public profile
Marriage 27 December 1711 : https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSKD-WS99-J?i=245&...
The reconstruction of her families are based on the inventory of the estate of Arij van Wijk (1731), the Estate Distribution Accounts of her son, Willem van Wijk Ariesz. who died without leaving children in 1774, her daughter Maria van der Swaan's will of 1740 and also the Stellenbosch church records.
Anthonetta Campher was possibly the daughter of Laurens Campher and Ansela van de Caab who were recorded living in Stellenbosch with three children in 1703 (Cape Muster Rolls of inhabitants). The evidence for her three marriages
is as follows: 1 Willem van Wijk Arijsz: - Boedelrekening dated 6th May 1775 1 (Deceased Estate distribution accounts)
His brothers and sisters are listed, including:
as half sisters on the deceased's mothers side (als halve Susters van de overleedens moeders Zijde)
2 Opgaafrollen 2
1709 Ary Wz van Wijk 1 man
1712 Ary Wz van Wijk 1 man 1 wife 1 son 2 daughters
1719 Ary Wz van Wijk 1 man 1 wife 2 sons 3 daughters
1731 Ary van Wijk & Agnetta Campher
1 man 1 wife 5 sons 4 daughters (ref 1. below)
allowing for the fact that I don't know when in the year the opgaaf returns were made, in 1712 Ary van Wijk and Anthonetta Campher had just the one son
and in 1719 they had just one daughter, 2 sons born prior to 1719 and one son born circa 1719
This give us two daughters too many in each assessment. This could indicate the presence in the household of the two Van der Swaan daughters.
In 1731, according to the baptism registers, they had 5 sons and 4 daughters, tallying with the opgaafrollen exactly - by this time both Van der Swaan daughters had married, Anna in ... and Maria in ...
3 In her will dated 1740 3 Maria van der Swaan, naming her heir in case she shoud die without leaving any children, stated that her mother was Antonetta Campher, formerly the widow of Gerrit van den Swaan.
Given the form of this statement one would assume that Anthonetta Campher was then, in 1740, either the wife or widow of another man. Unfortunately Maria did not state what her mother's current marital state was.
4 Council of Policy 4
During 1739 there were several reports to the Council of Policy (the governing body) at the Cape from the Piketberg area where a number of dissatisfied farmers were having their case examined by Johannes Cruiwagen.
In May of 1739 he stated that he had spoken to the farmer, Hendrik Krugel, who offered to send his brother-in-law, named Gerrit van Wijk, to carry information to the other farmers.
From another statement in July of the same year we are told that in this area there were Gerrit van Wijk, the Widow Gerrit van Wijk and her son, Gerrit van Wijk the younger. The last named was a boy of 15 or so and the eldest son of the Widow van Wijk (Elisabeth Vivier).
Hendrik Krugel had no sisters so his brother-in-law must have been a brother of his wife. His wife was Maria van der Swaan.
According to the De Villiers/Pama version, she had no brothers, but if Anthonetta Campher, mother of Maria van der Swaan was the same Anthonetta Campher, mother of Gerrit van Wijk Ariesz:, then they are brothers-in-law.
We must accept, therefore, that there was only one Anthonetta Campher, married firstly to Gerrit van der Swaan, then to Arie van Wijk, Willemsz and, in 1739, recently become the widow of Jochem Scholtz.
These notes written and researched by Richard Ball ©2003 In the opgaaf of 1738 she is listed in the Drakenstein district, as being on her own, with three sons and three daughters, 40 cattle,100 sheep and some grain, presumably still farming in a small way, or perhaps livining with a son or daughter.
Her name is spelt as Anthoinneta by some (http://www.stamouers.com/campher.htm)
C.C. de Villiers gee die naam aan as Agnita. Die naam kom in die huweliksregister sowel as in die boedel van Joachim as Antoinetta, en 'n enkele keer as Anthonetta, voor. Waar De Villiers egter na haar vorige huwelik met Arij van Wyk verwys, word die naam as Antoinetta aangegee. Hoge gee ook die naam as Antoinetta aan. Sy was die dogter van Lorenz Campher en Ansela van die Kaap.
Haar vader, Lourenz Campher, was afkomstig van Danzig, Pommern, nou Duitsland. Hy was later 'n Vryburger van Stellenbosch en die eienaar van die plaas "Muratie" naby Koelenhof.
Gerrit VAN DER SWAAN was getroud 5 September 1705 met Agnietie CAMPHER, haar ouers was Lorenz Campher en Ansela van de Kaap. Sy was van slawe afkoms.
b1 Anna, = 20.6.1706, x Johannes Lodewyk Putter
b2 Maria, = 19.5.1709, x Hendrik Krugel, sv Andreas Krugel
Heese en Lombard
Saamgestel deur:
AM van Rensburg
Sy was die weduwee van Arij van Wyk wat op die plaas Kuikenvallei gewoon het. Arij was die seun van Williem van Wyk en Catharina Hillebrandts. Uit haar huwelik met Arij is tien kinders gebore en uit haar huwelik met Joachim is geen kinders gebore nie. Joachim was dus verantwoordelik vir die Raesen dogter, twee Strang dogters, sy eie twee seuns en die tien kinders Van Wyk - altesaam vyftien kinders.
Interesting chapter - (see documents attached to this profile)
"Willem, Alida, and Hans did not stay to help; instead they proceeded southward the next day. En route, they called on Alida's aunt, Antoinetta Campher, probably at Klein Vogelvlei, a scant five kilometers south of Groene Valleij at the edge of the Piketberg. Antoinetta, the widow of Joachim Scholtz, had previously been married to Ary van Wyk, Willem and Gerrit's cousin. Ary claimed Klein Vogelvlei from 1724 to 1730.39 Joachim Scholtz, then married to Anna Maria Swart, took over the lease in 1730. Anna Maria, herself twice widowed before she married Scholtz, brought resources to their marriage.40 Her previous husband, Marten Mecklenburg, held 11 loan farm permits between 1706 and 1715, all of them in the Berg River area to the south of the Piketberg. Scholtz, by contrast, was fairly poor. He had no property until after his 1727 marriage to Anna Maria.41
24After his wife's death, Scholtz petitioned the Council of Policy to undertake the care and maintenance of Anna Maria's illegitimate daughter, since he could not afford it. "As the petitioner is maimed and poor, he finds it difficult to earn enough for himself and his own child."42 He managed somehow to maintain the lease on Klein Vogelvlei until his 1733 marriage to Antoinetta Campher, Ary van Wyk's widow and the previous mistress of the farm. Despite being "maimed and poor," Joachim successfully courted Antoinetta. She was clearly richer, but Joachim had the permit for Klein Vogelvlei. As the mother of ten children and a stock owner, Antoinetta obviously needed land, and Ary van Wyk did not leave them a farm.
25In her first year of widowhood, Antoinetta lived with eight of her ten children and one slave. She reported three horses, 48 head of cattle, 63 sheep, and an exceptional crop of 45 muid of wheat produced from three muid sown.43 Widower Scholtz lived with his only surviving son and kept two horses, 6 head of cattle, and 50 sheep.44 In combining their resources, Antoinetta and Joachim had a large household and reasonable, but not exceptional, resources.
26By 1740 Antoinetta found herself widowed again, but in straitened circumstances. According to the opgaaf, she lived with five of her ten children still at home but no livestock or agricultural produce.45 She was unlikely to have been as destitute as she appears on paper. We can surmise from Alida's testimony that Antoinetta continued to live on Klein Vogelvlei after Hendrik Krugel acquired the permit in 1738.46 Antoinetta's son Willem van Wyk lived close by. Her widowed daughter-in-law was also in the neighborhood and had large flocks and herds.47 Undoubtedly Antoinetta had access to resources beyond what she reported in the opgaaf."
From The First Fifty Years Project
NGK G1 1/1, Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Bapt.), 1665-1695: 1690
den 29 dito [Jannuarius] ... slave kinderen gedoopt te.n
overstaen als getuigen den H. Secunda Persoon Sr. Andrijs [de ] ende den H.Capt [Willem Padt]
[My thanks to Mansell Upham for clarifying this transcription.], transcribed by Richard Ball, Norfolk, England, (May 2006), Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch http://www.eggsa.org/. Hereinafter cited as Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Bapt.).
Source for name, marriages, children, baptism, parents http://www.e-family.co.za/ffy/g6/p6685.htm
Agnietie / Antonetta Kamfers x 5 Sep 1705 Gerrit van der Swaan mtDNA Haplogroup L0a1b2
See Uploaded PDF by Nic Steyn and Discussion https://www.geni.com/discussions/182220?msg=1287802 about whether she had a sister
NGK G1 1/1, Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Bapt.), 1665-1695: 1690: den 29 dito [Jannuarius] van den Edl. Comp. slave kinderen gedoopt ten overstaen als getuigen den H. Secunda Persoon Sr. Andrijs [de Man] ende den H.Capt Willem [Padt]: een kindt van Ansela van de Caep genaemt Angenietie een half slagh
Slave lodge census: Agenitje, female, child, half-cast, scholar
1705 5 Septemb Gerrit van der Swaan jongm. met Agnitie Kamfers van Cabo jonge dogt.
Baptism Register, Palmkronieke I Baptisms, Anna, d' Vader Gerrit Vander Swaan, d' Moeder Agnitie Camfer, getùygen Mattijs de Beer, en Heyltie Smit, 20 Jùny 1706.
Baptism Register, Palmkronieke I Baptisms, Marritie, de vader Gerrit Vander Swaan, de moeder Agnitie Canfer, getùygen Claas Janse met aaltie Schalk, 19 May 1709.
[1711] 27 ditto [xbr] Arie van Wijck van Cabo jongm, met Agnietie Campher van Cabo jongedr.
Baptism Register, Palmkronieke I Baptisms, Willem, d' Vader Ary van Wijck, d' Moeder Antonette Camfer, getùygen Corneliùs Camfer, met Dorothea Oelofse, 8 Mey 1712.
Willem van Wyk Stellenbosch Baptism Father: Ary van Wyk Mother: Anthoinetta Camfer Witnessed by: Cornelis Camfer and Dorothea Oelofsen
Gerrit van Wyk Stellenbosch Father: Ary van Wyk Mother: Anthoinetta Kamfer Witnessed by: Gerrit van Wyk and Aletta van Wyk
Baptism Register, Palmkronieke I Baptisms, Gerret, d'Vader Ary Van Wyck, d'Moeder Antonette Kamfer, getù Gerret van Wyck, en Alletta van Wyck, 30e 7r 1714.
Christoffel van Wyk Cape Town Baptism Father: Ary van Wyk Mother: Anthoinetta Campher Witnessed by: Christoffel Anthony and Jacoba Campher
Adriaan van Wyk Stellenbosch Baptism.jp Father: Ary van Wyk Mother: Anthoinetta Campher
Roeloff van Wyk Cape Town Baptism Father Ary van Wyk Mother: Anthoinetta Kamfer
Witness at baptism of Catharina Elisabeth van Wyk 15 October 1730 togeher with Ary van Wyk
Arij van Wijk MOOC8/5.40 Inventory sijn huijsvrouw
1733, 31 Meij Jochem Scholtz Burger aan Drakensteijn, wede' met Agnita Campher van Cabo de Goede Hoop wed van Aij van Wijk
Acc to http://www.ballfamilyrecords.co.uk/kfp/I133.html - In her will dated 1740 [Maria] stated that her mother was Antonetta Campher. formerly the widow of Gerrit van den Swaan.
1689 |
Stellenbosch, South Africa
Born before 1698 |
1690 |
January 29, 1690
Age 1
Caap de Goede Hoop, South Africa
1706 |
June 20, 1706
Tulbagh, Cape Winelands, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
1709 |
May 19, 1709
Caep de Goede Hoop, South Africa
1712 |
May 8, 1712
1714 |
September 30, 1714
Drakenstein, Caap de Goede Hoop, Suid Afrika
1716 |
December 6, 1716
1719 |
1720 |