29 March 1628: Instrument of Resignation by Sir Robert Grahame of Morphie [Graham of Morphie], kt., of the lands of the Stane of Morphie [Stone o' Morphie], and Smiddielands thereof, in barony of Morphie, lands of Cummeistoun [Commieston], in barony of Canterland, and lands of Wairdroppertoun, in parish of Egglisgreg [Ecclesgreig], all in sheriffdom of Kincardine, in the King's hands for new infeftment in favour of Robert Grahame, eldest son and heir of said Sir Robert Grahame, and Marie Irving, youngest daughter of Alexander Irving of Drum [Irvine of Drum], now his spouse, and also of the lands and barony of Morphie Mekill and salmon fishing upon the water of Northesk in the King's hands for new infeftment in favour of said Robert Grahame and his heirs male and of taillie, reserving the liferent thereof to said Sir Robert; following on marriage contract, dated 1 and 6 January 1628, between said Sir Robert Grahame and Marie Irving. National Records of Scotland, Scott of Brotherton, reference GD70/359