Matching family tree profiles for Alice Phripp
Immediate Family
About Alice Phripp
From: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=chesterst...
Alice Willougby is Captain Thomas Willoughby's sister not daughter http://trees.ancestry.com/rd?f=document&guid=c3ea2aa5-1d06-4ef5-ab9...
From: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sewell%27s_Point
The area [Sewell's Point] was originally named in the 17th century after Henry Sewell, an Englishman who arrived in Virginia sometime prior to 1632 and married Alice Willoughby, daughter of Thomas Willoughby, a prominent magistrate.[1]
Later, variations in spelling were used, such as Seawells Point, and Sewall Point. The common spelling today is Sewells Point.
From: http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=77492789&ref=wvr
The children listed have not been verified; other sources show 3 only.
Ann Willoughby-Sewell was the daughter of Capt. Thomas Sewell and Eliabeth Clemence Middletown. Henry Sewell and Alice Willoughby came from England and settled at Sewell's Point Virginia, (now known as Norfolk Naval Base) in 1626-1632. Both Henry and Alice died on the same day in 1644. (SIC: see notes) Cause of death is unknown.
They had at least nine children:
- Stephen (-)
- Elizabeth (1550-1720)
- Jane (1625-1692)
- Mary (1628-1645)
- Ann (1631-1706)
- Elizabeth (1638-1691)
- Henry Younger (1639-1662)
- Samuel (1640-)
- Nicholas (1655-1737)
Records reflect that Henry Sewell and his wife died before the Indian uprising of 1644 (SIC: see notes) and were both buried in the church chancel of the Elzabeth River Parish in Norfolk (which is now the Naval Airforce Base)
http://genforum.genealogy.com/mason/messages/7772.html He [Lemuel (2)] married Ann Sewall, who was born circa 1634, a daughter of Captain Henry Sewall, who was born about 1610, and who resided at Elizabeth City and Lower Norfolk.
This Henry Sewall represented the "Upper Parish of Elizabeth City" in the House of Burgesses of Virginia for the Sessions 4 September, 1632; in the Lower Norfolk, at Sessions 6 January, 1639, and died about 1644, as per the settlement of his estate 'Shown at Orphans' Court, 25 February, 1649.
Sewall's Point, at the mouth of the Elizabeth River, was named in his honor.
Captain Sewall's wife, Alice, survived him, and married Matthew Phripp.
Her will, dated 30 October, 1705, was proven 15 March, 1705-6.[cross]
From https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Sewell-175#Marriage_.26_Family
The "elder" Henry died about 1644, and a settlement of his estate was held some five years later at an orphan's court held Feb. 25, 1649. They met to consider a minor son named Henry Sewell who was ordered to be sent to Holland, for his education, in the charge of Mr. Thomas Lee. Henry Sewell Jr. was said to have been born 1 May 1639. It is not clear if the orphan was in Holland or if he was being raised by Mr. and Mrs. Phillips but and upon the death of Mathew Phillips, his widow and administratrix, Anne Phillips represented only the interest of Mathew Phillips estate and four additional men were chosen on behalf of the orphan Henry Jr., son of Henry and Alice Seawell. [1]
Deaths of Alice & Henry
Both Henry and Alice died on the same day in 1644. However, the cause of death is unknown.
"said to be a Willoughby"
"said to be a Willoughby"
Life Sketch
Date of death and place of burial are cited as "He died, 1644, and at a Court holden the same year in Lower Norfolk County,....for breaking ground in the chancel of the church for the burial of Mr. and Mrs. Sewell."
Alice Phripp's Timeline
1608 |
King's Stanley, Gloucestershire, England
1632 |
May 1632
Virginia, United States
1634 |
Lower Norfolk County , Virginia Colony, Colonial America
1639 |
May 1, 1639
Lower Norfolk , Virginia
1644 |
February 1644
Age 36
Sewell's Point, Norfolk, Virginia, British Colonial America
1706 |
March 15, 1706
Age 98
Sewells Point, Virginia, USA