Galindo Aznárez II, Count of Aragon and his wife Sancha Garcés.[g] Given that Galindo Aznárez II did not have any legitimate male heirs,[24] the rights to the County of Aragon passed down to Andregoto, and then to her first son with García Sánchez, as a county within the Kingdom of Pamplona.[h]
The following children were born of this marriage:
Andregoto was repudiated by her husband in 942.[25] She retired to her lands in Aibar where she died sometime after June 971.[j]
ANDREGOTO Galíndez (-972). One manuscript of the Codex de Roda names "Aznarium Galindonis et domna Andregoto regina et domna Belasquita" as the children of "domno Galindo comes de Aragone" and his wife "domna Sanzia"[32]. She succeeded her father in 922 as Condesa de Aragon. As Andregoto is not named in her husband's charter dated 9 Mar 933[33], it is assumed that they married after that date. However, this charter, confirming donations to San Pedro de Siresa by Andregoto's ancestors, suggests that the marriage may have been planned already at that time. Caliph Abd al-Rahman III imposed the repudiation by King García III of his wife under the peace terms negotiated with Sunyer Conde de Barcelona in 940, as part of his strategy of dividing the alliances between the various Christian kingdoms and counties in the peninsula[34]. "Endregoto Galindonis et prole eius Sancio Garseanis rex et uxor eius Urraca Fredenandizi" donated property to the monastery of San Pedro de Siresa by charter dated 29 Jun 971[35]. m (repudiated 940) as his first wife, her first cousin, GARCÍA III Sánchez King of Navarre, son of SANCHO I García King of Navarre & his second wife Toda Aznárez de Larraún ([919]-[25 May/13 Oct] 970). He became Conde de Aragón by right of his wife, thus uniting Aragon with Navarre.
On his marriage to Andregoto Condesa de Aragón, García III King of Navarre also became Conde de Aragón by right of his wife, thus uniting Aragon with Navarre for about a century. The succeeding Condes de Aragón, also Kings of Navarre, are shown in outline form below to demonstrate how Aragon eventually regained its autonomy from Navarre. For full details see NAVARRE.
Galindo Aznárez II (died 922) was Count of Aragon from 893 to 922. He was the son of Aznar Galíndez II and his wife Onneca Garcés, daughter of King García Íñiguez of Pamplona.[1].
Galindo was married twice. By his first wife, Acibella,[2] daughter of Count García II Sánchez of Gascony,[3] and his wife Amuna of Périgord, he had three children:
By his second wife, Sancha Garcés of Pamplona, daughter of García Jiménez and Onneca Rebelle of Sangüesa, and half-sister of Sancho I, he had:
Galindo also sired several illegitimate sons: Guntislo, Sancho, Belasco, Banzo—father of a Galindo[8]—and Aznar.[9]
Andregoto Galíndez (Aibar? 900 - 972). Condesa de Aragón entre 922 y 943, era hija del conde Galindo II Aznárez.
Solucionó el problema jurídico planteado con la ocupación del Condado de Aragón por parte de Sancho Garcés I de Pamplona, al establecer un pacto en el año 919, prometiéndose en matrimonio con el futuro García Sánchez I de Pamplona, que era mucho más joven que ella.
Posteriormente el matrimonio fue anulado en 943 por razones parentales. El condado pasó entonces al rey García Sánchez. Cuando este murió en 970, el hijo de ambos heredó el título de rey y de conde.
Andregoto acabó sus días en 972 retirada en su solar de Aibar.
De Wikipedia:
Condesa de Aragón entre 922 y 943, era hija del conde Galindo II Aznárez.
Solucionó el problema jurídico planteado con la ocupación del Condado de Aragón por parte de Sancho Garcés I de Pamplona, al establecer un pacto en el año 919, al ser prometida en matrimonio con el futuro García Sánchez I de Pamplona.
En 925, se acordó el matrimonio con su primo García Sánchez, rey de Pamplona, y la tutela de Andregoto pasó a los tutores de García, es decir, Jimeno Garcés hasta que García, mayor de edad en 933 asumió la tutoría por sí mismo.
El matrimonio se llevó a cabo no antes de 938, y fue disuelto hacia 943 por razones parentales. Con la anulación del matrimonio, Andregoto, por ser mujer, no podía ejercer el gobierno del condado, que pasó a su hijo Sancho Garcés II, y ella se retiró. Andregoto acabó sus días en 972, retirada en su solar de Aibar.
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