ALIX de Breteuil (-after [1195/97], bur Variville). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "comitissam Clarimontis Belvacensis et uxorem Symonis Clarimontis et Emiciam" as the three daughters of "Alaydis [filia comitem de Brana Robertum domnum]" & her first husband[859], although it appears chronologically impossible for Alix, wife of Raoul Comte de Clermont, to have been the daughter of Valeran [III] by his second wife. The correct parentage of Alix and her sister Mathilde is confirmed by the charter dated 1153 which records that “Galerannum de Britoglio” donated property at Champmartin at Rueil-sur-Bèche to Froidmont abbey, with the consent of “Hugone fratre suo...et Holdeburge uxore Galeranni, Aalsi et Mathilde filiabus eius”[860]. Lépinois dates her marriage to [1153/55], but this appears to be little more than guesswork[861]. Dame de Breteuil. "Adelidis uxor …" consented to the donation by "Radulfus…comes Clarimontis" to the abbey of Notre-Dame d'Ourscamp by charter dated 1162[862]. "R…comes Clarimontis et dominus Brituliensis…et Aeliz comitissam uxorem meam" confirmed the donation to the church of Breteuil by "Sangalo de Garda Malgerii, Henricus filius eius" by undated charter, witnessed by "Albericus Domni Martini comes et Mahaux soror mea, Domni Martini comitissa, Rainaldus castellanus Britulii…"[863]. "Radulphus…comes Clarimontis" donated harvest from property "apid Credulium" to Paris Hôtel-Dieu, with the consent of "uxore mea comitissa Aaliz et filiabus meis…Catalina et Aaliz", by charter dated 1177[864]. "Adelidis uxoris mee…" consented to two donations by "Radulfus comes Claromonensis" to the abbey of Notre-Dame d'Ourscamp by charters dated 1178[865]. "Uxore mea Aelis…" consented to the donation by "Radulfus comes Clarimontis" to the abbey of Notre-Dame d'Ourscamp by charter dated 1182[866]. "Aelidis comitissa Claromontis et domina Britulli" confirmed the donation to the church of Breteuil by "Hugo de Garda" by charter dated 1194, witnessed by "Radulphus de Ailli nepos meus…Manasses de Conti…" and confirmed another donation by "Hugo de Crepicordio frater patris mei Galeranni" for the soul of "Petronille filie sue" and confirmed after his death by "Heverardus eius filius successor et heres"[867]. m (before 1162) RAOUL "le Roux" Comte de Clermont, son of RENAUD Comte de Clermont-en-Beauvaisis & his second wife Clémence de Bar (-killed in battle Acre 15 Oct 1191). Seigneur de Breteuil 1163. Connétable de France.
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