Alexander de Bamville

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Alexander de Bamville (de Bamvyle)

Immediate Family:

Son of Phillip de Bamville
Husband of Roese de Venables

Managed by: Erica Howton
Last Updated:

About Alexander de Bamville

Listed as son of Phillip de Bamville in some sources but as son of Thomas de Bamvile by Ormerod.

Sir Roger de Venables, baron of Kinderton, died about 1261.  He married Alice dau of Alan de Peninton of Peninton Hall, Lancashire, about 1240. In addition to their heir, Sir William, this couple also had: Rose, wife of Alexander Bamvyle; Roger de Venables, parson of Rosthorne in time of Edw I; Amy wife of Hugh de Hatton.

Ormerod, George; Peter Leycester; William Smith; William Webb; and Thomas Helsby. The history of the county palatine and city of Chester: compiled from original evidences in public offices, the Harleian and Cottonian mss., parochial registers, private muniments, unpublished ms. collections of successive Cheshire antiquaries, and a personal survey of every township in the county, incorporated with a republication of King's Vale Royal and Leycester's Cheshire antiquities. (London: G. Routledge, 1882) 3:199.

Footnote: Who, there can be very little doubt, was the widow of the baron of Stockport, and whose 2d husgand, Alexander, was son of sir Thomas Bamvyle. - H.

Rosea, parents unknown, was married twice:[1] [2]

Sir Robert Stockport,[2] (son of Robert Stockport and Matilda Banastre) who was living in 23 Henry III [1238-39]; with whom she had children:

  1. Sir Robert Stockport;[1] [2]
  2. Margaret,[2] who was the wife of William Vernon, during the time that William Ouresby was Justiciar of Cheshire;[1]

Alexander de Bamvile,[1] son of Sir Thomas de Bamville of Storeton, co Chester;[2] with whom she had children, including:

  1. Thomas, oldest son who married Havise, daughter of Robert de Winington;[3]


  1. Ormerod volume 3 page 198 onwards "Venables of Kinderton"
  3. (dead link)
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