Alix d’Aire, dame de Thiembronne

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Alix d'Aire

Also Known As: "lady of Thiembronne"
Death: after 1249
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Gilbert, lord of Aire
Wife of Berthoult ou Barthélémi de Nédonchel, chevalier

Managed by: Erica Howton
Last Updated:

About Alix d’Aire, dame de Thiembronne

Berthold Bathélémy de Nédonchel had married:

1 ° Marie d'Ollehain, daughter of Guillaume, Lord of Ollehain, and of Ursule of Colemberg, for whom he founded an obit in the monastery of Saint André;

2 ° Alix , lady of Thiembronne , daughter of Gilbert, lord of Aire .

He had two children from the first lady, namely:

  • A. Gilles, II of the name, which follows, V.
  • B. Beatrix, died before the month of October 1249, which is proved by the confirmation of Alix , Lady of Thiembronne , her mother-in-law, in favor of the monks of the monastery of Saint André of the goods of which Béatrix de Nedonchel was the usufructuary, by virtue of the deed of gift of Barthélemi Nedonchel and his son, Gilles, knight, of the month of June 1246 (3).

Research notes

Probably not the same as Adelis de Thiembronne, dame de Tiembronne but surely a widow de Thiembronne.


  • Charles Poplimont. La Belgique héraldique : recueil historique, chronologique, généalogique et biographique complet de toutes les maisons nobles, T. 5-9. Bruxelles: G. Adriaens, 1863-1867. Page 23. AncestryImage, GoogleBooks
  • Genealogie de la maison de Nedonchel en Artois et en Flandre. Publ. par ---By Louis Laine. Page 10. GoogleBooks “Berthold de Nedonchel had them, among other children: to Gilles, 2nd of the name, which follows; 2 Béatrix de Nedonchel, died before October 1249. At that time , Alix, lady Thiembronne , confirmed in favor of the religious of St. Andrew, property held viagèrement by said Beatrix , such as fire had granted Bartholomew of Nedonchel and Gilles, his eldest son, chevaliers. ( Cartul . De Saint . André , part 2, Priviléges 45, page 18).“
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