Geoffroy [III] & his second wife had three children:
b) HERVE [III] de Donzy (-1187). Gervais abbé de Saint-Germain d'Auxerre and "Gaufredum Donziacum" reached agreements relating to Diges, with the consent of "B…uxor Gaufredi et duo filii eius, Herveus…et Gaufredus", by charter dated 1151[3320]. He succeeded his father as Seigneur de Donzy.
c) GEOFFROY de Donzy (-after 1151). “Hugo de La Ferté cognomento Blancus, qui ex parte matris, domini Gaufridi de Donziaco” donated property to La Charité-sur-Loire, approved by “præfatus dominus Gaufridus de Donziaco…cum duobus filiis Herveo et Gaufrido” by charter dated 1151[3321]. Gervais abbé de Saint-Germain d'Auxerre and "Gaufredum Donziacum" reached agreements relating to Diges, with the consent of "B…uxor Gaufredi et duo filii eius, Herveus…et Gaufredus", by charter dated 1151[3322].
d) [ALIX [Mathilde]] de Donzy (-1175). A charter of "Odo Dux Burgundiæ et Galcherus Comes S. Pauli" dated 9 Jul 1217 records the testimony of "Guido de Guastable" regarding the marriage of "Gaufridus de Donziaco…filiam suam" and "Ansello de Triangulo", the annulment of the marriage before it was consummated and return of the dowry, and her subsequent marriage with "comes Stephanus"[3323]. The Historia Gloriosi Regis Ludovici VII records that "Gaufridus de Giemago…filiam suam" married "Stephano de Sancerro", with Gien as her dowry[3324]. The primary source which confirms her name has not been identified.
m firstly (repudiated before 1153) ANSEAU [II] Seigneur de Traînel, son of ANSEAU [I] Seigneur de Traînel & his wife Hélisende --- (-[1188/89]).
m secondly (1153) ETIENNE [I] Comte de Sancerre, son of THIBAUT IV Comte de Blois & his wife Mathilde of Carinthia [Sponheim] (-Acre 1191).
1135 |
1175 |
Age 40
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