Immediate Family
About Alberade de Lothringen (Lorraine) von Hennegau von Hainault de Roucy, Countess of Lorraine
Alberade of Lorraine b. c. 929.
Parents: Gilbert de Lotharingia & Gerberga von Sachsen Spouse: Renaud (originally as Ragenold), a Viking chieftain who became the Count of Roucy
LINKS http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/LOTHARINGIA.htm#Giselbertdied939 http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/LOTHARINGIAN%20%28LOWER%29%20NOBILI...
MEDIEVAL LANDS Two brothers, parents not known.
1. RAGENOLD [Renaud] (-10 May 967, bur Abbaye de Saint-Rémy). A Viking, he may have been installed originally as military chief at Reims after Artaud was restored as archbishop in 946. He constructed a fort at Roucy between 947 and 953, and supported King Lothaire on his expedition to Aquitaine in 955[1023]. Comte de Roucy. Flodoard names "Ragenaldus comes et Dodo frater ipsius" in 947[1024]. "Rainaldus Remensis comitis" subscribed a charter dated to [948/54] relating to the foundation of the abbey of Charlieu[1025].
m ALBERADE, daughter of GISELBERT Duke of Lotharingia & his wife Gerberga of Germany ([929/30]-, bur Abbaye de Saint-Rémy). "Mathilde et Alberada" are named as daughters of "Gerberga" in the Continuator of Flodoard, which specifies that Alberada was mother of Ermentrudis but does not name Alberada's husband[1026]. Two epitaphs in the church of Saint-Rémy, Marly relate to "Ragenolde" and "Albrada", although neither refers to each other[1027]. Bouchard highlights the absence of proof that the husband of Alberade of Lotharingia was Ragenold Comte de Roucy[1028]. She is named in a letter to Poppo of Stablo[1029]. Count Ragenold & his wife had [four] children. Their parentage is deduced by a combined reading of the different sources which refer to them. None of these sources name both parents, so the affiliation is not without all doubt. Comte Renaud & his wife had four children:
a) ERMENTRUDE ([947/52]-[5 Oct 1002/1004]). "Ermentrudis" is named as daughter of "Alberada filia …Gerbergæ" in the Continuator of Flodoard, which does not name either her father or her husband but specifies that Ermentrudis was the mother of Agnes (Ctss de Poitou)[1030], the latter naming both her parents in charters[1031]. Her birth date range is estimated on the basis of her son by her first marriage being named in 971. "Ermentrudis conjuge sua" consented to the donation of land "in Aponiaco villa" by "Albericus comes Matisconensis" to Cluny by charter dated 14 Jan 971[1032]. The date of her first marriage is indicated by her absence from the charter of "Albericus comes Matisconensis" dated Mar 966[1033]. The genealogy of the Comtes de Mâcon, included in the cartulary of Saint-Vincent de Mâcon, records the marriage of "dominus Guillelmus comes" with the wife of "Albericus filius Leotaldi comitis"[1034]. Rodulfus Glaber states that "Willemus, Henrici ducis priuignus, Adalberti Longobardorum ducis filius" married the sister of "Brunone Lingonensi episcopo" who supported him in his rebellion against the king [Robert II][1035]. Ermentrude's date of death is indicated by the Chronicle of St Bénigne de Dijon which records a donation by "Otto comes cognomento Willelmus" with "filii eius Rainaldi" dated 1004 "pro anima Hinrici Ducis, qui eum loco filii adoptavit et genitricis sue Gerberge uxoris predicti Ducis, ac filii sui Widonis et Hermintrudis coniugis"[1036]. m firstly (before 971) AUBRY [II] Comte de Mâcon, son of LETAUD Comte de Mâcon & his first wife Ermengarde [de Chalon] ([935/40]-after 17 Nov [before 981/82][1037]). m secondly (before [981/82]%29 as his first wife, OTHON GUILLAUME Comte de Mâcon et de Nevers [Bourgogne-Comt%C3%A9], son of ADALBERTO associate-King of Italy & his wife Gerberge de Chalon ([960/2]-Dijon 21 Sep 1026).
b) GISELBERT ([948/55]-[19 Apr 991/1000], maybe 997, bur Abbaye de Saint-Rémy). The Acta Concilii Remensis ad Sanctum Basolum (dated to 991) quotes Bruno Bishop of Langres referring to "unicum fratrem meum comitem Gislebertum…"[1038]. Comte de Roucy. Vicomte de Reims.
- see below.
c) daughter . The Genealogia Comitum Flandriæ mentions "filiam Rainoldi comitis Remorum", without naming her, as wife of "Frotmundus"[1039]. The Chronicon Sancti Petri Vivi Senonensis records that “Frotmundus” married “filiam Rainaldi Remoru Comitis”[1040]. While it is not certain that this indicates Renaud de Roucy, Reims was one of his early bases and no other "Comte de Reims" has been identified. m FROMOND [II] Comte de Sens, son of RENARD [I] Comte de Sens & his wife --- (-1012).
d) BRUNO ([955/56]-29 Jan 1016). His parentage is deduced from Rodulfus Glaber stating that "Willemus, Henrici ducis priuignus, Adalberti Longobardorum ducis filius" married the sister of "Brunone Lingonensi episcopo", when recording that the latter supported his brother-in-law in the latter's rebellion against the king [Robert II][1041]. Cleric at Reims. The Chronicle of St Bénigne de Dijon records that King Lothar installed "Brunoni Remensis Ecclesie clerico…suo vero parenti propinquitate consanguinitatis" as bishop of Langres in 980[1042], King Lothar being the uterine half-brother of Bruno's mother. The Acta Concilii Remensis ad Sanctum Basolum quotes Bruno Bishop of Langres referring to "unicum fratrem meum comitem Gislebertum, meumque consobrinum comitem Guidonem"[1043], although the latter has not been identified. His necrology records the death of "Brunonis episcopi Lingonice" aged 60 after 36 years in his bishopric but does not specify his date of death[1044].
2. DODO (-947 or after). Flodoard names "Ragenaldus comes et Dodo frater ipsius" in 947[1045].
The family of Renaud de REIMS et COUCY and Albrade de LORRAINE [134983] REIMS et COUCY (de), Renaud (..), comte de Reims et Coucy
- married , from France ? (France) LORRAINE (de), Albrade (Gilbert & Gerberge de SAXE [134982])
1) Ermentrude, married about 975 Othon-Guillaume de BOURGOGNE
Bibliographie : Histoire de la maison royale de France (Père Anselme); Le Sang de Charlemagne
See "My Lines" ( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/p326.htm#i7076 ) from Compiler: R. B. Stewart, Evans, GA ( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/index.htm )
lberade (Alverade) de Lorraine 1 2
Born: ABT 930 in Lorraine, France 2
Died: 13 MAR 972/73
Died: 10 MAY 967 3
Father: Giselbert I Duke of Lorraine b: ABT 887 in Lorraine, France
Mother: Gerberga of Saxony b: ABT 913 in Nordhausen, Saxony, Prussia
Marriage 1 Renaud I Comte de Roucy, & Rheims b: ABT 925 in Roucy, Marne, Champagne, France
Married: 945 4
Giselbert Comte de Roucy, & Rheims b: ABT 951 in Roucy, Aisne, Picardy, France
Ermentrude (Irmgard) de Roucy b: ABT 953 in Reims, Marne, Champagne, France
Gerberge de Reims b: ABT 960 in Reims, Marne, Champagne, France
Notes [JW]
Alberade of Lorraine [dau. of Giselbert Duke of Lorraine & Gerberga of Saxony], m. Renaud, d. 15 Mar 973, Count of Rheims and Roucy. (He is called the 8th son of Herbert II, Count of Vermandois, but is not so given by Pere Anselme; though Anselme does give Hugh, Archbishop of Rheims, as a son of Herbert II). [Ancestral Roots line 151-19]
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition, by Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Sheppard Jr., 1999
Page: 151-19
Title: Leo's Genealogics Website (Leo van de Pas), www.genealogics.org
Page: Alverade de Lorraine
Title: Newsgroup: soc.genealogy.medieval, at groups - google.com
Page: Alan B. Wilson, 30 Dec 1998
Title: Leo's Genealogics Website (Leo van de Pas), www.genealogics.org
Page: Ragenold, Comte de Roucy
Alberade of Lorraine b. c. 929.
Parents: Gilbert de Lotharingia & Gerberga von Sachsen Spouse: Renaud (originally as Ragenold), a Viking chieftain who became the Count of Roucy
LINKS http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/LOTHARINGIA.htm#Giselbertdied939 http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/LOTHARINGIAN%20%28LOWER%29%20NOBILI...
MEDIEVAL LANDS Two brothers, parents not known.
1. RAGENOLD [Renaud] (-10 May 967, bur Abbaye de Saint-Rémy). A Viking, he may have been installed originally as military chief at Reims after Artaud was restored as archbishop in 946. He constructed a fort at Roucy between 947 and 953, and supported King Lothaire on his expedition to Aquitaine in 955[1023]. Comte de Roucy. Flodoard names "Ragenaldus comes et Dodo frater ipsius" in 947[1024]. "Rainaldus Remensis comitis" subscribed a charter dated to [948/54] relating to the foundation of the abbey of Charlieu[1025].
m ALBERADE, daughter of GISELBERT Duke of Lotharingia & his wife Gerberga of Germany ([929/30]-, bur Abbaye de Saint-Rémy). "Mathilde et Alberada" are named as daughters of "Gerberga" in the Continuator of Flodoard, which specifies that Alberada was mother of Ermentrudis but does not name Alberada's husband[1026]. Two epitaphs in the church of Saint-Rémy, Marly relate to "Ragenolde" and "Albrada", although neither refers to each other[1027]. Bouchard highlights the absence of proof that the husband of Alberade of Lotharingia was Ragenold Comte de Roucy[1028]. She is named in a letter to Poppo of Stablo[1029]. Count Ragenold & his wife had [four] children. Their parentage is deduced by a combined reading of the different sources which refer to them. None of these sources name both parents, so the affiliation is not without all doubt. Comte Renaud & his wife had four children:
a) ERMENTRUDE ([947/52]-[5 Oct 1002/1004]). "Ermentrudis" is named as daughter of "Alberada filia …Gerbergæ" in the Continuator of Flodoard, which does not name either her father or her husband but specifies that Ermentrudis was the mother of Agnes (Ctss de Poitou)[1030], the latter naming both her parents in charters[1031]. Her birth date range is estimated on the basis of her son by her first marriage being named in 971. "Ermentrudis conjuge sua" consented to the donation of land "in Aponiaco villa" by "Albericus comes Matisconensis" to Cluny by charter dated 14 Jan 971[1032]. The date of her first marriage is indicated by her absence from the charter of "Albericus comes Matisconensis" dated Mar 966[1033]. The genealogy of the Comtes de Mâcon, included in the cartulary of Saint-Vincent de Mâcon, records the marriage of "dominus Guillelmus comes" with the wife of "Albericus filius Leotaldi comitis"[1034]. Rodulfus Glaber states that "Willemus, Henrici ducis priuignus, Adalberti Longobardorum ducis filius" married the sister of "Brunone Lingonensi episcopo" who supported him in his rebellion against the king [Robert II][1035]. Ermentrude's date of death is indicated by the Chronicle of St Bénigne de Dijon which records a donation by "Otto comes cognomento Willelmus" with "filii eius Rainaldi" dated 1004 "pro anima Hinrici Ducis, qui eum loco filii adoptavit et genitricis sue Gerberge uxoris predicti Ducis, ac filii sui Widonis et Hermintrudis coniugis"[1036]. m firstly (before 971) AUBRY [II] Comte de Mâcon, son of LETAUD Comte de Mâcon & his first wife Ermengarde [de Chalon] ([935/40]-after 17 Nov [before 981/82][1037]). m secondly (before [981/82]%29 as his first wife, OTHON GUILLAUME Comte de Mâcon et de Nevers [Bourgogne-Comt%C3%A9], son of ADALBERTO associate-King of Italy & his wife Gerberge de Chalon ([960/2]-Dijon 21 Sep 1026).
b) GISELBERT ([948/55]-[19 Apr 991/1000], maybe 997, bur Abbaye de Saint-Rémy). The Acta Concilii Remensis ad Sanctum Basolum (dated to 991) quotes Bruno Bishop of Langres referring to "unicum fratrem meum comitem Gislebertum…"[1038]. Comte de Roucy. Vicomte de Reims.
- see below.
c) daughter . The Genealogia Comitum Flandriæ mentions "filiam Rainoldi comitis Remorum", without naming her, as wife of "Frotmundus"[1039]. The Chronicon Sancti Petri Vivi Senonensis records that “Frotmundus” married “filiam Rainaldi Remoru Comitis”[1040]. While it is not certain that this indicates Renaud de Roucy, Reims was one of his early bases and no other "Comte de Reims" has been identified. m FROMOND [II] Comte de Sens, son of RENARD [I] Comte de Sens & his wife --- (-1012).
d) BRUNO ([955/56]-29 Jan 1016). His parentage is deduced from Rodulfus Glaber stating that "Willemus, Henrici ducis priuignus, Adalberti Longobardorum ducis filius" married the sister of "Brunone Lingonensi episcopo", when recording that the latter supported his brother-in-law in the latter's rebellion against the king [Robert II][1041]. Cleric at Reims. The Chronicle of St Bénigne de Dijon records that King Lothar installed "Brunoni Remensis Ecclesie clerico…suo vero parenti propinquitate consanguinitatis" as bishop of Langres in 980[1042], King Lothar being the uterine half-brother of Bruno's mother. The Acta Concilii Remensis ad Sanctum Basolum quotes Bruno Bishop of Langres referring to "unicum fratrem meum comitem Gislebertum, meumque consobrinum comitem Guidonem"[1043], although the latter has not been identified. His necrology records the death of "Brunonis episcopi Lingonice" aged 60 after 36 years in his bishopric but does not specify his date of death[1044].
2. DODO (-947 or after). Flodoard names "Ragenaldus comes et Dodo frater ipsius" in 947[1045].
The family of Renaud de REIMS et COUCY and Albrade de LORRAINE [134983] REIMS et COUCY (de), Renaud (..), comte de Reims et Coucy
married , from France ? (France) LORRAINE (de), Albrade (Gilbert & Gerberge de SAXE [134982])
1) Ermentrude, married about 975 Othon-Guillaume de BOURGOGNE Bibliographie : Histoire de la maison royale de France (Père Anselme); Le Sang de Charlemagne
See "My Lines" ( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/p326.htm#i7076 ) from Compiler: R. B. Stewart, Evans, GA ( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/index.htm ) -------------------- lberade (Alverade) de Lorraine 1 2
Born: ABT 930 in Lorraine, France 2
Died: 13 MAR 972/73
Died: 10 MAY 967 3
Father: Giselbert I Duke of Lorraine b: ABT 887 in Lorraine, France
Mother: Gerberga of Saxony b: ABT 913 in Nordhausen, Saxony, Prussia
Marriage 1 Renaud I Comte de Roucy, & Rheims b: ABT 925 in Roucy, Marne, Champagne, France
Married: 945 4
Giselbert Comte de Roucy, & Rheims b: ABT 951 in Roucy, Aisne, Picardy, France
Ermentrude (Irmgard) de Roucy b: ABT 953 in Reims, Marne, Champagne, France
Gerberge de Reims b: ABT 960 in Reims, Marne, Champagne, France
Notes [JW]
Alberade of Lorraine [dau. of Giselbert Duke of Lorraine & Gerberga of Saxony], m. Renaud, d. 15 Mar 973, Count of Rheims and Roucy. (He is called the 8th son of Herbert II, Count of Vermandois, but is not so given by Pere Anselme; though Anselme does give Hugh, Archbishop of Rheims, as a son of Herbert II). [Ancestral Roots line 151-19]
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition, by Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Sheppard Jr., 1999
Page: 151-19
Title: Leo's Genealogics Website (Leo van de Pas), www.genealogics.org
Page: Alverade de Lorraine
Title: Newsgroup: soc.genealogy.medieval, at groups - google.com
Page: Alan B. Wilson, 30 Dec 1998
Title: Leo's Genealogics Website (Leo van de Pas), www.genealogics.org
Page: Ragenold, Comte de Roucy
read more
Alberade de Lothringen (Lorraine) von Hennegau von Hainault de Roucy, Countess of Lorraine's Timeline
931 |
Lorraine, France
952 |
Roucy, Aisne, Picardy, France
Reims, Marne, Champagne-Ardenne, France
955 |
Roucy, Aisne, France
960 |
Reims, Marne, Champagne, France
973 |
March 15, 973
Age 42
Age 42
Abbey de St. Remy, Rheims, Champagne-Ardenne, France
1005 |
Age 74