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Immediate Family
About Alianore FitzWalter
- h) ROBERT ([1239]-1279 before 29 Apr, bur [Stafford, Priory of St Thomas]). The Annales Londonienses name "Robertum heredem suum generalem" as son of "Willelmum juniorem qui fuit comes de Ferrariis"[413]. He succeeded his father in 1254 as Earl of Derby. He rebelled against King Henry III in 1263, defeating the royal forces at Chester in Nov 1264. He was sent to the Tower but pardoned 5 Dec 1265 only to rebel again within a few months. He was captured at Chesterfield 15 May 1266 and kept in Windsor Castle for nearly three years, his lands and honours being forfeited[414]. m firstly (contract 26 Jul 1249, Westminster 1249) MARIE de Lusignan, daughter of HUGUES [XII] "le Brun" Comte de la Marche et d'Angoulême, Seigneur de Lusignan & his wife Yolande de Bretagne ([1242]-after 11 Jul 1266). The Annals of Burton record the marriage “apud Westmonasterium” in 1249 of “Robertus de Ferrariis puer ix annorum, filius Willelmi de Ferrariis comitis Derbeiæ” and “Mariam vii annorum puellulam, neptem Regis Henrici, filiam fratris sui comitis Engolismi et Marchiæ”[415]. m secondly (26 Jun 1269) ELEANOR de Bohun, daughter of HUMPHREY de Bohun & his first wife Eleanor de Briouse (-20 Feb 1314, bur Walden Abbey). The History of the foundation of Walden abbey records the death “1313 X Kal Mar” of “Elianora comitissa Derbi” and her burial at Walden[416]. The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not been identified. Earl Robert & his second wife had two children:
- i) ELEANOR Ferrers (-before May 1308, bur Dunmow Priory). A manuscript history of the foundation of Dunmow Priory records the marriage in 1289 of “Robertus filius Walteri” and “Alienoram filiam comitis de Ferrariis, sororem comitis de Ferrers” in the King’s Chapel, Westminster[417]. m (King’s Chapel, Westminster 1289) as his second wife, ROBERT FitzWalter of Woodham Walter, Essex, son of WALTER FitzRobert & his wife Ida de Longespee of the Earls of Salisbury (Henham 1247-18 Jan 1326).
- ii) JOHN Ferrers of Chartley, Staffordshire (Cardiff 20 Jun 1271-Gascony [Aug] 1312). He was summoned to Parliament in 1299, whereby he is held to have become Lord Ferrers.
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Alianore FitzWalter's Timeline
1273 |
Southoe, Leicestershire, England
1292 |
Woodham Walter, Malden, Essex, England
1300 |
Woodham Walter, Essex, England
Age 27
Bishops Stortford, Essex, England
1932 |
November 5, 1932
Age 27
November 16, 1932
Age 27
???? |
- 1970