(-after 1140). A manuscript genealogy records that “Eschivat”, son of “Jordanum”, son of “Jordanus Exbarrel, qui perrexit Jerosolymis”, married “filia comitissæ Marchiæ”[60]. The “comitissæ Marchiæ” is not identified. The probable chronology of the Chabanais family suggests that she was Ponce, wife of Audebert [II] Comte de la Marche. It is not clear from the document whether Eschivat´s wife was the daughter of “comitissæ Marchiæ” by her marriage to the comte de la Marche or by another otherwise unrecorded earlier or later marriage. However, the name Amélie strongly suggests that she was descended from the wife of Bernard Comte de la Marche who bore the same name. "Jourdain de Chabanais et Amélie sa femme" donated "l´église de Saint-Pierre de Cellefrouin" to the abbey of Charroux by undated charter, dated to the early 12th century[61]. A charter dated to after 1140 records an agreement between "Amelia de Cabaniaco et Matildis filia mea" and Saint-Pierre d´Angoulême regarding "manso de Sorouma", for the souls of "virorum nostrorum…Jordani de Cabaniaco et Ademari de Rupe et Maentiæ"[62]. [m firstly ---. This possible first marriage is indicated by the Historia Pontificum et Comitum Engolismensis which records that "castellum Chabanes et Confolent" was claimed by “Ademaro domino Rupis-Folcaudi...ex parte uxoris suæ” when it was granted by Vulgrin d´Angoulême to “Roberto de Burgundio, [Aimerico de] Rancone” together with “filia Jordani Eschivati” who had died without male heirs[63]. The passage indicates that the wife of Aimery de la Rochefoucauld was not the daughter of Eschivat de Chabanais. However, the wife of Aimery de la Rochefoucauld was clearly Amélie´s daughter, as shown by the charter dated to after 1140 which is quoted above. The tentative conclusion is that Aimery´s wife must have been the daughter of Eschivat´s wife by an earlier marriage.] m [secondly] ESCHIVAT de Chabanais, son of JOURDAIN [VI] de Chabanais & his wife --- (-bur Grenord).]
I am contacting you about this profile: Amelie de la Marcha
I’m going to remove the connection as a daughter of Adelbert II until we can confirm more. Pattou does not show her as a daughter, and the discussion by Cawley indicates that even he is unsure. He suggests that she is descended from Bernard and his wife Amelie, which could make her Adelberts sister, but Pattou does not show this either.
Then look at her proposed date of death as 1040, this is only two years different than Bernard, possibly her father, but it’s not indicated that she died young. Is it possible she is a sister of Bernard? Not sure but I’m pretty confident she is not a daughter of Adelbert II