Immediate Family
About Alice Blount (de la Bere)
Father Kynard (Kinnard) de la Bere b. c 1356
Alice (Alicia) de la Bere was born circa 1494 at of Kinnersley, Herefordshire, England. She married John Blount, son of Sir John Blount and Isabel (Isabella) Cornwall, circa 1420 at of Staffordshire, England. Several of the children currently [28th May 2020] currently linked as children of Sir John Blount & Alice de la Bere are incorrect [Edmund Blount [of the Bitton, Gloucestershire branch & too old to be their son] & John Blount [of the Sodington, Worcestershire branch & too old to be their son. They did have a John, just not this one] .
Close Rolls, Henry VI: November 1443 Oct 26 Westmister To the escheator in Staffordshire. Order to take of Alice who was wife of John Blounte esquire an oath etc., and in presence of the next friends of her husband's heir, or of their attorneys, to assign her dower. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-close-rolls/hen6/vol4/pp166-170
The jurors swear that he was born at Wigginton on the feast of St Katherine [ 25 November ] 1422 and baptised there on the same day in the church of St James the apostle, and that he was aged 21 and more on the feast of St Katherine last. They know and recall this for the following reasons. John Somerton , aged 62 and more, saw there Humphrey’s godparents Lewis Grevill , William Hasylford, parson of Broughton , and Isabel, then the wife of Richard Beauchamp, earl of Warwick , and drank in the church in their presence. William Hornecastell , aged 50 and more, saw a white greyhound [called] ‘Swyft’, belonging to the ?sister of the earl, bite John, a servant of John Blount , on the left arm in the church at the time of the baptism. John Colles , aged 46 and more, at the request of the above Lewis delivered two torches of wax to burn near the font during the baptism. Hugh Raynoldes , aged 38 and more, saw William Sandewall , a servant of John Blount , carrying bread and two silver pots full of sweet wine called ‘osey’ to the church at the time of the baptism. William Sandow , aged 40 and more, on the same day, at the request of John Wysham, esquire , asked the above Lewis at his house (mansio) at Drayton to be Humphrey’s godfather. Thomas Pryket , aged 60 and more, recalls because his relative (cognata) Joan Shephurd of Deddington was the midwife of Humphrey’s godmother Isabel on the same day [sic]. John Piersson , aged 50 and more, was present in the church and made his servant Joan fill the baptismal font with water. William Dandy , aged 59 and more, on the same day saw a pipe of red wine bought by John Browne, servant of John Blount , in preparation for the churching of Alice, Humphrey’s mother. Thomas Webbe , aged 46 and more, went looking for fire in the house of John ?Jenner by the church, to kindle various lights in the church at the time of baptism. Clement Draper , aged 60 and more, sold ?a black horse to John Blount that day for 10 marks of silver. John Byngeham , aged 50 and more, recalls because Margaret, servant of the above Clement, was espoused in the church at the time of the baptism. John Hornecastell , aged 50 and more, the same day gave to Alice, Humphrey’s mother, two cows to provide milk for Humphrey during his youth. [Head:] Delivered to court on 7 February 1444.
C 139/114/20 mm. 1–2
Family John Blount b. c 1395, d. 2 May 1442 [from IMP]
Humphrey Blount, Sheriff of Shropshire+1 d. 12 Oct 1477
John Blount+ b. c 1425
Margaret Blount+ b. c 1440
[S11571] A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol. III, by John Burke, Esq., p. 199.
- Alice (Alicia) de la Bere
- F, b. circa 1404
- Father Kynard (Kinnard) de la Bere b. c 1356
- Mother Margaret Abrahall b. c 1363
- Alice (Alicia) de la Bere was born circa 1404 at of Kinnersley, Herefordshire, England. She married Sir John II Blount, son of Sir John Blount and Isabel (Isabella) Cornwall, circa 1422 at of Staffordshire, England.
- Family Sir John II Blount b. c 1385, d. bt 1442 - 1443
- Children
- Humphrey Blount, Sheriff of Shropshire+1 d. 12 Oct 1477
- John Blount+ b. c 1425
- Margaret (Anne) Blount+ b. c 1440
- Citations
- 1.[S11571] A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol. III, by John Burke, Esq., p. 199.
- From: http://our-royal-titled-noble-and-commoner-ancestors.com/p1109.htm#... ___________
- The genealogical history of the Croke family, originally named Le Blount (Volume 2). by Croke, Alexander, Sir
- https://archive.org/details/genealogicalhist02crok
- https://archive.org/stream/genealogicalhist02crok#page/155/mode/1up
- WE have before seen, that SIR JOHN BLOUNT, of Sodington, the grand-son of Sir Walter le Blount of Rock, had two wives, Juliana Fowleshurst, and Isabella Cornwall, and perhaps a third named Helen, and that the Sodington branch was descended from his issue by the first wife. The branch of which I am now treating proceeded from his second wife.
- This was Isabella, the daughter of Sir Bryan Cornwall, whom he married in the sixth year of Richard the Second, 1384. The Cornwalls were descended from Richard, Earl of Cornwall, and King of the Romans, the second son of King John. His son Edmund, Earl of Cornwall, had a natural son, Sir Richard Cornwall, who, by his wife Joan, was father of Sir Edmund Cornwall, and Sir Geoffrey Cornwall. Sir Geoffrey was the ancestor of the Barons of Burford, in Shropshire. Sir Edmund Cornwall, who died in the twenty-eighth year of Edward the Third, 1354:, married Elizabeth, the daughter and co-heir of Sir Bryan Brampton, by whom he acquired the mansion and manor of Kinlet, in Shropshire. Besides Edmund, who died without issue, and Peter, their son and heir, was Sir Bryan Cornwall, Lord of Kinlet, who died in the fifteenth year of Richard the Second, 1391. His wife was Maud the daughter of the Lord Strange, and their sons Sir John Cornwall, Thomas, Henry, and Bryan, having died without male issue, Isabella their daughter inherited Kinlet. The arms of Brampton were, or, two lions passant, gules. Cornwall bore those of Richard, Earl of Cornwall, argent, a lion rampant, gules, crowned with a ducal coronet, or ; which were the arms of Poictou. And within a bordure ingrailed sable, charged with besants,
- https://archive.org/stream/genealogicalhist02crok#page/156/mode/1up
- which were those of the ancient Earls of Cornwall. Sir Geoffrey Cornwall, having taken prisoner the Duke of Britanny, had the field of his arms changed from argent to ermine, being the arms of Britanny, and so it was borne by his descendants*.
- It is before mentioned, that, upon his marriage with Isabella, Sir John Blount settled upon her the estates at Ratterley, Fenton, Kilward, Bydulf, Romesore, Denston, Glaston, Wyshall, Waterfall, and Balterderley, all in Staffordshire, and which estates are therefore hereafter found in the possession of the Blounts of Kinlet.
- By Isabella he had two sons, John and Roger b .
- Of Roger I know nothing farther than that amongst the possessions of the convent of Croxton in the town of Leicester, as described in the register of that Abbey, there appears a rent of eighteen pence, two hens, and a cock, of the gift of Roger Blund, perhaps the same person, and which was paid by Warinus out of certain lands which had been granted by Warinus to the Abbey c .
- JOHN BLOUNT, Esquire, of Kinlet and Dodington in the same county, married Alice, the daughter of Kynard de la Bere of Herefordshire, whose arms were azure, a bend, argent, cottised, or, between six martlets of the third d. In the seventh year of Henry the Sixth, 1428, John Blount, son and heir of Sir John Blount, Knight, and of Isabella his wife, was found to have held lands in Balterderley, Culvard, Romesore, and Bidulf, in the county of Stafford c . He died in the twenty-first year of Henry the Sixth, 1442, and upon the inquisition held, he was found to have possessed Balterderley, Kilvart, Lentin, Romesore, and Bidulf, and that Humphrey was his son and heir, and of the age of twenty years f .
- John Blount, and Alicia de la Bere, had five sons, and five daughters. Humphrey, John, Edward, William, and Charles. Isabella married to John Kyene, Anne to William Gayton, Maria to John Pigott, Eleanor to John Cheyney of Chesham, and Margaret to John Oteley. .... etc.
- a Harl. MSS. No. 1052. f. 28. b. No. 1196. f. 97. 75. Kennet, Par. Antiq. p. 3+1. from Dugdale's MSS. Sandford's Genealogical History.
- b Bigland. c Peck's MSS. Mus. Brit. No. 4935. d Karl. ibid. e Anecd. Coll. Arm. f R. Dods. vol. 37. f. 199. ________________________
John BLOUNT / Alicia (Alice) de LA BERE
Husband: John BLOUNT
- Born: ABT 1383 at: of,Kinlet,England,England
- Married: 1415 at: of,Kinlet,England,England
- Died: at:
- Father: John BLOUNT
- Mother: Isabel (Isabella) CORNWALL
- Notes: [4546]
Wife: Alicia (Alice) de LA BERE
- Born: ABT 1385 at: of,Herefordshire,England,England
- Died: at:
- Father: Kynard de LA BERE
- Mother:
- Notes: [4264]
Name: Isabel BLOUNT
- Born: ABT 1417 at: of,Kinlet,Shropshire,England
- Married: at:
- Died: at:
- Spouses: SCRIVEN , John (Keryne) KEYNE
Name: Anne BLOUNT
- Born: ABT 1419 at: of,Kinlet,Shropshire,England
- Married: at:
- Died: at:
- Spouses: William (Gayton) CREIGHTON
Name: Mary (Margaret) BLOUNT [4572]
- Born: ABT 1421 at: of,Kinlet,Shropshire,England
- Married: at:
- Died: at:
- Spouses: John (Robert) PIGOT , John OTELEY
Name: Humphrey BLOUNT [4568]
- Born: 1422 at: of,Kinlet,Shropshire,England
- Married: at:
- Died: 1477 at:
- Spouses: Elizabeth WINNINGTON
Name: John BLOUNT [4573]
- Born: ABT 1425 at: of,Kinlet,Shropshire,England
- Married: at:
- Died: at:
- Spouses: Alice (Alicia)
Name: Winiffid BLOUNT
- Born: ABT 1427 at: of,Kinlet,Shropshire,England
- Died: at:
- Spouses:
Name: William BLOUNT
- Born: ABT 1431 at: of,Kinlet,Shropshire,England
- Married: at:
- Died: at:
- Spouses: Mrs.W.Blount
Name: Eleanor (Ellena) BLOUNT
- Born: ABT 1433 at: of,Kinlet,Shropshire,England
- Married: at:
- Died: at:
- Spouses: John CHEYNEY
Name: Charles BLOUNT
- Born: ABT 1425 at: of,Kinlet,Shropshire,England
- Died: at:
- Spouses:
Name: Walter BLOUNT
- Born: ABT 1417 at: of,Kinlet,Shropshire,England
- Died: at:
- Spouses:
Name: Alice BLOUNT
- Born: ABT 1419 at: of,Kinlet,Shropshire,England
- Married: at:
- Died: at:
- Spouses: Thomas BETTENHAM
Name: Edmund John BLOUNT
- Born: ABT 1439 at: of,Mangotsfield,Gloucester,England
- Married: at:
- Died: at:
- Spouses: Ellen HALL
Alice Blount (de la Bere)'s Timeline
1394 |
Chilstone, Herefordshire, England, (Present UK)
1417 |
Probably Kinlet, Shropshire, England
1420 |
Cranbrook, Kent, England (United Kingdom)
1421 |
Probably Kinlet, Shropshire, England, (Present UK)
Rock, Worcestershire, England, (Present UK)
1427 |
Abt. 1427 Of, Kinlet, Shropshire, England
1430 |
Abt. 1430 Of, Kinlet, Shropshire, England
1431 |
Probably Kinlet, Shropshire, England, (Present UK)
1433 |
Abt. 1433 Of, Kinlet, Shropshire, England