[MIERA_TREE1.FTW], reference to 1790 Census of Santa Fe.
Founders: Miera Y Pacheco, Anacleto De Don Cleto born 1741-2 in Chihuahua son of Don Bernardo Miera y Pacheco (1718-1785) and Dona Estefana Dominguez of Chihuahua. Grandson of Capt. Don Luis Miera and Dona Ysabel Ana Pacheco of Valle de Carriedo Montanas, Burgos, Spain. He was married (1) 29 May, 1768 at Santa Fe to Maria Felipa/Loreta Tafoya - who died April 9, 1782 at Santa Fe. He remarried Nov 20, 1782 at Santa Fe to Dona Maria Catalina Pino, who was born 17753 and was duaghter of Don Joaquin Pino and Barbara Sanches. In 1788, he owned the west side of Los Cerrillos grant. In 1790 he was a 2nd Sergeant living in Santa Fe with wife and 5 sons: 18, 12, 10, 3, 1 and 3 daughters: 15, 9, and 6. On Feb 18 1791 he bought the middle of the Cerrillos grant from Jose Miguel de la Pena including the Mina de Torro. In 1801 he became Alcalde. In 1805 he became Alcalde Mayor of Las Huertas with wife, Maria Catalina, six children, and two servants. Dec 4 1804 he sold his part of the Cerrillos grant to Don Manuel Delgado. In 1805 he became Alcalde mayor of Alameda, resident of Corrales. In 180? he became Alcalde mayor of San Carlos de Alameda. He died 21 Nov, 1813.
Anacleto was a member of the Santa Fe garrison in 1790 and gave his age as forty-eight. In 1786, while residing in Santa Fe, as a sergeant of the Presidio, he was suing Miguel Lucero for property at Tome that belonged to his wife's Luna children. In the 1790 census of Santa Fe, 2nd sergeant Cleto Miera was living with his wife Catarina Pino, age 37, with his 5 sons, 3 daughters, and 2 servants. There is reference fro m1803-1807 that says Anacleto was the Alcalde Mayor of Las Huertas and Bernalillo, age 65. In 1805 he became Alcalde Mayor of Alameda. Anacleto was a member of the Santa Fe garrison in 1790 and gave his age as forty-eight. In 1786, while residing in Santa Fe, as a sergeant of the Presidio, he was suing Miguel Lucero for property at Tome that belonged to his wife's Luna children. In 1805 he became Alcalde Mayor of Alameda.
Founders NM Genealogical Library: Reference Miera, Jose Manuel born 1788 is the son of Don Cleto Miera Y Pacheco and Maria Catalina Pino of Alameda of San Felipe. (Reading left to right, it is my opinion that Don Cleto Miera was from Alameda at the time, and Maria Catalina Pino was from San Felipe).
Founders also shows Antonio Ygnacio Miera, born 1790. Son of Don Cleto Miera dcd and Catalina Pino of Alameda of San Felipe and Las Huertas.
Reference: Chavez Origins page 230, 258, Twitchell: Old Santa Fe Page 174: An Illustrated History Page 352, Bancroft:History of Arizona & New Mexico page 287, Twitchell: Spanish Archives, Vol I, page 15, 113, 164, 298, 424, 434; Vol II, page 49; Adams-Chavez: The missions page 345, SANM Reel 21 Frame 576 (1805 Census), Spanish Archive Translations 1829 (1629) and 2002, NMLG Reel 19 Report 59, $331 36 Cas3 38; Reel 41 C-79, Olmsted: National Genealogical Society Quarterly Dec 1979 pg 300; Olmsted: Ortiz Family page 19, 29, AASTDM 1820 (26a), Albuquerque Marriage Records M-5, San Felipe Burial Records Bur-25, Isleta Marriage Records M-49, SANM Microfilms Reel 21 Frame 576 (1805 Census), Olmsted: 1750 Census page 102, San Felipe Baptismal Records B-22a, San Felip Marriage Records M-23
Origins of NM Families: Anacleto (Cleto) Miera y Pacheco was born in Chihuahua around 1742. As a member of the Santa Fe Garrison in 1790, he gave his age as 48. His wife, Catalina piono, was 38, and they had 5 sons: 18, 12, 10, 3, 1 and 3 girls: 15, 9, 6. He 1st married Maria Felipa Tafoya - May 29, 1768, by who he had some children just enumerated. These wer: Maria Josefa - born Sep 12 1769, Franciso Xavier - Feb 19, 1772; Teresa Rosalia - Nov 8 1773, Maria de las Nieves - Aug 6 1776. He then married Catalina Pino, widow of Antonio de Luna, Nove 20 1782. In 1786, while residing in Santa Fe, as a Sergeant of the Presidio, he was suing Miguel Lucerfor fo rproperty at Tome that beloged to his wife's Luna children. In 1805 he was Alcalde Mayor of Alamedia, but by 1815 Catalina Pino was a widow once more. Of their children - 2 sons are known: Manuel and Ignacio, who married two sisters on the same day, May 16, 1820. Manuel married Maria Vibiana Rael, and Ignacio married Maria Quiteria Rael, daughters of Eusebio Rael and Maria Tomasa Montoya.
1742 |
April 28, 1742
Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico
1769 |
September 12, 1769
Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States
1772 |
1773 |
November 8, 1773
1774 |
1776 |
August 6, 1776
1788 |
1790 |