Amalia Preuszmann

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Amalia Preuszmann (Tescher)

Death: May 13, 1890 (42-43)
Budapest, Hungary
Immediate Family:

Wife of Abraham Preuszmann
Mother of Vilmos Preuszmann, infant; Private; Private; Private; Private and 2 others

Managed by: Leanne M (Volunteer Curator - Au...
Last Updated:
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Immediate Family

About Amalia Preuszmann

1906-05-13 Hungarian Marriage Record - Juda MARTONOVICS (born 22/11/1874, son of Heiman MARTONOVICS and Tobe FELDMAN) married Janks PREUSZMANN (born 6/3/1880 Budapest, daughter of Abraham PREUSZMANN and Amalia TESCHER) on 13/5/1906 Budapest. Witnessed by Armin KRAUSZ and Mano MARTINOVICS

1959-12-03 Hungarian Death Record - Johanna PREUSZMANN died 3/12/1959 Budapest (born 6/3/1880). Child of Abraham PREUSZMANN and Amalia TECHER. Wife of Gyula MARTINOVITS.

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Amalia Preuszmann's Timeline

September 2, 1872
Budapest, Hungary
May 13, 1890
Age 43
Budapest, Hungary