Death Notice for Aletta Elizabeth 52yr old : KAB MOOC 6/9/66 2552 (1854), which gives her father as "Johannes Cornelis Bezuidenhout" and her mother as "Maria Catharina Coertze". This suggests she was born in 1802
She is not listed in SAF 3.
She is listed in Johannes Bezuidenhout's 1833 MOOC8/48.24, https://media.geni.com/p13/d4/56/cc/db/5344484680ed5add/mooc_8_48_24_original.pdf?hash=90b939b019aeafad91cf6ee3c373979785535441d3909e8c4fa19ec63d3b885d.1759474799 as Aletta Elizabeth as 29 ie implied Date of Birth circa 1804 Her mother there is Maria Catherina Coertze
1804 |
Division of Beaufort, South Africa
1807 |
January 4, 1807
Age 3
Graaff-Reinet, Western District, Eastern Cape, South Africa
1854 |
April 11, 1854
Age 50
Zuiver Fontein, Division of Beaufort, South Africa