Anders Anthonsen Bryhni

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Anders Anthonsen Bryhni (1849 - 1895)

Birthplace: Romedal, Stange, Hedmark, Norway
Death: February 27, 1895 (46)
Bosque County, Texas, USA
Immediate Family:

Son of Anton Olsen Bryni and Oliv Olsdatter Bryni
Brother of Marthe Anthonsdatter Bryhni; Eli Antonsdatter Maagaard; Ole Anthonsen Bryhni; Otto Antonsen Bryhni Mellom; Jens Antonsen Bryni and 6 others

Managed by: Dale Nelson
Last Updated:

About Anders Anthonsen Bryhni

1867 (25 April) Anders Anthonsen Bryhni left Romedal for Texas.

Folketelling 1865 for 0416P Romedal prestegjeld

Emigrasjon Anders flytter herfra til Texas, Amerika. Han og søster Marthe reiste samtidig.
25. apr 1867

Bryni nordre, Romedal

Folketelling Anders bor sammen med søster Martha. De har etternavn Brynie.

Bosque, Texas, USA

Død 27. feb 1895

Bosque County, Texas, USA
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Anders Anthonsen Bryhni's Timeline

January 4, 1849
Romedal, Stange, Hedmark, Norway
February 27, 1895
Age 46
Bosque County, Texas, USA