Alma Josephine Margevitš

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Alma Josephine Margevitš (Vellmann)

Also Known As: "Margevič", "Margevitš", "Margewitsch", "Markewitsch", "Margevitsch", "Markevitsch"
Birthplace: Tallinn, Harjumaa
Death: August 30, 1963 (71)
Place of Burial: Tallinna Siselinna kalmistu. VK, K V, 26-4
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Jaan Vellmann and Katharine Vellmann
Ex-wife of Adolf Margevitš
Mother of Alma Mari Liis Keskküla
Sister of Herbert Juhan Vellmann ♊; Laura Elfriede Vellmann ♊ and Hilda Katharina Bauer {Schmidt}
Half sister of Richard Johann Vellmann; Aleksander Vellmann ♊; Eduard Vellmann ♊; Heinrich Leopold Vellmann and Arwed Theodor Julius Vellmann

Managed by: Rene Niilisk
Last Updated:
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Alma Josephine Margevitš's Timeline

December 15, 1891
Tallinn, Harjumaa
November 11, 1925
USA, New York
August 30, 1963
Age 71
August 31, 1963
Age 71
Tallinna Siselinna kalmistu. VK, K V, 26-4